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Saudi Special forces

I'm not so sure these guys can hold their own against a real army. No tanks, no artillery, no APCs in video...the whole army seems to be a counter-terrorism force to me. Saudis lack manpower and their armed services are primarily designed to ensure the survival of the monarchy. Also I hope our brothers realize that you can’t rely on the air force to win wars alone, the IDF learned that to their expense.
I'm not so sure these guys can hold their own against a real army. No tanks, no artillery, no APCs in video...the whole army seems to be a counter-terrorism force to me. Saudis lack manpower and their armed services are primarily designed to ensure the survival of the monarchy. Also I hope our brothers realize that you can’t rely on the air force to win wars alone, the IDF learned that to their expense.

Dear Kasrkin,

yes indeed, this video is regarding saudi special forces. for your information they do have tanks, APCs, and artillery. link bellow
Saudi Arabian Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
infact they are also manufacture Al Fahd APCs link bellow
Al-Fahd Infantry fighting vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i have heard there are 10000 pakistani soldiers who are defending saudi borders???
Dear Kasrkin,

yes indeed, this video is regarding saudi special forces. for your information they do have tanks, APCs, and artillery. link bellow
Saudi Arabian Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
infact they are also manufacture Al Fahd APCs link bellow
Al-Fahd Infantry fighting vehicle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

mostly run by Pakistani soilders :pakistan:

I'll grant you certain people in Saudi are trying to change but as long as Saudi Arabai continuesly have this corrupt govt. Saudi will always be dependant on the west.
i have heard there are 10000 pakistani soldiers who are defending saudi borders???

I am not sure about the numbers BUT Pakistani Armed Forces have a Presence in KSA. Even in Bahrain there are a lot of Pakistanis in Bahrain defence Forces.

Once one Indian Journalist asked Zia-ul-haq that "Did Your Army has also started soldiers for Hire program" (he was pointing to Pakistani Soldiers in KSA)

Zia-ul-Haq Replied "It will be a much bigger Honour for me to Serve and Die while Protecting KSA as Compared to if I Die For Pakistan".

This shows the Allegiance of Pakistanis towards our Brothers in KSA.
Saudi Arabai continuesly have this corrupt govt. Saudi will always be dependant on the west.

They are not corrupt but SENSIBLE and realistic!

They have transformed their country from a Badoo one to one of the most modern with best infrastructure, and all because they had honest, dedicated and god-fearing leaders! Fortunately they have also started spending billions on their education sector and building numerous Economic cities (with King Abdullah Economic City being the biggest venture).

I have seen the world and Saudia is 100 times better than most countries I have seen.

KAEC - King Abdullah Economic City

File:KAEC Financial Island, Saudi Arabia.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They are not corrupt but SENSIBLE and realistic!

They have transformed their country from a Badoo one to one of the most modern with best infrastructure, and all because they had honest, dedicated and god-fearing leaders! Fortunately they have also started spending billions on their education sector and building numerous Economic cities (with King Abdullah Economic City being the biggest venture).

I have seen the world and Saudia is 100 times better than most countries I have seen.

KAEC - King Abdullah Economic City

File:KAEC Financial Island, Saudi Arabia.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If ther not corrupt why is it they gave support to Israel when they attack Lebanon on 2006 and destruction Gaza in December
Brothers and Friends,

As I live in Saudi Arabia from day 1 of my life, before me my father lived there for a long time and we live there till today as well, I feel obliged to answer back to some of the negative comments being posted here by some fellow forum members.

Please before raising fingre on Saudi Arabia, have a look as to what is going on within Pakistan itself, please donot raise fingre at a brotherly Muslim Nation until you have everything perfect in your own home (Pakistan).

Sir, countries prosper on three things, economy, peace and stability and the supply of basic human needs which by the grace of Allah, the Saudi Royal Family has provided to their people, what else do they need nothing else. This is the main reason why you have no one raising fingure on the Saudi Monarchy from inside Saudi Arabia.

