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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

LOL I guess so. Well, I suppose you could do just that. Write a book about an analysis of the different varieties of Islamists groups views/orientation in the Arab world first, then you can continue with another book or books(Volume II) on the Muslim world.
You might become famous writer(judging from the fact that you like writing as well) who knows.:D


I think that I will pass such a project. Rather than discussing here I should be finishing my master's thesis in chemical engineering. However PDF and social media is a powerful drug and I currently have a few discussions at once on various platforms. This is always the case whenever something major happens in the region. I have to discuss such topics in person or online. Can't stop doing it.

Actually there has been literature about the MB in Arabic and English but not too much. A book about contemporary Muslim political movements should be written for sure if it has not already.

I think that I will pass such a project. Rather than discussing here I should be finishing my master's thesis in chemical engineering. However PDF and social media is a powerful drug and I currently have a few discussions at once on various platforms. This is always the case whenever something major happens in the region. I have to discuss such topics in person or online. Can't stop doing it.

Actually there has been literature about the MB in Arabic and English but not too much. A book about contemporary Muslim political movements should be written for sure if it has not already.

I'm in the same shit, finishing bachelor thesis and getting distracted.
I'm in the same shit, finishing bachelor thesis and getting distracted.

My sleep pattern is also totally messed up. Ramadan does not help either. Anyway all the best of luck bro. I am sure that you will do well.

Kuwait emir in Saudi Arabia as Qatar ready to accept mediation efforts

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani spoke by telephone overnight with his counterpart in Kuwait. (File photo: AP)
Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, is visits Jeddah on Wednesday as Kuwait-led mediation efforts are taking shape in the crisis of severing ties with Qatar.

Qatar's foreign minister said on Tuesday Doha was ready for mediation efforts after the Arab world's biggest powers severed ties with it, adding that Qatar's ruler had delayed a speech in order to give Kuwait a chance to ease regional tensions.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain severed diplomatic relations with Qatar in a coordinated move on Monday. Yemen, Libya's eastern-based government and the Maldives joined later and transport links were shut down.

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani spoke by telephone overnight with his counterpart in Kuwait, which has maintained diplomatic ties with Qatar, and decided to postpone a speech to the Qatari
people as requested.

Doha also decided not to retaliate against the measures.

Qatar wants to give Kuwait's Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber al-Sabah the ability to "proceed and communicate with the parties to the crisis and to try to contain the issue," Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani said in comments to Qatar-based Al Jazeera television.

Kuwait's emir had an important role in a previous Gulf rift in 2014 and Qatar's Sheikh Tamim "regards him as a parent and respects his desire to postpone any speech or step until there is a clearer picture of the crisis," Al Jazeera quoted the foreign minister as saying.

Sheikh Mohammed told the channel that the measures taken against Qatar had an "unprecedented impact" on its citizens and on family relations in the Gulf Arab region, but said Doha will not take counter measures.

Qatar "believes such differences between sister countries must be resolved through dialogue."


At least this dispute is peaceful so far and we can laugh at this unlike other conflicts in the region that we cannot laugh at, sadly.



A little reminder of what we are really discussing here:


Both KSA and Turkey. CIA and NATO.

They want peace in their own country, and chaos in others. And they clam themself as the victim of the terrorism, WTF?

Salafist and Eastern Turkestan is the real terrorists.

I am just curious but do you have any proof of KSA (China is the largest trading partner of KSA) supporting any terrorism in Xinjiang?
Khizr was born in 1466[1] or around 1478[citation needed] in the village Palaiokipos on the Ottoman island of Midilli (Lesbos) (now Greece), the son of Yakup Ağa, a converted Turk sipahi[2] of Albanian origin

This is pure nonsense. SIPAHIS were TURKISH KNIGHTS OF TURKISH ORIGIN ONLY. I.e not Albanian, Bulgarian, Greeks, French or Malaysian.

