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Saudi petrochem giant opens tech centre in Bangalore (India)

Please the last thing i want is to start an India Pakistan debate here. And you are talking about rights start granting you're people rights first and then give me a speech about it until then don't do that. You should be ashamed of making it a point scoring matter if you indeed had some shame left in you which clearly isn't the case.

Thanks for proving my point. No one has the moral upper hand here, which is exactly the reason why no one is willing to support Pakistan on this Kashmir Issue.
Thank you for taking time posting these articles, but as I stated earlier to the other Indian members who posted the same articles, that I urge them to contact their representatives at the congress to force the Indian Gov't to re-evaluate its relations with KSA.

Well...it's not the investment that the Indians are against. It's the negative side effects those investments bring particularly regarding saudi. Not only Indians but one of our senior diplomats also has already voiced concerns about saudi funding.

I'm just glad that we are investing elsewhere though.

Indian ‘concern' over Saudi funding for extremists - The Hindu

Moreover, saudi funded mosques are popping up like mushrooms all over kashmir and you know what it means for India.

Read more at: Saudi charities pump in huge funds through hawala channels to radicalise the Valley : Special Report - India Today

Yeah exactly...You can divert that money to help your pakistani brethren who are in dire need. I wonder why saudi is not doing it that way!
thats all there is...money..nothng more matters nowadays in this world

As the saying goes:"Money talks, everything else (including BS) just walks".
And some motley dude here came up with something about Money being Haram or Halal?
Confused lot.
IMF Loan !

And there is no Aid from NATO its the Coalition Support Fund - Which is payment for using our infrastructure !

And if having Researchers is determinant of Technological Base then we've got 161.9 researchers per million people viz a vie India's 135.8 per million people ! (UNDP Human Development Report of 2013 - Table 12 Pages 186 to 189)

In other measures by the same report India is either marginally better than Pakistan or worse off !

Its the quality of research that matters not how many researchers you have.

Indian researchers publish third highest number of papers in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering field. These are papers published in peer reviewed journals mind you. As for Pakistan, they are quite far behind in these field.

Infact as you can see from the stats, Saudi Arabia itself is doing quite well in these fields and improving every year.

SJR - International Science Ranking
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Thanks for proving my point. No one has the moral upper hand here, which is exactly the reason why no one is willing to support Pakistan on this Kashmir Issue.

You're point?? And you talk about morality?? Its a joke when you do that so refrain from that. Don't even think of comparing you're inhuman treatment of Kashmiris to us because i am not one of those who falls in the trap of you're Balochistan rants i have been in Balochistan and i know how people there support Pakistan unlike Kashmiris who come out in masses to protest where you're army clamps down on them. We don't even have to consider Kashmir ours the way you treat them more than just proves that. Anyways i am not up for an India Pakistan debate in case you failed to read earlier.
Nor was I expecting the Palestinians to rush into battle for us - So help me God if I ever relied on Arab Military Prowess which is an oxymoron to be fair !

But it certainly wouldn't kill the Palestinian Leadership to reciprocate our fraternal ties with words in kind but no that would be asking too much of an Occupied Nation after all their ability to 'speak' even when visiting Pakistan too is suffering from the aftereffects of what they call an 'Apartheid' !

I don't expect anything of the Arabs or the Iranians - History has proven otherwise !

Therefore you would never hear me complaining or supporting one against the other on an issue !
Aina Gussa, you are talking about a Palestinian gov that dont even give a shit about its own people.
Thank you for taking time posting these articles, but as I stated earlier to the other Indian members who posted the same articles, that I urge them to contact their representatives at the congress to force the Indian Gov't to re-evaluate its relations with KSA.

If you had gone through the second article,you would have known that the govt is finding it hard to stop these transfers as they are taking place via a hawala network. And btw...what makes you feel our govt is so concerned towards our concerns? The present govt will be more than willing to bend in front of you...
Pakistan only needs to solve the internal problems,they have enough minerals to become a G20 country,only talking bout the minerals.
Pakistan has many economic gains from ''ínner peace''.
What aid is Pakistan surviving on ?

& it takes time to build technological base it is not an overnight thing man
IMF Loan !

And there is no Aid from NATO its the Coalition Support Fund - Which is payment for using our infrastructure !

And if having Researchers is determinant of Technological Base then we've got 161.9 researchers per million people viz a vie India's 135.8 per million people ! (UNDP Human Development Report of 2013 - Table 12 Pages 186 to 189)

In other measures by the same report India is either marginally better than Pakistan or worse off !

