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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar


Now repeat after me. Tiny, little and impoverished Iran with a Persian population of 45 million cannot rival the Arab world on any front. Not today and least of all in the future where the gap will only become bigger. So It will be very wise for your likes not to meddle in our internal affairs and mind your own business unless you are desperate for another Iraq-Iran war and another 1 million casualties and several trillions of dollars in economic loses.

Listen to your compatriot @rahi2357 he wrote a very good post that was thanked by 7 or 8 people many Iranians.

Buddy, I really don't have a problem with Iranians (Iranian Arabs, Baloch, Turkmen, Kurds, Persians, Lurs, Afro-Iranians, Azeris etc.) but the anti-Arab ones, you know what will happen with their skulls. Goes for everyone.

I cannot see that magnificent gif. So that is why I reposted it but I cannot see it. Could you see it? Well, cool.

i assure you that this thread doesn't lack it's sizable share of funny ad hominem amount of those in social media. Yup the mighty Nabataean Arabs, creators of the world New 7wonders

Oh, the great Nabateans. The founders of World UNESCO Heritage sites in KSA, Israel, Palestine, Syria and Jordan. One of the greatest ancient peoples and architects. They were Hijazis.:yahoo:

Jane Taylor, a writer, describes them as "one of the most gifted peoples of the ancient world".[2]

  1. Taylor, Jane (2001). Petra and the Lost Kingdom of the Nabataeans. London, United Kingdom: I.B.Tauris. pp. centerfold, 14. The Nabataean Arabs, one of the most gifted peoples of the ancient world, are today known only for their hauntingly beautiful rock-carved capital — Petra.
Great, great people as the Donald says. BTW the Donald praised them during his speech. Who would have thought that he had such advisers?:lol:
# Trump: When the Gulf countries demanded the fight against the financing of extremist thought, they referred to Qatar

During my recent trip to the Middle East I stated that there can no longer be funding of Radical Ideology. Leaders pointed to Qatar-

Trump's statement about Qatar has cut the road to hope that there is US support. Even global banks have doubts that their loans to Qatar might go to the terrorists..

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House of Saud has much utility for West and I do not see USA abandoning them anytime soon, especially when no one else can be that docile and that susceptible to regime change. It was precisely due to the loyalty of Ibn Saud that British enacted him as keeper of Mecca and Medinah, kicking out Hashimite.

Saddam is an entire different beast, espousing Arabic Nationalist socialism. If unification of Arab is consummated under Saddam, Arabic Muslims will be entirely modernized.

Modernized Arab makes everyone happy other than Israel and Jews.

If you look at Muslims world, there are only three military powers who are still standing. Pakistan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. They have been trying to destabilized Pakistan since 9/11 through Afghanistan by all means necessary, Turkey was targeted recently in coup attempt and with this new out of blue situation in Gulf, its more of a case for Saudi Arabia to take the bait.

Its all to ensure the Israel would become the unchallenged and undisputed power in the region. It is not some sort of strategic plan but more to do with the lunatics and their religious prophecies, the ones who are in control of America from shadows. There should be non standing in Muslims world to challenge Israel for it to do things as per the promised prophecies.
I don't like USA,but what you said is ridiculous
Ksa can buy whatever they want by their own money to achieve ksa's interest
For Muslim military industry,you can compete with other country to get customers,you can not force other Muslim countries become your customers because they are Muslim
stand up on your own knees, not by others charities

Saudi Arabia can buy whatever they want with their money, however, they shouldn't act like a saint and the leader of the Muslim world when you shake hands with America that has been bombing Muslim countries for over 40 years. Chinese people hate it when western people know jackshit about China and it's culture, the same applies in the Muslim world. Don't forget the Saudi's having been funding the Uighur terrorists in Xinjiang and are playing a double game. On one hand they are trying to influence the mindset of a Muslim to become a terrorists so that there ideology becomes supreme, and on the other hand they are shaking hands with America who they blame is the enemy. Bunch of hypocrites. My point was simple, while doesn't the Al Saud family research and build its own arms industry with other Muslim countries. Oh, yeah, they need to survive, hence why Uncle Sam is giving a blank cheque.
Mate, this is a complicated region. If I should give you an overview of Islamist orientations and political groups and non-political groups in the Arab world alone (let alone the entire Muslim world) I would need to write an entire novel here.
LOL I guess so. Well, I suppose you could do just that. Write a book about an analysis of the different varieties of Islamists groups views/orientation in the Arab world first, then you can continue with another book or books(Volume II) on the Muslim world.
You might become famous writer(judging from the fact that you like writing as well) who knows.:D
On the impact of «cutting ties» after 24 hours .. Qatar's stock market lose 39 billion riyals and become the worst stock markets in 2017