Anyways back on topic, what are you guys doing to nice Qatar?

And you should stop bothering replying to some Turkish members. The Kemalists are more pro-Israel and Anti-Turkish..the AKP are more Arab than Arab themselves(though I'm sure a lot are Arab descent)

KSA did not fund Uighur, it is turkey who is the snake behind xinjiang
But they will pay the price
Make your minds up...The Uighurs are not our brothers. We are native Anatolians lol
Why don't you blame the Kazaks? Oh, because that would not make sense would it. brothers helping brothers.

Both KSA and Turkey. CIA and NATO.

They want peace in their own country, and chaos in others. And they clam themself as the victim of the terrorism, WTF?

Salafist and Eastern Turkestan is the real terrorists.
Only Turkey is victim of terrorism, not China. WTF indeed.
Maybe you should blame the "real Turks".

I think that I will pass such a project. Rather than discussing here I should be finishing my master's thesis in chemical engineering. However PDF and social media is a powerful drug and I currently have a few discussions at once on various platforms. This is always the case whenever something major happens in the region. I have to discuss such topics in person or online. Can't stop doing it.

Actually there has been literature about the MB in Arabic and English but not too much. A book about contemporary Muslim political movements should be written for sure if it has not already.

Studies should be top priority. Glad to know that my Arab brother is enrolled in a Masters degree program.

Education is the key to success and global connectivity.
I'm in the same shit, finishing bachelor thesis and getting distracted
I think that I will pass such a project. Rather than discussing here I should be finishing my master's thesis in chemical engineering. However PDF and social media is a powerful drug and I currently have a few discussions at once on various platforms. This is always the case whenever something major happens in the region. I have to discuss such topics in person or online. Can't stop doing it.

Actually there has been literature about the MB in Arabic and English but not too much. A book about contemporary Muslim political movements should
So both of you are caught up in this endless PDF drug cycle and can't help but ask for more.:pdf::p:

Studies should be top priority. Glad to know that my Arab brother is enrolled in a Masters degree program.

Educated people are the future.

Brother, most of us (young generation = 70% of the population in KSA) are well-educated and a large percentage even highly educated. Now the local manpower is also no longer a obstacle. The results of such development will be visible in the future, near as distant one. Same story with other GCC and Arab states. What should follow along with such a development is the needed fundament which is the job of the various states and regimes in power. It should be all about empowering the people and if this is done political and social changes will come naturally in their own tempo.

Pakistan is no different. It's the same exact story. Which is why I look towards the future very optimistically as it can only improve eventually. Once that happens (it already happens each year) the sky will be the limit.

So both of you are caught up in this endless PDF drug cycle and can't help but ask for more.:pdf::p:

Are we not all that, lol? Otherwise we would not be here.
MB is pan Islamic movement. They object secular leaders and monarchies as collaborators of the West (except Qatari with biggest US base in ME :lol:).

Can you give us sources for any MB parties which agenda is based on that? Most MB parties, if not all, are parties that operate within system of democracy. And they are not against ties with the West in the event they win elections in a nation, they prefer their people get the most out of any relationship, however.

The same critics of MB accuse them of being agents of the West if they do have diplomatic ties with nations globally, and if they don't, bash them as being backwards people who can't adapt to modern world. So save us this nonsense.
Muslims were powerful back then. Today, each Islamic state is an easy picking..

How were Muslims more powerful back then? During the First Crusade the Christians took over Jerusalem and controlled it for over 88 years before the arrival of Salah Ad-Din Ayubi, who I would like to remind you had to contend with a divided Muslim world and fighting Richard the Lion Heart. Back then Muslims believed in dignity, justice and honor. Today these cockroach rulers only care about their power rather than the Muslim world. Why do you think each Islamic State is an easy picking? I tell you why, because these idiots don't have the courage to do the right polices. Saudi Arabia had a fantastic opportunity to become an economic power house due to their oil revenue in the last 30 years and to lead the Muslim world to a much better direction. But what did they do? Invest in Western countries who will discard them.

