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Saudi Interior Minister discussed with Pakistani leadership the possibilities of Pakistan sending a military brigade

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Btw, Israeli pilots,

KSA doesn't even have forces there:p: meaning these ragtags huthis were beaten by a local force (Giant brigade) and they cried for international community to stop offense..
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not a reliable account secondly an Interior Minister would discuss about the deployment of PA brigade with Interior Minister of Pakistan Sheikh Rasheed ....
He met with COAS on 7th February, granted reliability is questionable however given the timeline of events it is likely that such a possibility was entertained. But again it was merely a discussion so no concrete step has been taken in this regard.
We are one of the only countries that can feed our own people, because our country isn’t covered in desert unlike you sand people.
We waz kangz nigga

It is Pakistan that occupies a territory larger then Austria from India not the other way around.. You can't even feed your own ppl..

who the fuk is eryan? they will send army everywhere you are nobody... Nobody gives an F' regionally Turkey, KSA and UAE all invaded ragtags support by them.. What makes you think Pak will give a shxt
We wuz kangss nigga
It will be known in time whether that was the objective of the meeting, what matters more are the optics. The recent security incidents have brought KSA and Pakistan closer and that's a good development because there is a clear convergence of interests to contain Iran and its influence in Asia and the Middle East. Perhaps, Pakistan will be more proactive in doing this.
USA U.K. France Germany are going to help ally Ukraine Poland baltics others need help, the difference to us is!

Some Pakistanis on here just talk absolute riddles either help your ally or get lost to your coward neutral position which is so f cking pointless.

It benefits no one just your enemies
I hope military and civilian leaders sit together and do what is best for Pakistan. I have faith that they will do so.

But Pakistan military can be used for peace in the larger interest of Muslim Ummah and region. Its win-win situation for every one.
Some ppl want Pakistan to play active role in region and then chicken out at the time. If Pakistan will become a regional power, it has to stretch and show presence and skills in the region.
If this is true, i say its a God gifted opportunity and should not be wasted like previously. As a nation we should feel honored that our military is requested for help by a powerful country.
I say we should offer them naval assistance as well, would help the PN immensely in gaining strength and experience.
Pakistanis fight. Saudis relax in air conditioner tents sipping ghawa

This guy thinks Pakistan descended from heaven like angles... Military dynamics happens in the realistic realm... These peninsula shield, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan could really fuk you up today in direct collision they will not be outnumbered in fact they will have numbers on their side... You won't have conventional advantage nor hardware numerical including resources advantage.. Nor air dominance you will have to run into a giant wall in the realistic engagment realm... Reality will dawn upon you immediately after experiencing it in the flash...

This is not cartoon or dragons balls where someone will go super saiyan or pokemon there is a probablilty dynamics in conventional engagements it is not roses or flowers... Nor is there such things as happy ending for a romantic hero but dynamics, logistics, armament, numbers, stragetic depth, allies and tactics wins the day... If I had to place my bet at gun-point it would be them
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The Saudis have a military budget of 50+ billion USD. Why on earth would they need our support? What difference would a single military brigade make?
cuz money can't buy gutts. Pakistan should send the brigade but for a very VERY hefty price...
The Saudis have a military budget of 50+ billion USD. Why on earth would they need our support? What difference would a single military brigade make?

Pakistan already has a military presence in Saudi Arabia. They be asking for support for Yemen war. Saudis Army can’t fight. They are number #1 kaamchor.
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