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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Lol That is what intrigues me. I have been trying hard to understand why Qatar(a Monarchy with largest U.S and to a lesser extent U.K military base in the region) and Turkey(a secular advanced muslim country) are supporting the MB. Despite the fact that the MB's ideology is openly against what Qatar and Turkey stands for.

I'm still trying to figure this out. Maybe someone with more knowledge on here can expatiate abit more on this for me?:undecided:
That is because MB come in different flavours, they have many branches with different but converging Ideologies, So in some places they fit in and in others they don't..
The recent Riyadh Summit showed this perfectly. I think that Qatar felt isolated so that is why the Emir made that nonsense statement during that cadet graduation where he praised Israel, Hezbollah, Iran and MB simultaneously

WTF? :o:. Qatar's monarch really said that? ARE YOU SURE?o_O

If that's true, then I must commend him for making such a statement. I have never seen a muslim leader make a statement praising both Hezbollah, Iran, MB and ISRAEL(a taboo thing to say in the muslim world) at the same time. :woot: This is a ground breaking NEWS indeed. However ,he shot himself in the foot at the same time as well, since he won't find any favour from the above actors he praised, since none of them like each other.:(

Anywau, who cares? This king seems to be quite interesting. I'm beginning to like him now. He defies any normal islamic logic :enjoy:

That is because MB come in different flavours, they have many branches with different but converging Ideologies, So in some places they fit in and in others they don't..
I see, so which Muslim brotherhood branch is pro Monarchy(Qatar) and which one is pro Secularism(Turkey).
WTF? :o:. Qatar's monarch really said that? ARE YOU SURE?o_O

If that's true, then I must commend him for making such a statement. I have never seen a muslim leader make a statement praising both Hezbollah, Iran, MB and ISRAEL(a taboo thing to say in the muslim world) at the same time. :woot: This is a ground breaking NEWS indeed. However ,he shot himself in the foot at the same time as well, since he won't find any favour from the above actors he praised, since none of them like each other.:(

Anywau, who cares? This king seems to be quite interesting. I'm beginning to like him now. He defies any normal islamic logic :enjoy:

Apparently. The official Qatari version is that such a thing never took place and when the statement was posted on the official website of the Qatari government (something similar - don't remember the original statement as I did not take much notice of it back then) they said that they were hacked.

The statement makes no sense no matter how you look at it but if it was genuine it was aimed at "testing the waters" and seeing the reaction of KSA and the GCC and much of the Arab world. Egypt in particular. As I said I think that Qatar felt and feels sidelined after the Riyadh Summit and they are realizing that they were trying to orchestre something way too big and complicated for their size. Imagine if the US leaves Qatar and gives a green light for KSA/GCC to "deal" with Qatar? They would not be able to do anything in such a case.

He is a Emir. There are only two kings in the GCC and those are King Salman and King Hamad. Oman for instance, on the other hand, is a Sultanate. The only remaining sultanate in the world.

Kuwait is a Emirate while UAE is a confederation of 7 emirates. However there is also a presidency in the UAE which is held by the Emir of Abu Dhabi who is the wealthiest and most influential emir of the 7 UAE emirs.

I see, so which Muslim brotherhood branch is pro Monarchy(Qatar) and which one is pro Secularism(Turkey).

There is no such distinction. Never seen any evidence of that. Both were pro-MB in Egypt. Same in Libya. Both on the losing side.
WTF? :o:. Qatar's monarch really said that? ARE YOU SURE?o_O

If that's true, then I must commend him for making such a statement. I have never seen a muslim leader make a statement praising both Hezbollah, Iran, MB and ISRAEL(a taboo thing to say in the muslim world) at the same time. :woot: This is a ground breaking NEWS indeed. However ,he shot himself in the foot at the same time as well, since he won't find any favour from the above actors he praised, since none of them like each other.:(

Anywau, who cares? This king seems to be quite interesting. I'm beginning to like him now. He defies any normal islamic logic :enjoy:

I see, so which Muslim brotherhood branch is pro Monarchy(Qatar) and which one is pro Secularism(Turkey).
It does not have to be An MB branch per se, it can be an affiliate like the last leading party in Morocco, which is a Monarchy, I guess they have some moderate affiliates all over the Muslim world who do not mind monarchies..
When the time comes, Al-Saud house will kill Egyptians with zero mercy.
I'm happy you don't like the Al-Saud house, makes sense to me
Look at Qatar these losers arranged an alliance within 12 hours , hilarious, they cannot do the same about Israel. Hypocrites !

Those islands, are a part of Egypt, the slave cannot give them up to Al-Saud house :: Google this
theguardian com/world/2017/jan/16/egyptian-court-rejects-transfer-red-sea-islands-saudi-arabia-tiran-sanafir
Based on the scroll that Egyptian people signed recently. It is not something to give up as easily. Sisi has to deal with Egyptian people :tup:
How do you Egyptians see the current events in the middle East, Are you people in favour of MB inspired groups taking over power from the regimes in the region (Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Iran, Arab states, and Egypt itself)?

Is that you @mohammad45 ?

You are posting 5 months old articles.



How do you Egyptians see the current events in the middle East, Are you people in favour of MB inspired groups taking over power from the regimes in the region (Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Iran, Arab states, and Egypt itself)?

He is not an Egyptian, lol.
Apparently. The official Qatari version is that such a thing never took place and when the statement was posted on the official website of the Qatari government (something similar - don't remember the original statement as I did not take much notice of it back then) they said that they were hacked.