Turkey cannot leave NATO easily because consequences will be severe for it. Europe is its largest trading partner and NATO security umbrella extends to Turkish mainland. Turkey also has Kurd problem. Too much to loose.

Why can't Turkey leave NATO? Many thought Britain leaving the Euro was bullshit, but last summer we all saw what happened. This is the difference between gutless Muslim leaders of today and strong bold leaders from the past. Turkey should stand on its own two feet and give a middle finger to NATO because the Europeans will never allow them entry into European Union. Turkey does have a Kurd problem, do you think NATO will resolve this problem for them? Turkey doesn't need them, their own security forces and intelligence services will do the job. Do you think the emergence of a Kurdistan in Iraq is not influenced by America and by de facto NATO? Like I said before, Turkey should control its own destiny and become like the Ottoman Turks with a pair of balls which the Al Saud family is lacking.

Saudi Arabia has supported Pakistan in difficult times (specially during the time of sanctions). We tend to forget the "good" aspect of our relations with states other than China.

So we have supported Saudi Arabia in difficult times too, does that mean we should bow down to those Al Saud cockroaches who are funding terrorists activities in Pakistan. They have effectively destroyed our society through their extremists ideology. Saudi Arabia could have invested billions of dollars in Pakistan, yet it only gives us peanuts, just enough to survive, but do you think, they want to see a strong economically powerful Pakistan. Why do we have 10,000 troops in Saudi Arabia? What is the point in spending 350 billion dollars if you can't even protect your own country and require the assistance of another. I am frank with my opinion and don't hide behind a charade.

Chinese investment cannot uplift a state that lacks in vision and is mired in corruption. Look at the example of Venezuela; it has largest proven oil reserves in the world but its economy has collapsed recently in-spite of heavy Chinese investment in its economy. I cam explain to you why this happened.

When did I say Chinese investment alone can uplift a state which lacks vision and is rife with corruption? Instead I said the Chinese with all their money unlike the Saudi's have a vision to initiate policies that will have positive effect in the region while increasing their influence. The oil boom really began in the 1980s, with all that money stashed in there fund, what have these ancient fossils done for the Muslim world, where a similar grand scheme policy can be implemented? They have done jackshit, and do you know why? Because they are too busy funding an extremists ideology and replacing regimes. Do you think the people in Yemen are not fed with Saudi interference? Do you think the people of Pakistan are not fed with Saudi interference. Actually if you read the resource curse theory, you will know that countries with an abundant amount of resources never do well, because dictators like to oppress the public.

You talk about China as if China has risen independently from its relations with the US. There was a time when China was fighting wars with the US at the cost of its development. Then the Chinese realized that they will continue to suffer unless they get their prioritize straight and opened the doors for foreign investment. Same US was now a major source of revenue generation and industrialization. And now China is another world power. Think about it.

When did I say China rose independently from its relations with the US? China fighting wars with the US was not at the cost of its development. Where did you read this? The Great Leap Forward and The Cultural Revolution was the main reason why China wasn't development, which was changed by Deng Xiaoping. The Korean War or the Vietnam has nothing to do with China's failure to develop. I agree the Chinese did realize that the open door policy was important for progress and the last 40 years has shown that. However, what have the Saudi's done in the last 50 years since their alliance with America and the boom of oil....jackshit....and the price of oil will fall, they will never get the same chance again. Furthermore, the Chinese were actually selling something to the Americans with there low costs factories, and its only in the last 5 years that there companies are investing heavily abroad. Do you see the difference. One country is building its industry, while the other is giving a blank cheque just for its survival.
Assad, Ghaddafi, Al-Sisi, Hamad, Salman, Muhammad ibn zayd, even some of the presidents share mutual hatred and disagreements with each other, but they all agree on one thing. Qatar situation with Arab states and especially GCC is not new, it date back to 2011 and further. nothing could be done at this moment except for harsh measurement and open critical stand. hopefully everything will back to normal, and Qatar essential focus would be directed towards the development and infrastructure of the state instead. and in the end both populations are brothers "tied" By blood and nothing will change that.

