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Saudia reportedly refuses Israeli passport holders to purchase tickets

Most of gold mind has never been tapped yet actually.

Allah has Truly Blessed SA with Biggest Gold Reserves.................But That SA is South Africa.............Saudi Arabia is no where on this list..............

Global Reserves

According to U.S. Geological Survey the global gold reserves in 2007 amounted to approximately 1498 million oz - which is sufficient for 20 years of mining at the current production rates.

USGS also indicate that the total “Reserve Base” amounts to approximately 3353 million ounces. The Reserve Base includes Measured and Indicated Resources and generally excludes the Inferred Category of Resources.

The highest level of gold reserves are indicated to be in South Africa (193 Moz)– followed by Australia (161 Moz) and Russia (161 Moz) and then USA (97 Moz) and Indonesia (97 Moz).

Global Reserves & Resources - GoldVal.com - World Gold Mining & Silver Mining Companies - Gold Silver Comparative Analysis Gold Shares Silver Shares
Friend You may have GOLD reserves as my country has..................But the link i provided is authentic one which speaks about the Gold Discovered in whole of world..................Your country in not in that list................

Sir, our mines haven't been touched yet, in other word these statistics of KSA are false...
Allah has Truly Blessed SA with Biggest Gold Reserves.................But That SA is South Africa.............Saudi Arabia is no where on this list..............

Global Reserves

According to U.S. Geological Survey the global gold reserves in 2007 amounted to approximately 1498 million oz - which is sufficient for 20 years of mining at the current production rates.

USGS also indicate that the total “Reserve Base” amounts to approximately 3353 million ounces. The Reserve Base includes Measured and Indicated Resources and generally excludes the Inferred Category of Resources.

The highest level of gold reserves are indicated to be in South Africa (193 Moz)– followed by Australia (161 Moz) and Russia (161 Moz) and then USA (97 Moz) and Indonesia (97 Moz).

Global Reserves & Resources - GoldVal.com - World Gold Mining & Silver Mining Companies - Gold Silver Comparative Analysis Gold Shares Silver Shares

I guess we will find out what Saudi Arabia has and what it does not have once they either run out of oil or when alternate fuels become the trend.

Israel is not recognized by 32 UN member states:

International recognition of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At present, a total of 32 United Nations member states do not recognise the State of Israel: 18 of the 22 members of the Arab League: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen; a further 11 members of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Chad, Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Mali, Niger, and Pakistan; and Bhutan, Cuba, and North Korea.[11] in 2002, the Arab League proposed the recognition of Israel by Arab countries as part of the resolution of the Palestine-Israel conflict in the Arab Peace Initiative.


In these countries and in their flag carrying airlines or ships, Israeli passport is not accepted. The detail list of Israeli passport treatment is in the above wiki article. Saudi Arabia is one of these countries that do not recognize Israel as a country and do not accept its passport.

Not sure why this guy singled out Saudia. I will look into it in more detail tomorrow.
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I guess we will find out what Saudi Arabia has and what it does not have once they either run out of oil or when alternate fuels become the trend.

Some people are truly annoying ..

Exactly, there is nothing much he can do about it. If he is going to sue then be it.
Israel is not recognized by 32 UN member states:

At present, a total of 32 United Nations member states do not recognise the State of Israel: 18 of the 22 members of the Arab League: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen; a further 11 members of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Chad, Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Mali, Niger, and Pakistan; and Bhutan, Cuba, and North Korea.[11] in 2002, the Arab League proposed the recognition of Israel by Arab countries as part of the resolution of the Palestine-Israel conflict in the Arab Peace Initiative.

In these countries and in their flag carrying airlines or ships, Israeli passport is not accepted. The detail list of Israeli passport treatment is in the above wiki article. Saudi Arabia is one of these countries that do not recognize Israel as a country and do not accept its passport.

Not sure why this guy singled out Saudia. I will look into it in more detail tomorrow.

was not a good thing SAUDI did very bad :)
Israel is a friend dont treat them like that :)

He has to wait for a century before the crude oil runs out, not to natural natural, and shale gas ;) ...

Aside, the Saudi economic growth isn't merely dependent on oil ...

I guess we will find out what Saudi Arabia has and what it does not have once they either run out of oil or when alternate fuels become the trend.

USA not Israël

Some people are as nasty as a wild Squirrel :rofl:
Saudia is alright, at least on international trips they are. I have flown ONLY Saudia for the last 3 years.
@Topic, The thing with the Israeli passports is open knowledge. No one with Israeli passport or an Israeli visa on his passport can enter the kingdom as far as I know.

I know that in Pakistan, even transit of passengers or planes is not allowed originating from Israel.

Saudi Airlines just paid a lot of money becoming sky team member, and now everything will be done so that they loose this title and all that money will go to waste.

2nd time in two years Saudis will be cheated. 1 with Typhoon deal, and now this.
And what about the israeli arab muslims?
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Friend Don't be so excited about OIL................Remember what was your Condition before discovery of OIL in GCC........Its going to be same once the OIL is finished...............OIL will get Finished One Day..........Or Alternate Source of Energy will be Discovered in this century itself.............So Cool Down and think about your future...............

Are you implying that Saudis could be like Indians after the oil expires as the worst case scenario? :no: There are allot of other non-oil sectors growing by 6-7% per year, multi-billion economic cities...etc, although oil will expire after at least 100 years, and despite that there is huge reserves of oil & gas shale and other natural resources, Saudis started working on post-oil era years ago.
Saudi Arabia does not recognize Israel is a state. Why are they making a fuss About it??

Saudia is a state owned company, so deal with it.
Simple. Saudi Arabia can do whatever it wishes in Saudi Arabia, but in US it must observe US laws which forbid discrimination of any kind.
Saudi Arabia does not recognize Israel is a state. Why are they making a fuss About it??

Saudia is a state owned company, so deal with it.

Whether you agree or like that then that is the case. From my understanding then this is the standard procedure. Whether that applies on US territory I have no idea about.

Israel is not recognized by 32 UN member states:

International recognition of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At present, a total of 32 United Nations member states do not recognise the State of Israel: 18 of the 22 members of the Arab League: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen; a further 11 members of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Chad, Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Mali, Niger, and Pakistan; and Bhutan, Cuba, and North Korea.[11] in 2002, the Arab League proposed the recognition of Israel by Arab countries as part of the resolution of the Palestine-Israel conflict in the Arab Peace Initiative.


In these countries and in their flag carrying airlines or ships, Israeli passport is not accepted. The detail list of Israeli passport treatment is in the above wiki article. Saudi Arabia is one of these countries that do not recognize Israel as a country and do not accept its passport.

Not sure why this guy singled out Saudia. I will look into it in more detail tomorrow.

Well, that clarifies much. That's quite a few countries there and quite a big population. Nearly 1 billion people in total.
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