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Saudi Interior Minister discussed with Pakistani leadership the possibilities of Pakistan sending a military brigade

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This guy thinks Pakistan descended from heaven like angles... Military dynamics happens in the realistic realm... These peninsula shield, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan could really fuk you up today in direct collision they will not be outnumbered in fact they will have numbers on their side... You won't have conventional advantage nor hardware numerical including resources advantage.. Nor air dominance you will have to run into a giant wall in the realistic engagment realm... Reality will dawn upon you immediately after experiencing it in the flash...

This is not cartoon or dragons balls where someone will go super saiyan or pokemon there is a probablilty dynamics in conventional engagements it is not roses or flowers... Nor is there such things as happy ending for a romantic hero but dynamics, logistics, armament, numbers, stragetic depth, allies and tactics wins the day... If I had to place my bet at gun-point it would be them

GCC needs to grow a pair and send in their soldiers but they can't hence fighting bare-foot Houthis for nearly 8 years.

Saudis came begging as uncle Sam limits its role in middle east
GCC needs to grow a pair and send in their soldiers

They never send them in :lol:.. The locals are doing just fine the joke is you... Becsuse you believed in things outside of ground reality... I have seen multiple fools confusing the yemen national army with gulfies:rofl: ''Pro backed-forces'' that is not your forces Due to poor english maybe... meaning the houti local rivals hold 85% of the country, oil fields, islands, airspace and even control ports retry and exit.... WITHOUT ANY FOREIGN BOOTS ON THE GROUND TO AID just local vs local.. Only Islah, Giant brigades, STC and Yemen national armed forces
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They never send them in :lol:.. locals are doing just fine the joke is you... Becsuse you believed in things outside of ground reality

Clearly that's been working wonders right?
Clearly that's been working wonders right?
the houti local rivals hold 85% of the country, oil fields, islands, airspace and even control ports retry and exit.... WITHOUT ANY FOREIGN BOOTS ON THE GROUND TO AID just local vs local.. Only Islah, Giant brigades, STC and Yemen national armed forces..

The houtis can't fight these locals apparently the whole BM launch was them wanting UAE and international community to halt giants brigade as they can't fight them due to their lines collapsing against them and this is the honest to god ground reality...

Right now as speak they are doing heavy diplomacy in order for the UN to halt them.. these filthy UN has kept this war frozen for years upto 6 years it was frozen and it becoming hot has been far and between.. 2 weeks ago KSA released the local yemeni armies on them the houtis lost 10% of territories in 2 weeks
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KSA doesn't need Pak army for yemen... They haven't even send there own forces to yemen yet... As Islah, STC, giants brigade and yemeni Gov't foeces has the houthis in check and under control..

If anything KSA need a pak stragetic team in case KSA decides to go on the offensive regionally it wants Veto powers
What would Pakistani troops be defending against and what kind of regional offensive would Saudi want to engage it? Is Saudi anticipating a situation developing where a direct war with Iran is a possibility?
What would Pakistani troops be defending against and what kind of regional offensive would Saudi want to engage it? Is Saudi anticipating a situation developing where a direct war with Iran is a possibility?

They will likely go on the offensive and doesn't matter against who could even be Beirut if they provide pretext for it... At the event of any provocations it will be meet with tremendous amount of violence... It will be rupled to the ground.... KSA is 100-times more viscous then Israel the lebanese will wake upto nightmare and one they have never witnessed before
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They will likely go on the offensive and doesn't matter against who could even be Beirut if they provide pretext for it... At the event of any provocations it will be meet with tremendous amount of violence... KSA is thin on patience these days
It does matter against whom, because if it’s Iran or their proxies, Pakistan is looking at blowback, which has to be anticipate and planned for.

The recent arms purchases by many Arab Nations, not just the Gulf Arab ones, now makes more sense.

I’m not saying Pakistan wouldn’t be willing to defend KSA, even knowing this is a real possibility, but the full spectrum of the commitment needs to be understood and accounted for. Everyone knows how much harm has come Pakistan’s way from the Iranians, their proxies, and from their territory to be used by India and others against Pakistan over decades.
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Why didn't Pakistan send 100k forces to us to fight ISIS and liberate the country.

It's always nice to have someone else take the casualties. This news needs to **** off, Pakistan isn't willing the cash any major casualties
but according to their faith calling someone else for help instead of ALLAH is SHIRK :astagh:
I hope Pakistan agrees and sends troops to Saudia.
We need to identify our friends and enemies.
Friends do help each other during wars. Look at NATO.
Just to appease Iran, which is not our Friend, we are damaging our relationship with Saudia, which is a country who stood by us in our bad times and still does.
The Saudis have a military budget of 50+ billion USD. Why on earth would they need our support? What difference would a single military brigade make?
Pakistan army are professional, well disciplined, are trusted and won't run from battle.
GCC needs to grow a pair and send in their soldiers but they can't hence fighting bare-foot Houthis for nearly 8 years.

Saudis came begging as uncle Sam limits its role in middle east


Thank Allah that The Lord has given the ability and capability to fight your enemies.

You pakistani kids are so illiterate and lack fundamental basic knowledge that it is a shame---.

Amazing the Allah put you into a GLORIOUS position of protector of muslims and yet you Insult ALLAH for HIS generosity---.

I want to write more----but---.
Now Pakistanis will send a Brigade to avoid anymore Ungrateful awkwardness, because financial situation is really tight and Saudi’s loaned them 3 billion.

While Egyptian are on a shopping spree with $20 Billion of Saudi Petro money. Why? because they were smart enough to go with the flow when the time was right. There were no confused desi pandits or no Iranian lobby to derailed their national interest.

Free ki choki dari karo ab.

Great idea. Yes. Now Now lets discuss contract terms and dollars please.


Thank Allah that Lord has given the ability and capability to fight your enemies.

You pakistani kids are so illiterate and lack fundamental basic knowledge that it is a shame---.

Amazing the Allah put you into a GLORIOUS position of protector of muslims and yet you Insult ALLAH for HIS generosity---.

I want to write more----but---.
Situation is more like: Allah ganjy ko nahkon na dy.

Ability, Yes. Capability, I don’t know. They don’t know how, what, where and when to use it.
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