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Saudi Terror & Executions - World Leaders Too Scared To Act For Humanity

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May 9, 2013
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Saudi Terror & Executions - World Leaders Too Scared To Act For Humanity

Written by Russell S.Wyllie

Wednesday, 26 February 2014 01:47


With all the news flooding our screens, computers, phones and tablets we should try to keep in mind that there are some key issues which are not getting the headlines as much as they should. Forget the in-party political backstabbing or the political blame-game for just a minute and focus on this issue- the human rights atrocities committed by regimes across the World. In particular this article focuses on Saudi Arabia because some of the worst atrocities are committed by the Saudi authorities against their own people. This first link here ( ) is a video of George Galloway's 'Comment' programme on Press TV, where Mr Galloway responds to a viewer's comment on Prince Charles performing a 'sword-dance' in Saudi Arabia during a recent visit to the region.

The violent ideology that still exists in Saudi Arabia is something that World leaders should push to abolish. The media will gladly push the political-infighting and blame-game politics ad-finitum, which grabs headlines and gets the millions of news punters to argue over whatever the media tells them to. But we don't want to be bored to death with the usual rigmoral of American or British political gossip, so where is the media when it comes to cruel, barbaric and inhumane executions around the World. People hear more of other stories. Human rights to some people is just a Facebook group that you can 'like'. World leaders are so caught up with their own selfish political agenda, and rarely will you hear of any politician who has led a campaign in any human rights arena. When it comes to Saudi Arabia, the issue of human rights falls on ignorant political ears...

Other countries should not have seemingly 'friendly' diplomatic ties with countries who use violent punishments such as public beheadings and 'crucifixions'. Prince Charles prancing around with a sword only fills the gap between diplomacy and stupidity. When will World leaders start a campaign to rid the World of cruel and inhumane punishments?

No person should end up being brutally executed for a crime or for having a different political positioning. Many countries are guilty of having inhumane death penalties- the USA still has the electric chair, which is a very violent and inhumane way for a person to die. It is sickening that in today's modern era that such executions still exist. In Mr Galloway's short video linked above, he talks about the 9/11 New York attacks, radical Islam and funding for Al-Qaeda which he points out comes from within Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is just one example. Anybody can research human rights atrocities around the World and point out numerous similar regimes which implement violent executions- but the Saudi issue of human rights is more worrying when our World leaders simply rub shoulders and bow before the Saudi regime, who oppress their own people, export and fund terror and radicalism, and who enjoy a billion dollars per day income from their oil exports. Many people already know all this- particularly politicians and the media. Countries which the U.S disagrees with on many issues such as the Islamic Republic of Iran are slapped with sanctions at the drop of a hat...It is as though the U.S cannot go to the source of the problem, then they take it out on the neighbours instead. So where is America on this issue? Bound by red-tape thanks to oily business deals. During Barack Obama's campaigning in late 2008, he stood at a rally and announced quite candidly in these few words 'Let's make it clear- Saudi Arabia is not our friend.'

Knowing what the U.S President has said, and knowing what I know, as a Brit it is sickening to see a UK Royal dancing to the Saudi tune, swinging a sword as if he was understanding friend and ally of theirs. Are our World leaders so impotent over the Saudi issue that they cannot speak up and start a campaign to stop Saudi-based extremism from being exported, or prevent the Saudi funding of Al-Qaeda?

The truth is obvious. There is no campaign against Saudi-based extremism, and no politician dares to tread into the realm of human rights in Saudi Arabia except for the rare occasion when the moon turns blue. The impotence of our politicians is what allows human rights atrocities happen far too frequently. Let's face it- our Governments are more interested in taking more money from the taxpayer, finding new ways to make lives miserable for the hard-working family, and just leave many human rights issues to independent campaigners.

It is no wonder that people fight in the streets of many countries over corruption, economic troubles or human rights issues- and politicians are quick to blame the political 'opposition' for absolutely everything, and order Police or the Army to beat down the protests. Yet they all go down the path together, rubbing shoulders with the elite of despotic regimes, pocketing wads of bank notes alongside the businessmen and turning a blind eye when it comes to the pain and suffering of people in those countries, except in countries like Iran like I pointed out previously. The hypocricy is so thick that sometimes I cannot tell any World leader apart from another...And politicians wonder why they lose public trust, why the media loses their audience, and why Governments are losing the information war.

-- Saudi Arabia: Five beheaded and ‘crucified’ amid ‘disturbing’ rise in executions | Amnesty International

"Saudi Arabia must halt a “disturbing” rise in death penalty usage that has resulted in at least 47 state killings in the country already this year, Amnesty International urged..."

-- Secret Saudi executions shame the West - News - The Independent

Women beaten and beheaded in Saudi Arabia- "The nature of the Islamic trials and the cruel methods of execution call into question the morality of the West's military and political support for Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states whose supposedly civilised values were defended by 500,000 US, British and other Western troops after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Not a single Western embassy, however, is known to have protested at the beheading of women - nor at the increasingly ferocious lashing of hundreds of foreign female workers in the Gulf for alleged misdemeanors."

-- (Video) ‘The work of God’: Interview with Saudi executioner who behead 2,500 people a year |

'But the truth of the Saudi executions and human rights horrors are hidden- much larger numbers have been revealed by a Saudi executioner in the article linked below, who claims that 'thousands' of people are brutally executed in Saudi Arabia each year.'


What a barbaric country Saudi Arabia is. What the heck is wrong with these people?
Whats wrong with the death penalty if rapists and murderers ger removed off our streets, as long as the person being punished is guilty, more power to the saudi's

you should update or revise your qurans , ,its way too outdated with today's world

things like beheadings, stoning to death , wife beatings etc etc should not be there

The quran is the word of God, we cannot change it.