With this infighting between Arab brothers only Zionist will win. It's a month of Ramadan and instead of increasing our brotherly love we are increasing hostilities with each other which not going to help any country .
@Baybars Han (Atawolf)

You keep trying to steal the few highlights that Central Asian Turks (real Turks) have but you fail to mention that your likes have no connection to those achievements as modern-day DNA has demonstrated repeatedly. That's as if a recently Arabized (3-4 generations ago or even 25 generations ago = approximately 800 years) Moroccan Berber was claiming the history of Arabs - the actual ones.

You are a similar type of person. Worshipping his conquerors and denying actual history. Quite sad, really.

You can cry all you want. DNA does not lie neither does history. 400 year rule in half of Anatolia, 500 year old presence in Central Asia, centuries upon centuries of Turkic (real ones) eunuchs and slave dynasties etc.

Even the majority of your Ottoman personalities were of a non-Turkic origin but mostly recent Albanian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Greek, Kurdish, Arab, Armenian etc. converts. Even your Ottoman family were like 1% Turk in terms of ancestry.

Even this guy was an Albanian which you falsely claim as a Turk:


Countless of such examples.

Even your Erdogan is a Georgian and his wife an Turkish Arab.
Barbarossa, Turgut Reis, Mimar Sinan, and whoever else you non-Turks like to steal from us were all TURKS.

And I thought Barbarossa was half Greek and Turkish(Mother side Greek)? Where did you get Albanian from?
Saudi Arabia has evidence that Qatar is working to find a rift in the ruling family in Kuwait

We are quick to point out the luxuries of Royalty in Saudi Arabia but we are not much different from them in this matter. Rich people in Pakistan have dual nationalities and investments in foreign entities including Western states. Those who do not, simply lack funds for it.

As for Saudi dealings with the US; it is for wholesale industrialization and strengthening the security of the Kingdom. Do you think that any Islamic state is a substitute for the US in the these matters? No.

Criticism should be logical, not hyper.

Yeah, I am quick to point out the luxuries of the Royal Family in Saudi Arabia. But do you know why? They have no authority to act like saints in front of the Muslim world and control the Holy Lands while prostituting, drinking alcohol and snorting drugs like their's no tomorrow. In this forum I have criticized Pakistan and the elite political class who are all bunch of cockroaches that need to be stamped on. Yeah, the Kingdom needs security from who? Their biggest problem is public disorder, I doubt those new shiny toys will be needed. They can shake hands with Uncle Sam but don't preach act like saints why funding groups across the world to bring chaos. Bunch of hypocrites and cowards.
Barbarossa, Turgut Reis, Mimar Sinan, and whoever else you non-Turks like to steal from us were all TURKS.

And I thought Barbarossa was half Greek and Turkish(Mother side Greek)? Where did you get Albanian from?

I only know one of those. Not interested in them as we have had greater generals and more numerous ones. Nobody mentioned anything about claiming, lol. Don't have delusions.


Khizr was born in 1466[1] or around 1478[citation needed] in the village Palaiokipos on the Ottoman island of Midilli (Lesbos) (now Greece), the son of Yakup Ağa, a converted Turk sipahi[2] of Albanian origin[1][3] from Giannitsa (Greece), and an Orthodox Christian, Greek woman from Mytilene (Lesbos).[4] His mother was a widow of a Greek Orthodox priest.[2][3][5] His parents were married[4] and had two daughters and four sons: Ishak, Oruç, Khizr and Ilyas.


Mimar Sinan (first time I hear his name):

According to contemporary biographer, Mustafa Sâi Çelebi, Sinan was born in 1489 (c. 1490 according to the Encyclopædia Britannica,[7] 1491 according to the Dictionary of Islamic Architecture and some time between 1494 and 1499, according to the Turkish professor and architect Reha Günay)[8] with the name Joseph. He was born either an Armenian,[9][10][11][12][13][14]Cappadocian Greek,[15][16][17][18][19][20][21] Albanian,[22][23][24] or a Christian Turk[25] in a small town called Ağırnas near the city of Kayseri in Anatolia (as stated in an order by Sultan Selim II).[26] According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, Sinan had either Armenian or Greek origin.[7]


What I wrote previously were all historical facts and you mentioning 2 people of at least confirmed non-Turk ancestry, the last one is disputed/unknown, is just confirming my points again. Anyway I don't care about this. We are discussing Qatar here and having some fun.

