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Saudi petrochem giant opens tech centre in Bangalore (India)

well thts wht an intelligent country shud do,they r in gud terms wid both.....looking out for its own interest...dont u thnk man..

First, i am not a man secondly, no thats not what they should have done at least not until they backed us up on our stance and supported us in the real sense of the word.


I wish things will turn for better.

Yeah hope so.
This news is irritating, Instead of kicking all indians from GCC we opens economic relations with them, glorious.:disagree: In fact there should be no relations with Indian at all unless Kashmir case is solved. :hitwall:
Many Indians here accused us already of doing such thing. But later, when the Saudis extradited the ones on your want-list everything changed dramatically.

I'm just glad that we found another spot where we can exert a tremendous amount of investments, and all.

Well...it's not the investment that the Indians are against. It's the negative side effects those investments bring particularly regarding saudi. Not only Indians but one of our senior diplomats also has already voiced concerns about saudi funding.

India is “concerned” that Saudi Arabia is funding religious schools and organisations that contribute to extremism in South Asia, including India, a senior Indian diplomat is reported as saying in a U.S. diplomatic cable accessed by The Hindu through WikiLeaks.

The cable, dated September 9, 2009 (224156: secret), from the U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Richard Erdman, quotes Rajeev Shahare as telling him: “Indian Islam is a tolerant Islam, and we cannot abide by the spread of extremist views.” Mr. Shahare was India's charge d'affaires in Riyadh at the time.

Indian ‘concern' over Saudi funding for extremists - The Hindu

Moreover, saudi funded mosques are popping up like mushrooms all over kashmir and you know what it means for India.

The famed Sufi tradition and spirit of Kashmiriyat in the Valley, already ravaged by decades of insurgency, faces a new challenge. Wahhabism, an austere, puritanical interpretation of Islam promoted by Saudi Arabia, is making deep inroads into Kashmir due to the efforts of the Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith, which calls itself a religious and welfare organisation.

Read more at: Saudi charities pump in huge funds through hawala channels to radicalise the Valley : Special Report - India Today

This news is irritating, Instead of kicking all indians from GCC we opens economic relations with them, glorious.:disagree: In fact there should be no relations with Indian at all unless Kashmir case is solved. :hitwall:

Yeah exactly...You can divert that money to help your pakistani brethren who are in dire need. I wonder why saudi is not doing it that way!
First, i am not a man secondly, no thats not what they should have done at least not until they backed us up on our stance and supported us in the real sense of the word.

Yeah hope so.
well...ma'm(didnt know)..it seems they thnk otherwise.
Um buddy, in this case the absolute numbers of researchers matters far more than the per capita numbers.

5000 researchers vs 35000 researchers. Clearly more researchers = better.

The USA is the top nation in terms of patents etc but it is not the top per capita. They still have a better technological base than Israel (am I wrong)?

Indeed, inefficient but more yes !

But then again there are absolute numbers elsewhere that would be absolutely siphoning of much of those resources !

At any rate nothing to brag about either way - Abnormally low when compared with a myriad other countries in the same class !
The criticism we Saudis get from some Pakistani is based on our FP through the inner-Muslim world.

However, some Indians draw very aggressive, racist, and intolerant remarks toward all Saudis without getting to know them at first hand.

However, I got to see lots of good Indian friends here including yourself, who aren't being mislead much by the anti-Saudi propaganda :D

Nawaz is too powerful in Saudi, I just hate him from the bottom of my heart for the things he did here and there.

You now know! Don't thank us you. Anyway, we should install @Aeronaut to power, I just fear that he's gonna be way horrible than Nawaz!

You are our man :wave: we understand what you are getting at ;) ..

Why? does he have relations with Saudi Royal Family?
well...ma'm(didnt know)..it seems they thnk otherwise.

Well thats what i was saying as well that all such brotherly talk is limited to the public maybe but not to their rulers and when we want genuine support we don't get it.
unfortunately all boils down to money in the end, rest of the talk is just hot air
Yeah exactly...You can divert that money to help your pakistani brethren who are in dire need. I wonder why saudi is not doing it that way!

Not only that but we should turn off the hose for your economy to crumble. The last thing I want to see is GCC-India relation. Its just that GCC is using Indian to keeps it away from Iran's oil.
Don't use that double meaning talk mister whatever you're name is. All KSA has ever done in this particular case is stay silent and maintain their relations with both the countries while claiming Pakistan to be their brotherly nation and nothing else. I think the world has a fair idea about it and i'll stick to that but nobody asked you to nuke anybody just to do more and walk the talk.

You are not getting any support cause there isn't much ground to support! Ever thought of that? You can't call for right to self determination in Kashmir, and not call for it in Balochistan, people will call your hypocrisy out. So at best you ll get a few statement of support, thats it, and we Indians don't mind that. I mean can you imagine Turkey going all gung ho on the Kashmir issue, with the Kurdish separatist movement brewing in their own backyard?

1947 was 66 years ago, its time to get over your Kashmir fixation, it ain't going anywhere:lol: If 170 Million Muslims can call India their home, whats so special about 6-7 Million Muslims of Kashmir Valley!
You are not getting any support cause there isn't much ground to support! Ever thought of that? You can't call for right to self determination in Kashmir, and not call for it Balochistan, people will call your hypocrisy out. So at best you ll get a few statement of support, thats it, and we Indians don't mind that. I mean can you imagine Turkey going all gung ho on the Kashmir issue, with the Kurdish issue brewing in their own backyard?

1947 was 66 years ago, its time to get over your Kashmir fixation, it ain't going anywhere:lol: If 170 Million Muslims can call India their home, whats so special about 6-7 Million Muslims of Kashmir Valley!

Please the last thing i want is to start an India Pakistan debate here. And you are talking about rights start granting you're people rights first and then give me a speech about it until then don't do that. You should be ashamed of making it a point scoring matter if you indeed had some shame left in you which clearly isn't the case.
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