Let me ask you brothers one question: Does the so called democratic Government of Pakistan provide these 3/4 basic needs of life which are peace and stability, basic human needs (Water, education, health, infrastructure etc) and economy to It's own People???

Yes, I know all the oil income goes into the pockets of the Saudi Royals, but I donot rasie a fingre on them unless and until they keep everyone happy in their lives, this is the Golden rule to their success, this is why they have been ruling Saudi Arabia for more than 100 years now.

My brothers, it is no joke to rule a country like Saudi Arabia, if you have been there you will understand what I'm talking about, just by sitting somewhere in the world and raising your fingre at the Saudi Monarchy will prove to me and to the rest of the world how aware you are with the ground realities in my homeland (Saudi Arabia).

If you have not understood my post I will start a thread in which I will post this documentary "Oil Wars The Kingdom" Please sit back and watch it and then raise your fingre on my Home (Saudi Arabia), if you think you can raise it.

Please go to this thread:http://www.defence.pk/forums/general-images-multimedia/21097-oil-wars-kingdom.html#post292423
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Saudi Arabia has very strong inteligensia. Its airforce is one of the strongest among muslim countries which is equiped with F-15s and Tornedos. And it is a significant naval power of the middle east. Its Army is equped with lethal Abraham tanks Apachee Helicopters and Pladdin mobile artillary. Besides in terms of logistics and airlift it has currently above 100 operational c-130 Herculeese aircrafts which truely diffrentiate it with its rivals like Israel and Iran.
Above all its oil resources make it the most influential player in the middle east .
This is the main reason why you have no one raising fingure on the Saudi Monarchy from inside Saudi Arabia.

NO the main reason no one raises a finger against House of saud is they will have there necks cut of if they do so.

Let me ask you brothers one question: Does the so called democratic Government of Pakistan provide these 3/4 basic needs of life which are peace and stability, basic human needs (Water, education, health, infrastructure etc) and economy to It's own People???

Pakistan government will provide all that right after we can kill sh it spread in pakistan with house of sauds Money you no small peice of s h i t called osama.

Yes, I know all the oil income goes into the pockets of the Saudi Royals,(who died and made these clowns owners of arabia ) but I donot rasie a fingre on them unless and until they keep everyone happy in their lives, this is the Golden rule to their success, this is why they have been ruling Saudi Arabia for more than 100 years now.

You no my dog loves me to when i throw bones towards him he is feed properly so he never ever barks at me but he does barks at the people that look towards me or question my authority.
That reminds me of some body on this forum who could that be help me out will ya sohailbutt or butman

Golden rule to their success

Golden rule to there success is talk against them and you disappear for good or you are killed but go ahead keep telling your self what ever you want
most have brains and eyes they can see reality.

sohailbutt tell us do u have the same rights in Arabia as say some one who is from the west white skin off course can you vote can you own land do u have saudi citizen ship or best of all can you pray standing next to any royal Theives family members also known as self appointed oh my bad appointed by british i would love to no your answers sohailbutt.
sohailbutt is there such thing as monarchy allowed in Islam or you cant answer that question.
KSA is developing very good institutions. The people are changing. Their education is getting better and competition increasing.
Knowledge or bravery is not limited to one nationality.
Dont be biased

Yeah man its a comman knowledge Saudies are well known scholars education is one of there best known *** est i also herd they are just few centuries away from most civilised nations:enjoy:
Saudi Arabia has very strong inteligensia. Its airforce is one of the strongest among muslim countries which is equiped with F-15s and Tornedos. And it is a significant naval power of the middle east. Its Army is equped with lethal Abraham tanks Apachee Helicopters and Pladdin mobile artillary. Besides in terms of logistics and airlift it has currently above 100 operational c-130 Herculeese aircrafts which truely diffrentiate it with its rivals like Israel and Iran.
Above all its oil resources make it the most influential player in the middle east .

Iranians just launched there own satellites in space even though they been under sanctions for years israel can neutrilze all of arab states in matter of minutes.
I did notcie some thing new stealth technologies in Suicide bombers so yeah they are way ahead in that tech from any civilized country
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