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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Lol, no I was referring to your message when you said Qatar was stealing passengers from the other Gulf Airlines, hence why Saudi Arabia severed their links. It's nice to meet an Iranian who is critical of his leaders, there should be more people like you in the Muslim world to improve governance and have checks and balance.

no i was being serious , qatar airways serves iranians at the IKA airport , perhaps more so than any other foreign airways .
Now 40% Pakistan support Qatar. Now tomorrow we'll see Ahadis about Qatari letters.
It would be consider blasphemy to doubt Qatri letter.
No we donot and should not support qatar .
They've been supporting isis that did many bomb blasts in pakistan. If our politicians supported it then I guess we lost all self respect.
MB will be and should be included. As will all other political groups and parties based on Islamic tenants. However they should be purely domestic and independent movements and not aligned to any foreign entities.

What foreigners? They are overwhelmingly Sunni Arab movements that share same interests as the people as far as regional/political aspirations. Some don't want more religion in social matters, that is where the people differ. I don't think we need more religion in social matters, we already are religious. MB should be included in most parliaments and have a say in political affairs. They don't need to the major governing blocs or those in power. Reality is today, the UAE/KSA/Egypt/etc.... axis don't want them to have any presence even. I wouldn't care for MB if these regimes can meet the demands of the people, but they aren't. So we need inclusive platform with shared representation to form policies that accurately(even quarterly or half) reflect aspirations of the people.
Now which qatari shehzada will send nawaz sharif a letter ! ?

In some respect this news is good for Pakistan. Ganja Sharif has businesses in Qatar and Saudi Arabia and now he will have to choose wisely to secure his own interests. Its time to punish his family with corruption charges and nobody is going to save him this time.
What foreigners? They are overwhelmingly Sunni Arab movements that share same interests as the people as far as regional/political aspirations. Some don't want more religion in social matters, that is where the people differ. I don't think we need more religion in social matters, we already are religious. MB should be included in most parliaments and have a say in political affairs. They don't need to the major governing blocs or those in power. Reality is today, the UAE/KSA/Egypt/etc.... axis don't want them to have any presence even. I wouldn't care for MB if these regimes can meet the demands of the people, but they aren't. So we need inclusive platform with shared representation to form policies that accurately(even quarterly or half) reflect aspirations of the people.

By "foreigners" I meant that none of the branches of the MB or other political groups and parties based fully or partially on Islamic tenants should become infiltrated. For instance I found it very suspicious that Obama was this pro-MB in Egypt. I find it suspect when the UK hosts extremists (objectively speaking) who use the UK as a platform to badmouth and create trouble in their native lands. The UK has given room to one such Saudi Arabian (a chemical engineer btw) who is openly (Youtube and other media) talking about toppling the regime in KSA which would create a catastrophe for the entire region and Muslim world and even maybe a major global war. Similarly what is the role of Erdogan in all this when his policy is among the most hypocritical and when he has shacked hands with the likes of Ariel Sharon etc. and continues to buy Israeli military equipment etc. I also don't like the fact that MB media or pro-media personalities are never criticizing Qatar both other GCC states and Arab countries when there is no difference. I don't like such dishonesty. To make it clear, the House of Saud are no saints either.

For instance if the late Qatari emir (Hamad) was caught talking about destroying KSA with Gaddafi, why can he not have had similar daydreams with Erdogan in regards to KSA or other Arab states? I also don't like Erdogan's rhetoric toward Iraq or some of his supporters daydreams of annexing Syrian and Iraqi land. No Arab should support such policies.
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In some respect this news is good for Pakistan. Ganja Sharif has businesses in Qatar and Saudi Arabia and now he will have to choose wisely to secure his own interests. Its time to punish his family with corruption charges and nobody is going to save him this time.
Yes isolate him too like qatar.
I also don't like Erdogan's rhetoric toward Iraq or some of his supporters daydreams of annexing Syrian and Iraqi land. No Arab should support such policies.
Your boys from Maghreb region are ready to crawl through shit to lick his boots though. Seen so many times here in Germany.
Lastt time I looked at qatar , it was so small country , very small . Even smaller than my city that's the smallest capital In pakistan. It's just so small and the country that boycott it Maldives is even smaller than the area I live in so I think that this country isn't so important, just a small country , it would not matter to isolate it .
Yes isolate him too like qatar.