With this infighting between Arab brothers only Zionist will win. It's a month of Ramadan and instead of increasing our brotherly love we are increasing hostilities with each other which not going to help any country .

This has nothing to do with people-to-people relations which remain brotherly, always have and always will. This is political stuff. Game of thrones. However it appears that Qatar has managed to piss off much of the rest of the GCC, Egypt, Libya and others. We will have to see what is really going on. Nothing serious will come out of this but it is a clear message.
Qatar doesn't stand a blow. Really sad.
Worst yet:
Qatar's economic and financial situation before the crisis was in a very serious situation the proportion of external government debt reached 150% of its gross output and now its internal bank loans constitute 110% of the volume of deposits and reduce their credit rating..

Anyone who has a neutral mind will know that it is in real trouble after imposing these sanctions on it. The import bill and its loans will rise a lot and its currency will fall.. which has already happened today..
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Brother I am glad you mentioned Salah Ad-Din Ayubi. I can guarantee you brother if he was alive today, then he would have gave Donald Trump a befitting reply. What do you think Salah Ad-Din Ayubi did to Raynald of Chatillion when he disrespected Islam? When Salah Ad-Din Ayubi died he didn't even have one piece of gold dinar to his name. Yet the Al-Saud family spends useless money on yachts, cars, prostitutes and alcohol. By the way that oil money should belong to the people not to the Al-Saud family who have sold their souls to the devil. My problem is linked to the royal family not the people.

Turkey should leave NATO, its in there national interests in my opinion. But they should have a good relationship with Russia. Richard the Lion Heart fought against the Muslims, however, he had more honor in his body then that lying scoundrel Donald Trump, hence why Salah Ad-Din Ayubi respected him. If Saudi Arabia once to show Islamic values then it should concentrate its investments in the Muslim instead of purchasing every single prime property in London. Look at the Chinese and there vision of the One Belt policy...why has Saudi Arabia done something similar in the Muslim world. The Chinese are investing billions of dollars in the Indonesian economy which in the future will become a major economic power in Asia...where is Saudi investment....oh, yeah, its invested in America.

Pakistan fighting America's war was our biggest mistake, but unlike Brother Saif, I have the courage to admit this. I want him to admit that the leaders of his country have sold there souls to the zionists:)

Muslims were powerful back then. Today, each Islamic state is an easy picking.

Turkey cannot leave NATO easily because consequences will be severe for it. Europe is its largest trading partner and NATO security umbrella extends to Turkish mainland. Turkey also has Kurd problem. Too much to loose.

OBOR is a contingency plan for China to bypass sea routes for trade. However, transportation through land is really expensive and it will never substitute sea routes for trading in the long-term.

Saudi Arabia has supported Pakistan in difficult times (specially during the time of sanctions). We tend to forget the "good" aspect of our relations with states other than China.

Chinese investment cannot uplift a state that lacks in vision and is mired in corruption. Look at the example of Venezuela; it has largest proven oil reserves in the world but its economy has collapsed (recently) in-spite of heavy Chinese investment in its economy. I can explain to you why this happened.

You talk about China as if China has risen independently from its relations with the US. There was a time when China was fighting wars with the US at the cost of its development. Then the Chinese realized that they will continue to suffer unless they get their prioritize straight and opened the doors for foreign investment. Same US was now a major source of revenue generation and industrialization. And now China is another world power. Think about it.

US is the best destination of investment for any state because it is the largest market in the world with unparalleled experience in industrialization, management and research. However, we won't gain much from our hatred for them. Look no further than China; how it eventually reaped all the benefits from the US in-spite of disagreements/disputes in the past.

Now, if Saudi Arabia wants to follow in the footsteps of China, it is suddenly a zionist stooge and deserves all the ridicule? Some people are really funny with no sense of economics and strategic depth.

War on Terror was a necessary evil for Pakistan. Fundamentalism and militancy had silently made in-roads into Pakistan and it was a only a matter of time when these elements would act; it started with 9/11. Military establishment had a wakeup call and scrambled for "damage control." Musharraf's 'enlightened moderation' program was intended to make people understand the importance of global connectivity and shun extremist elements.
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