Arrey yaar in a hurry I typed AID
My point was that Pakistan is in a very bad economic condition which is likely to not improve soon & you have(like ours) a corrupt govt which does not gives a damn about the economy
& in this situation pakistan is in not best partner to boycott India
Mafi dubara jaldi jaldi Mein kuch Galat nahi karonga :cheers:

& regarding your 2nd point I was pointing we have certain industries which you don't have like our automobile,Space,nuclear To name a few
its business and no need to get so emotional..... pakistan is no where in potentional to what invester is looking for....pakistan dont have any right to cry in this deal...............
Thing is, Pakistanis think or rather like to think that since India doesn't "get along" with Pakistan, it doesn't/shouldn't get along with any other Islamic country of the world. They think or rather want the Islamic countries to think that India's hostility towards Pakistan is actually hostility towards Islam, which mind you is not the case. Infact India has excellent ties with every Islamic country in the world, barring Pakistan.

I don't know what it is, I guess Pakistanis feel insecure. You ll see these sorta comments crop up whenever there is any news about India-XYZ Islamic Country or India-China, "traditional allies" of Pakistan. Some Indians too react this way, specially to the news of improving Pakistan-Russia relationship and such. Its silly, cause there are no permanent foes and friends in geopolitics.

If only our governments made decision based on what was being said on random internet forums :lol:. So at the end of the day, all this doesn't really matter in real world, but its always good to clear the air.

Now coming back to the topic, Saudi-India bilateral trade and investment have both been on the rise in the recent past, but still there is a lot of space for it to grow, and not just in the petroleum sector mind you!


Top items of Exports from India:

Main Indian exports include Mineral Fuels, mineral oils and products thereof; cereals; nuclear reactors,:o: boilers; electrical machinery and equipment; Iron and steel; organic chemicals; meat and edible meat offal; articles of Iron or steel; articles of apparel and clothing accessories; etc.

Top items of Exports from Saudi Arabia:

India’s major imports from Saudi Arabia are Mineral Fuels, mineral oils and its products; organic chemicals; plastic and its articles; inorganic chemicals; fertilizers; aluminium and its articles;iron and steel; copper and its articles; miscellaneous chemical products; raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather; etc.
Were you not saying something about the evil saudis a couple of days ago.
You're point?? And you talk about morality?? Its a joke when you do that so refrain from that. Don't even think of comparing you're inhuman treatment of Kashmiris to us because i am not one of those who falls in the trap of you're Balochistan rants i have been in Balochistan and i know how people there support Pakistan unlike Kashmiris who come out in masses to protest where you're army clamps down on them. We don't even have to consider Kashmir ours the way you treat them more than just proves that. Anyways i am not up for an India Pakistan debate in case you failed to read earlier.

Please save me the sanctimonious rambling and introspect as to why you aren't getting any support on Kashmir issue. You can't expect countries like Saudi Arabia to blindly support you on every cause just because you are an Islamic country. The world doesn't work like that, not anymore.

Anyways, as you said its off topic, I have made my point. Take care.

Were you not saying something about the evil saudis a couple of days ago.

No, you are mistaken. I don't believe in hating on someone for no reason whatsoever.
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and you cantnot play muslim card here because ....there is no unity amoung muslims in present time........
its all busi
If you had gone through the second article,you would have known that the govt is finding it hard to stop these transfers as they are taking place via a hawala network. And btw...what makes you feel our govt is so concerned towards our concerns? The present govt will be more than willing to bend in front of you...


As I understand, India claims to be the world's largest democracy on earth, and thus, People should watch over what their Gov't is doing.

It is none of my bleeping business how you feel about your Gov't or how to track Hawalh though.
Please save me the sanctimonious rambling and introspect about why you aren't getting any support on Kashmir issue. You can't expect countries like Saudi Arabia to blindly support you on every cause just because you are an Islamic country. The world doesn't work like that, not anymore.

Anyways, as you said its off topic, I have made my point. Take care.

No, you are mistaken. I don't believe in hating on someone for no reason whatsoever.
I might have gotten confused due to the flag. :P

Never mind.
Not only that but we should turn off the hose for your economy to crumble. The last thing I want to see is GCC-India relation. Its just that GCC is using Indian to keeps it away from Iran's oil.

Not happening
India has a lot stake in Iran
& we are their second largest buyer if crude after china & we are also investing in Iranian Port to acres Afghanistan
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