Other religions change their texts, this is why we say those religions are fake because X,Y,Z have added, to changed their religion/texts according toi their own whims

However alot of things are not actually mentioned in the Quran, and their yes, muslims could have alot of discussion on how to better implement our faith
Whats wrong with the death penalty if rapists and murderers ger removed off our streets, as long as the person being punished is guilty, more power to the saudi's

The quran is the word of God, we cannot change it.

Other religions change their texts, this is why we say those religions are fake because X,Y,Z have added, to changed their religion/texts according toi their own whims

However alot of things are not actually mentioned in the Quran, and their yes, muslims could have alot of discussion on how to better implement our faith

I agree with you but their political leadership doesn't care for Islam nor Islamic causes. Their system is nicely developed and has proper Islamic foundations but their leadership and some portion of their population could care less about Islam, it's unfortunate it's that way.
The Bengali Awami servant in action again. Should you not be busy buying whitening creams? :rofl:

Al Hasani with his racist post about color and race again.

I am fairer than most of you guys anyway.


So, I don't need whitening creams but what you guys need is whitening your hearts and show some humanity.
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@IamBengali aka Awami servant

Afro-Arabs are not Arabs by descent. You are obviously on average much more darker hence the prevalence of whitening creams in South Asia, mainly India and Bangladesh, which is non-existent in the Arab world or ME. :rofl: Not that there is anything wrong with that.

In any case you are an Awami servant and cretin.

Keep posting propaganda articles with ludicrous claims of 2500 executions.

Feed your millions of poor before you stick your nose into the ancient ME region.

Stop the corruption, anarchy, crime rates, acid attacks, rapes etc.
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@IamBengali aka Awami servant

Afro-Arabs are not Arabs by descent. You are obviously on average much more darker hence the prevalence of whitening creams in South Asia, mainly India and Bangladesh, which is non-existent in the Arab world or ME. :rofl:

In any case you are an Awami servant and cretin.

Keep posting propaganda articles with ludicrous claims of 2500 executions.

Feed your millions of poor before you stick your nose into the ancient ME region.

Stop the corruption, anarchy, crime rates, acid attacks, rapes etc.

How is using whitening creams different from using tanning salons or spray tans? Btw pakistanis use it just as much and they are sold in the Middle East as well. East and southeast asians use them more than anyone else.
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people who kill in the name of religion should be worthy of death of same insult.

@IamBengali aka Awami servant

Afro-Arabs are not Arabs by descent. You are obviously on average much more darker hence the prevalence of whitening creams in South Asia, mainly India and Bangladesh, which is non-existent in the Arab world or ME. :rofl: Not that there is anything wrong with that.

In any case you are an Awami servant and cretin.

Keep posting propaganda articles with ludicrous claims of 2500 executions.

Feed your millions of poor before you stick your nose into the ancient ME region.

Stop the corruption, anarchy, crime rates, acid attacks, rapes etc.
Almighty God took brains out of u and gave looks and gave dimwitted brains, we got brains far superior than u sand dwellers could ever imagine of (though Urr limit is to muhammad which is better unspoken) if no petroleum then u and ur families would have been hunting lizards in the deserts. get off ur high horse.
He is always posting pro-India, pro-Hindu, anti-Muslim posts.
Most of the Bangladeshi members ignore his rants.

He has been making propaganda posts, insults etc. against KSA, Arabs and the ancient ME region for weeks without me replying to him. Someone has to point it out for him. No bad word for Bengalis, Bangladesh or anyone else. He asked for it by having trolled for weeks without any replies from me.

This is the first time I ever make an anti-Bengali post in my time on PDF solely because he has long ago tested my patience.

The cretin just got on my nerves when I saw him spread nonsense and lies again here.

Go eat some whitening cream and drink some cow piss and worry about your own business - that of cleaning toilets. Maybe stop the highest number of poor people in the world and all the rapes that happen on every street corner.

Guess, who is talking about Cow piss. Saudis drink Camel piss juice and al-Hasani talking about Cow piss. Camel piss? Yuck. :o:
people who kill in the name of religion should be worthy of death of same insult.

Almighty God took brains out of u and gave looks and gave dimwitted brains, we got brains far superior than u sand dwellers could ever imagine of (though Urr limit is to muhammad which is better unspoken) if no petroleum then u and ur families would have been hunting lizards in the deserts. get off ur high horse.

God gave looks to whom? He sure has hell didn't give them to @al-Hasani

Says an Indian and Hindu of all people. You people do not belong to the ancient ME the cradle of civilizations nor can you claim the ancient civilizations that we Semitic people created. Arabs never had any inferiority like your people nor were we servants of others. Our people created 3 of the 11 largest empires in world history. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15. While you were busy cleaning the boots of your British colonials.
Ever wondered why you speak English and follow English systems on every field?

Go eat some whitening cream and drink some cow piss and worry about your own business - that of cleaning toilets. Maybe stop the highest number of poor people in the world and all the rapes that happen on every street corner.

This says it all.


God gave looks to whom? He sure has hell didn't give them to @al-Hasani

I am indeed very good looking as several users have stated on this very forum let alone in real life. I saw how the average Indian user looks on this forum and it's fair to say that I should not make any comments in a similar fashion since I don't want to hurt the feelings of people if not necessary. Good looks is not something I associate with most Indians though but many people do that with people from ME who are well-known for their beauty historically speaking.
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