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Saudi petrochem giant opens tech centre in Bangalore (India)

What aid is Pakistan surviving on ?
Indian brain farts.

They talk big now, but have forgotten the fact that they themselves were in deep trouble economically for a while not too long ago.

As you rightly mentioned our main issue is the internal troubles that we are facing. InshAllah if all goes well, we will be back on track soon.
Please save me the sanctimonious rambling and introspect as to why you aren't getting any support on Kashmir issue. You can't expect countries like Saudi Arabia to blindly support you on every cause just because you are an Islamic country. The world doesn't work like that, not anymore.

Anyways, as you said its off topic, I have made my point. Take care.

No, you are mistaken. I don't believe in hating on someone for no reason whatsoever.

I never claimed that so you can continue to make up things on you're own to satisfy you're inflated ego thats the only way you can ever have any moral ground lol
And yes i made my point as well that you just can't accept the truth and start acting like an immature nation.
Thank you for taking time posting these articles, but as I stated earlier to the other Indian members who posted the same articles, that I urge them to contact their representatives at the congress to force the Indian Gov't to re-evaluate its relations with KSA.

SABIC is not a religious body. It has only Commerce in mind. It makes an investment and it will reap dividends thereof. While the technical spin-off will be distributed over many. Its as simple as that.

That is the reason why commercial relations between India and KSA are growing constantly. KSA has also increased Crude Oil supplies to India over the years.
Just as Strategic relations are. KSA has turned in a number of person accused of terrorist acts who were fugitives from Indian Law; thus facilitating further investigations.
So that clearly indicates a growing congruence between Indian and KSA authorities on security related matters also.

In the light of all of the above; I think that GoI is doing alright so far as its relationship with Govt. of KSA is concerned.
And if having Researchers is determinant of Technological Base then we've got 161.9 researchers per million people viz a vie India's 135.8 per million people ! (UNDP Human Development Report of 2013 - Table 12 Pages 186 to 189)
Balle!Sadke tere UNDP data de with page numbers :D
While the Indian numbers are from 2005.....Pakistani one are from 2007 and in 2005 the Pakistani count was 80.

Number of Researchers are determinant of the size or quality of Technological Base and the numbers for both countries are shit :haha:
Its the quality of research that matters not how many researchers you have.

Indian researchers publish third highest number of papers in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering field. These are papers published in peer reviewed journals mind you. As for Pakistan, they are quite far behind in these field.

Infact as you can see from the stats, Saudi Arabia itself is doing quite well in these fields and improving every year.

SJR - International Science Ranking

Which comes down to 0.03 papers per researcher for India & 0.01 paper per researcher for Pakistan - Good but nothing to brag about !

That efficiency is worse than most other countries in the same class !

Balle!Sadke tere UNDP data de with page numbers :D
While the Indian numbers are from 2005.....Pakistani one are from 2007 and in 2005 the Pakistani count was 80.

Number of Researchers are determinant of the size or quality of Technological Base and the numbers for both countries are shit :haha:

There is no indication for that - both those numbers are a measure of 2002-2010 with an exponent 'b' being explained away in the NOTES as 'Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified.'
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I never claimed that so you can continue to make up things on you're own to satisfy you're inflated ego thats the only way you can ever have any moral ground lol
And yes i made my point as well that you just can't accept the truth and start acting like an immature nation.
My country supports you on the Kashmir issue.;)
Which comes down to 0.03 papers per researcher for India & 0.01 paper per researcher for Pakistan - Good but nothing to brag about !

That efficiency is worse than most other countries in the same class !

How did you reach to that conclusion? Not every researcher works in the chemical industry.

And anyways going by the number of papers published in peer reviewed journals, in all fields, Indians published a total of 98,000, ten and a half times more than Pakistanis who published a total of 9200 in 2012.

Anyways my intention is not to start a dong measuring contest, but your argument that Pakistan has more researchers per capita than India, and hence is a better destination for research and innovation is flawed.
@Aamna14 hates us Kashmiris ! :cray:

She wanted to have me cooked because I said that she was gaining some weight around those flabby cheeks of hers ! :o:

Ah thats just not possible you are a Kashmiri and a Lahori then how can anyone have more flabby cheeks than you'rs hahaha i have particualr love for Kashmiris but you were declared a fake one remember :p:

As I understand, India claims to be the world's largest democracy on earth, and thus, People should watch over what their Gov't is doing.

It is none of my bleeping business how you feel about your Gov't or how to track Hawalh though.

Come 2014, we will definitely do that. :)
To be fair though, I hear Pakistanis saying those things about Saudis all the time, much more than Indians.

Saudi bashing is something Pakistanis do for time pass.

I am pretty sure you would be saying something completely contradictory to the bold part accusing Pakistanis of being slaves to Saudis and the arabs. Hypocrite bharati.
How did you reach to that conclusion? Not every researcher works in the chemical industry.

And anyways going by the number of papers published in peer reviewed journals, in all fields, Indians published a total of 98,000, ten and a half times more than Pakistanis who published a total of 9200 in 2012.

Anyways my intention is not to start a dong measuring contest, but your argument that Pakistan has more researchers per capita than India, and hence is a better destination for research and innovation is flawed.

Oh I mixed up the numbers it comes to 0.6 & 0.3 respectively ! :oops:

Nor was my intention stating that either but simply that there isn't a dearth of a technological base in Pakistan as the original posters implied as such but that of Leadership...in the early '00s we were doing might fine !

Pound for Pound we're both in pretty bad shape - Just compare the figures to those of some other emerging economies out there !
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