This move has put Qatar into a very difficult position, I don't think the Prince or anyone else in his family will have the time or patience to help Ganja Sharif. I almost feel sorry for him, but then I remember how this cockroach and his goons have nearly destroyed Pakistan. Can you imagine wiping the smug look off Maryam face....I'm not a PTI supporter, but Imran Khan should capitalize on this.
The move by several Arab states to sever diplomatic ties with Qatar on Monday seemed to catch the world by surprise, but it had been in the works for some time, as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, among others, had grown fed up with the meddling of the tiny Gulf state.

Accusing the Qatari government of supporting militant groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, the nations — which include Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen — were emboldened by Donald Trump's call during his visit to the region two weeks ago to "drive out the extremists."

This dispute is the most serious to hit the region since the formation of the Gulf Co-operation Council 36 years ago.

Saudi Arabia said it acted as a result of Qatar's "embrace of various terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at destabilizing the region," including ISIS and al-Qaeda.

This crisis also has a lot to do with Iran.

Qatar has, publicly at least, tried to avoid taking sides in the simmering regional spat between Sunni powerhouse Saudi Arabia and Shia-led Iran, but the dispute boiled over when the kingdom on Monday accused the Qatari government of backing "Iranian-backed terrorist groups."

Your boys from Maghreb region are ready to crawl through shit to lick his boots though. Seen so many times here in Germany.

That's because simpletons who don't follow politics on a daily basis and who don't investigate things properly (like most people and voters in the world unfortunately) tend to have a thing for populists. They tend to only remember or want to hear what they like and what they don't like they ignore. I never understood this fascination among certain Arabs and Muslims when we are talking about a person that has arguably a world record when it comes to changing views, using cheap populism and at the same time actually having close ties (more than any other Muslim country) with Israel that they supposedly hate so much and accuse their own and other regimes of being best buddies with. It's a strange phenomenon but luckily it is only followed by a minority nowadays. It was way worse 10 years ago. Today the vast majority of people saw the reality. It has probably something to do with the weird fascination or fetish of "strongmen" in the Middle East.

If I made some Youtube clip where I began to insult Israel, the US or the Iranian Mullah's, I too might receive a lot of applause just solely due to that. People would follow me automatically despite not knowing anything about my motives, goals or entire profile.

I hate monarchs, no reason to hate Arabs. In your POV everyone who hates monarchs, should hate Arabs.
Good luck with your agenda, i aint racist.
Monarchy doesn't depend on the majority of it's people. Like shah or Al-Saud family who owe their exitence to western powers not their people.

Good to hear that. And you hate Al-Saud family, right?

Good to know as well.
This move has put Qatar into a very difficult position, I don't think the Prince or anyone else in his family will have the time or patience to help Ganja Sharif. I almost feel sorry for him, but then I remember how this cockroach and his goons have nearly destroyed Pakistan. Can you imagine wiping the smug look off Maryam face....I'm not a PTI supporter, but Imran Khan should capitalize on this.

What do they say ;
Allah jab chaahe tumhari rasi ki grift ko mazbooti se pakar le , zaalim ki rasi hmesha dheeli nhi rehti '

Surely, this all is Allah's plan and he's going to make these oppressors meet their end , these supporters of isis who've been killing their own muslim brothers are going to be exposed .
Just sit and watch how Allah plays with them .


Trump is now tweeting against Qatar. Tamim is in deep sh*t. Coupe is on the way.

Trump tweets a lot .
Seems like he loves tweeting like kids.
I hate monarchs, no reason to hate Arabs. In your POV everyone who hates monarchs, should hate Arabs.
Good luck with your agenda, i aint racist.
Monarchy doesn't depend on the majority of it's people. Like shah or Al-Saud family who owe their exitence to western powers not their people.

Good to hear that. And you hate Al-Saud family, right?

I am glad to hear that you hate Monarchs. But can you be courageous enough to criticize the Mullah of Iran, they are no different to the Al Saud family. Look at the wealth accumulated by them, they remind me of the Catholic Church whose landholdings was greater than that of the King.
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