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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar


Brother, you have raised some very good points (credit where due). I will respond when I have time, inshallah.

@Saif al-Arab

I believe that Saudi Arabia should invest in Pakistan; contribute to development in Pakistan to some extent (2 billion USD investment package would be a great start). Sometimes, a gesture is made on a goodwill basis and not exclusively for returns.

If you have connections, please leverage them.
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Shut up pls Uighur has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia.lived among them so keep your stupid mentality with you. You Rafdhi pigs are always butthurt because of Sunni Islam. Name them Wahabi Salafi Deobandi or whatever we will fk u up If u try to impose ur shitty religion on us.

Bro, @Rasengan is not a troll. He is just uninformed (with all due respect) on certain issues that he is discussing in this thread.

KSA hosts one of the largest Uyghur communities in the world (50.000 +) and they do not create any troubles nor is KSA creating trouble in Xinjiang. It's a ridiculous empty accusation. Not only that, the rhetoric used is also annoying indeed. Whenever there is a problem in the Muslim world, no matter how little it has to do with their favorite bogey-words (Wahhabi, Salafi, Hanbali, Sunni etc.) they tend to blame everything on those bogey-words. However once when the actions of terrorists are analyzed it becomes very obvious that those same terrorists have nothing to do with those beliefs.

You have been reported:) Now go and serve some chai like a good little slave to your Saudi masters, you idol worshipper. For your information I am a Sunni, but unlike you I am not a sectarian waste of sperm.

You should avoid calling people who live among us and you have almost all the same rights and opportunities (expect for the ones that every national enjoys in every country) as "slaves". @Malik Abdullah is a highly educated person who was born in KSA and who has lived there all his life. I do not approve of your language. We do not consider anyone a slave and if I spot a native abusing an expat, whether Arab or non-Arab, I will not hesitate to aid the expat like the vast, vast majority of us will do outside of a minority of laud troublemakers that do everything to shot themselves and the country in the foot.
I hope Qatar surfaces stronger, I really don't like Saudi.
I agree however I look at this dispute in a different way bro. See post 624. As for aspirations of people, that will not happen anywhere in the Arab or Muslim world, as long as authoritarian regimes are in power. You know it is bad if Tunisia is the shinning light in the Muslim world.

However that is one thing that will eventually change. When it changes it must be a natural domestic process. As long as this process is not completed we cannot allow the stable regions and countries to be engulfed in chaos for the sake of political disagreements. Especially not if foreigners are involved. That's why I believe that this diplomatic raw is about a breach of trust in a volatile region in a volatile period. Hence the strong reaction. I understand it completely given the regional atmosphere and situation. Anything else would be strange. What makes so little sense is that instability in the GCC will engulf Qatar itself. Nobody will gain anything from this. As I see it is Qatar (a mouse acting like a lion) and its ambitions that have reached uncontrollable levels to such an extend that they cannot see that they are damaging their own neighborhood.

I appreciate your intentions, but there is no natural process whatsoever that will take place not even in the coming 30 years. That doesn't mean the only other option is chaos. Chaos should not be an option at all. Peaceful demands and demonstrations need to be had, to demand fair political process. These governments mishandle affairs so badly. They are against the aspirations of the people and prefer ISIS or other dictators to be in power rather than the general majority made up of moderate Islamists, seculars, and liberals, who seek to develop a better system.
You should avoid calling people who live among us and you have almost all the same rights and opportunities (expect for the ones that every national enjoys in every country) as "slaves". @Malik Abdullah is a highly educated person who was born in KSA and who has lived there all his life. I do not approve of your language. We do not consider anyone a slave and if I spot a native abusing an expat, whether Arab or non-Arab, I will not hesitate to aid the expat like the vast, vast majority of us will do outside of a minority of laud troublemakers that do everything to shot themselves and the country in the foot.