The statement makes no sense no matter how you look at it but if it was genuine it was aimed at "testing the waters" and seeing the reaction of KSA and the GCC and much of the Arab world. Egypt in particular. As I said I think that Qatar felt and feels sidelined after the Riyadh Summit and they are realizing that they were trying to orchestre something way too big and complicated for their size. Imagine if the US leaves Qatar and gives a green light for KSA/GCC to "deal" with Qatar? They would not be able to do anything in such a case.

He is a Emir. There are only two kings in the GCC and those are King Salman and King Hamad. Oman for instance, on the other hand, is a Sultanate. The only remaining sultanate in the world.

Kuwait is a Emirate while UAE is a confederation of 7 emirates. However there is also a presidency in the UAE which is held by the Emir of Abu Dhabi who is the wealthiest and most influential emir of the 7 UAE emirs.
I see, so what's Turkey's role/interests in supporting the MB as well?
I see, so what's Turkey's role/interests in supporting the MB as well?

Influnece in Arab states post "Arab Spring". They thought that MB rule would engulf the entire Arab world but they were severely mistaken. Now the Erdogan administration cannot really backtrack as too much money, energy and time has been spent on this project. However they will have to.

Anyway it is important to understand that there are various MB branches and differences within them. I am all for locals in Arab country x or y choosing to vote for MB-inspired political parties but those parties should not be controlled by outside forces. All the necessary political and social changes should come from within and naturally basically. Not the opposite. Monarchies and MB-inspired political groups can coexist btw. Morocco is a good example of this.

Political Islamism will always play a role in the Muslim world. However nobody wants to exchange regimes with Islamist regimes if they are all the same. That's why political and social maturity and necessary societal developments, in a country like Egypt for instance, need to take place before a proper political structure can be established. Same story in Libya. It's impossible, after 40 + years of dictatorial Gaddafi rule, just after a civil war, post civil war much foreign meddling, to think that Libya will built anything long-lasting within months. That's not going to work.
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You are number 1 terrorist in the world. You invented suicide terrorism. You slaughter over 1 million people just because they wanted get rid of corrupt dictator.

Israeli fascists and Salafi terrorist ideology from Saudi Arabia (the Virus) are the principal reason for all the terrorism in the Middle East today. Israel and ISIS are just two sides of the same coin, you are not actually in any position to even mention the word terrorism, let alone talking about it.
what is the funny thing about this incident is twitter political conspiracy theories advocaters, some genuinely believe that Qatar is the next target of western fragmentation of the middle east. at first i thought he meant GCC as whole, which is unlikely. but he was speaking about Qatar precisely.

now pardon me, i know Geography isn't the best traits of some people. but what is there to divide? two rooms and a shared bathroom with Bahrain?:lol:

Qatar had enough time to decide wisely or focus in internal problems instead.
Political Islamism will always play a role in the Muslim world. However nobody wants to exchange regimes with Islamist regimes if they are all the same
What do these Islamists group propose that is new or that isn't already present in the region to some extent? From what I know, some of them keep demanding more from even islamic states in the muslim world. There are Islamists groups who say even the Islamic State of Pakistan isn't islamic enough.lol, Islamic State of Iran practices an islamic ideology that isn't consistent with what true Islam represents or that it isn't islamic enough, KSA (who many consider to have one of the most strict shariah laws on the planet) is not islamic enough either, more strict islamic laws should be applied , Turkey is a kafir islamic country who has abandoned true Islam etc etc.

Which islamic country exactly are they satisfied with at present?
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What do these Islamists groups propose that is new or that isn't already prsent in the region to some extent? From what I know, some of them keep demanding even more from even islamic states in the muslim world. There are Islamists groups who say even Islamic republic of Pakistan isn't islamic enough.lol, Islamic republic of Iran practices an islamic ideology that isn't consistent with what true Islam represents or that it isn't islamic enough, KSA (who many consider to have one of the most strict shariah laws on the planet) is not islamic enough either more strict islamic laws should be applied etc etc.

Which islamic country exactly are they satisfied with?

Mate, this is a complicated region. If I should give you an overview of Islamist orientations and political groups and non-political groups in the Arab world alone (let alone the entire Muslim world) I would need to write an entire novel here.

Anyway I can give you a relatively short outline of how I think that political parties, Islamist and non-Islamist could coexist in KSA side by side with a constitutional monarchy or at least a monarchy with more limited powers than currently if you are interested.

Anyway I hope you realize that the UK has a long history of hosting MB dissidents from across the Arab world. In particular from Egypt and Libya. I always found it very strange that Obama (US) was so pro-MB. Something was not right which is why I lost trust in that group by large. At least the branch found in Egypt.

what is the funny thing about this incident is twitter political conspiracy theories advocaters, some genuinely believe that Qatar is the next target of western fragmentation of the middle east. at first i thought he meant GCC as whole, which is unlikely. but he was speaking about Qatar precisely.

now pardon me, i know Geography isn't the best traits of some people. but what is there to divide? two rooms and a shared bathroom with Bahrain?:lol:

Qatar had enough time to decide wisely or focus in internal problems instead.

No shortage of hilarious stuff and conspiracy theories on social media and forums. That is for sure. But overall a relatively calm reaction. I for once expected more, lol.

Nabateus? Nabateans?

No shortage of hilarious stuff and conspiracy theories on social media and forums. That is for sure. But overall a relatively calm reaction. I for once expected more, lol.

Nabateus? Nabateans?

i assure you that this thread doesn't lack it's sizable share of funny ad hominem amount of those in social media. Yup the mighty Nabataean Arabs, creators of the world New 7wonders

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