As if we didn't know that already, you guys all share the same immediate objectives against your own self determined Sunni Muslims. This isn't about Qatar, it's about sending message to general Sunni Muslim populace(whether Islamist or secular) that believe in self determination and right to fair political process. This people don't want deterioration of their states, it's you pro-regime guys who are against reform, development, independence, etc.... that threaten to take illegal measures if not kill people to prevent that.
Same people accusing Qatar of being US agent to unleash MB on their nations .... haha .... Man, you pro-regime people are the worst:

Trump says isolating Qatar ‘beginning of end’ of terrorism
US President Donald Trump wades into a rapidly escalating Gulf crisis, suggesting ally Qatar — home to the largest US military base in the Middle East — is funding extremism as he tacitly backed a diplomatic blockade of the emirate.


No one is doubting Qatar has ties with the US, we're doubting your bizarre conspiracy theories which you know aren't true. Meanwhile your ties are many times more powerful from an political standpoint.
MB with its many different local branches who often have their own objectives and mostly focus on domestic matters are not a problem. Nor political Islamism for that matter. Political groups and parties in the Arab and Muslim world that have their roots in Islamic teachings have come to stay and they are already part and parcel of our existing systems.

It's not about Islam, having Islam as party platform doesn't make such a party the superior party. It's all about what they strive for. There are some Islamic parties that are hypocritical or don't have anything on their agenda to advance the interests of the people of the region. There secular people who do want to advance the interests of the people, and they and moderate 'Islamist' folk have the best interests of the people in hand. Forget parties all together. This is sending a message to the people in general. To a point where people who were inciting the public against Assad are now tolerant of him if it means it will shutdown the aspirations of the people all alike. These dictators are no different from one another, if they aren't challenged by the people, there will be no development of any sort in the Arab world.
KSA did not fund Uighur, it is turkey who is the snake behind xinjiang
But they will pay the price

Uighur ideology is Salafi which is backed by the Al Saud family and this is one of the main reasons why the Hui Muslim are peaceful. This is the problem with China, they need to understand where the problem is coming from. I am not saying Turkey is a saint, China should make its concerns quite clear.
It's not about Islam, having Islam as party platform doesn't make such a party the superior party. It's all about what they strive for. There are some Islamic parties that are hypocritical or don't have anything on their agenda to advance the interests of the people of the region. There secular people who do want to advance the interests of the people, and they and moderate 'Islamist' folk have the best interests of the people in hand. Forget parties all together. This is sending a message to the people in general. To a point where people who were inciting the public against Assad are now tolerant of him if it means it will shutdown the aspirations of the people all alike. These dictators are no different from one another, if they aren't challenged by the people, there will be no development of any sort in the Arab world.

I agree however I look at this dispute in a different way bro. See post 624. As for aspirations of people, that will not happen anywhere in the Arab or Muslim world, as long as authoritarian regimes are in power. You know it is bad if Tunisia is the shinning light in the Muslim world.

However that is one thing that will eventually change. When it changes it must be a natural domestic process. As long as this process is not completed we cannot allow the stable regions and countries to be engulfed in chaos for the sake of political disagreements. Especially not if foreigners are involved. That's why I believe that this diplomatic raw is about a breach of trust in a volatile region in a volatile period. Hence the strong reaction. I understand it completely given the regional atmosphere and situation. Anything else would be strange. What makes so little sense is that instability in the GCC will engulf Qatar itself. Nobody will gain anything from this. As I see it is Qatar (a mouse acting like a lion) and its ambitions that have reached uncontrollable levels to such an extend that they cannot see that they are damaging their own neighborhood.
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