Malik is so highly educated, that he assumed I was a Shia because I had a difference of opinion and spoke ill of the Saud family so my response was in kind. When I meant Saudi Masters I was referring to the Al Saud family, not the ordinary people. But if you find my message offensive, then I will change it.
You are a cunt follower. You are not a Sunni you have nothing to do with Quran and Sunnah.
Let us all refrain from issuing abusive remarks and have a civilized conversation.

Member Rasengan have some extreme views but I believe that he is frustrated with hostility and confusion reigning supreme in the Islamic bloc these days. I also disagree with him on several counts but I believe that I will bring my brother to understand some of my points in my responses.


Brother, harsh language promotes hostility and is detrimental to our efforts to achieve mutual understanding and harmony. Whatever the situation there is, please understand that people are not perfect and we need to respect their sensitivities sometimes.
Either which way too big a mess to be resolved in a few weeks.

If all these Arab nations and one Asian one cut ties with Qatar because state sponsorship of terror, implying having evidence...then the lamp is truly rubbed. Comes out the famous spirit....

What is the Western Europe, US and UN going to do about it? Russia sure would like to cut off a competitor in the Gas Game...

After all these states are the vicitim of terror... London just happened.

So what is the West and UN going to do about it? How can it not pursue the matter if these arab states are sitting on massive evidence?

And what about Qatar's counter attack?

Answers are welcome!
I disagree. If the current reformist tendencies continue in KSA and the GCC, absolute power or power-hungry elements will diminish. Already the rulers, at least in KSA, cannot do anything that goes against the wishes of the people. That is why they are very careful. During the economic slump, that is no longer relevant, their economic reforms never reached such a point where the people would not accept them. They know that in order to survive they need to help keep evolve the country on all fronts and make it grow. If not they will stagnate and they will lose their power and throne. That's what is beneficial about them. Because they are bound to perform. An elected leader can rule a country for 4 years and destroy it as much as he wants to (in theory) but there will always be a successor to clean up the mess. If the House of Saud creates some gigantic mess in the country, they risk being toppled, and when that happens there will be no point of return.

They handle domestic affairs relatively well, if we are to ignore political self determination/freedom and social reforms. But, handle regional and political matters poorly. This goes for most governments in the region too.
You are a cunt follower. You are not a Sunni you have nothing to do with Quran and Sunnah.

Better a cunt follower than what you follow, the world is still too soft on these terror vouchers, should just execute them. May allah provide the rafida with eternal ammunition.
I did not take part in your exchange. However I will tell you that he is highly educated.

Fair enough but even that language is inaccurate as you would deem me a slave of the House of Saud just because I don't want to turn my country into another Syria and just because I prefer a peaceful and natural domestic process to occur in order for us (the people) to accomplish the needed political and social reforms which is what we all aim at in the GCC and Arab world. I am hopefully because for the first time in my life (or one of them - at least the speed of necessary changes has increased) I have seen this actually occurring on numerous fronts. That's because the people have changed. The current generation is different from the past ones etc. The rulers saw that and they initiated (MbS being the vocal mastermind or at least public mastermind) those necessary changes. This is why I can see light at the end of the tunnel.

However even if there was no light at the end of the tunnel you cannot expect me to side with foreigners, moreover anti-Arab ones, that want to harm my country and people, the GCC and Arab world.

I am glad to hear that you didn't intervene in this exchange, we may have our difference, but I know you are a respectful person, unlike @Malik Abdullah whose apparent education has failed him. After our exchange yesterday, I think you are misguided in your belief to trust the Al Saud family, however, I wouldn't deem you a slave to the house of Saud since you spoke of reform even though it was brief. Remember my anger toward the house of Saud has nothing to do with the good people of Saudi Arabia. Yesterday, in this very thread I criticized Iran and its policies and was bold enough to criticize Pakistan. I like to see that across the board so all Muslim countries can progress to become a strong bloc. Maybe you are right, I have no understanding of the Arab world, and social reform is happening at a slower pace, however, even if a dog dies under a Muslim ruler he would be held accountable on the day of judgment. We the people should demand better governance from our rulers which includes the Arabs who have so much potential.
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