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Saudi cleric says women who drive risk damaging their ovaries

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Where are all the arab women on this forum? Dont they have an opinion or a voice? Will they be put in jail for voicing their opinion on the internet?..........sadly the answer is probably yes.............
Where are all the arab women on this forum? Dont they have an opinion or a voice? Will they be put in jail for voicing their opinion on the internet?..........sadly the answer is probably yes.............

I agree. Where are all the Arab women? We have a woman from even Iran here on PDF. Surely there should be at least one Arab woman as counterbalance. Come to think of it, no Israeli women either.
A false news god only knows how that story was made up or who made it? Seriously! since when clerics became pathologists? If such thing has happened, our media outlets would have picked up already. Only insane people would believe that absurd claim. Let's assume that this news is true for the sake of argument, then what about women drivers around the world? have they experienced '' ovaries damaging''? Its illogical and astonishing claim.

Besides Saudi Arabian women who live in villages/countrysides do drive cars and certainly none of them have had an issue whatsoever. Its only in urban area women aren't allowed to drive and the funny thing is that there is no law set by the government that women driving is banned. It is because it somewhat considered to be a social taboo for one reason or another.

If anyone can prove me wrong please do bring that interview with Sabaq.org.

Yeah, people reporting false news as always, LOL. Like yesterday were a supposed rape victim had sex with her boyfriend and later called it a rape and was sentenced to 6 months. Like it is customary everywhere for making up serious false claims like a rape. Here in Denmark you can get a sentence of up to 2.5 years for that let alone in the US.

Let them continue to spread false news. Like we should give a phuck.

KSA is a G-20 major economy, has a GDP per capita higher than the average one found in the EU and the fastest growing economy in the MIddle East and most stable one. The country is moving in all the right directions. Biggest construction projects in the Middle East too.

In the meantime some countries (Mullahistan) are living in hell on earth.

There is an Arab woman. Chai. And why do you care? They don't find Indian men attractive or Hindus. Trust me. Also I doubt that defence.pk is their preferred destination with all due respect. Another question. How many Western women are found on this forum? 0? Or Indian women given that there are 1000's of Indians here.
In the end ,who the f##k cares ? We have a 20% unemployement rate in so many parts of Europe,the US is heading towards a goverment shutdown and we go around caring why other people are not like us.Why are doing that,why do they not allow that?......Because they are other people,other cultures ! It's as simple as that.Now can we fix our problems,and stop meddling in other peoples lives ?
These Saudi clerics are funnier than circus clowns! Out of at least 50 million women on planet Earth driving cars, how many ovaries have they damaged so far? Must be in the trillions! :woot: Jeez! Now that's a lot of ovaries, what? :undecided: :lol: :cuckoo:
There is an Arab woman. Chai. And why do you care? They don't find Indian men attractive or Hindus. Trust me. Also I doubt that defence.pk is their preferred destination with all due respect. Another question. How many Western women are found on this forum? 0? Or Indian women given that there are 1000's of Indians here.

Thanks bro. No one said anything about finding each other attractive. Always good to get the perspective of the other gender as well. There are quite a few Indian and Pakistani women here. And some of them are pretty vocal. You guys should let your women speak.
These Saudi clerics are funnier than circus clowns! Out of at least 50 million women on planet Earth driving cars, how many ovaries have they damaged so far? Must be in the trillions! :woot: Jeez! Now that's a lot of ovaries, what? :undecided: :lol: :cuckoo:

It is false news. Should you not do something about the 400 million Indians over half of them are women who live below the poverty line and don't have access to clean water and toilets? Or all the rapes done against women? The low caste system that discriminates women and promotes slave-like practices instead of worrying about women who live in a country with a GDP per capita higher than that of the average in EU and a country with a way faster growing economy?

What is with the Indians meddling in Arab and Muslim matters on this forum? When have I or any other Arab meddled in Indian or Hindu matters on this forum? There is plenty of material. Trust me. And later they do not understand why we have a negative opinion about them on this forum.
Thanks bro. No one said anything about finding each other attractive. Always good to get the perspective of the other gender as well. There are quite a few Indian and Pakistani women here. And some of them are pretty vocal. You guys should let your women speak.

You should visit KSA and see how it is in reality instead of reading false news reports. Or ask all the non-Saudi Arabians (Arabs and non-Arabs) on this forum who live in the country.

I never seen them aside from 2-3. Also there are bound to be more Pakistani and Indian girls (I guess they can be counted on the hand anyway) users here since this is a forum mainly for Pakistanis and Indians.

Saudi Women: in Focus - YouTube

Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving Back - YouTube

Things are moving in the right direction. Women were always an active part of Islamic and Arabic societies. History has shown this.
@al-Hasani we are only trying to learn about social mores in other countries by participating in forums like these bro. Please don't get defensive. There is no offence meant. India is actually a long standing friend of Saudi Arabia. And Iran.

To put things in perspective, this ovarian imbroglio is way cooler than the recent Kuwaiti fatwa on adult breastfeeding of male colleagues.
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@al-Hasani we are only trying to learn about social mores in other countries by participating in forums like these bro. Please don't get defensive. There is no offence meant. India is actually a long standing friend of Saudi Arabia. And Iran.

To put things in perspective, this ovarian imbroglio is way cooler than the recent Kuwaiti fatwa on adult breastfeeding of male colleagues.

Well, most Indians I see here are insulting Islam and Muslims and make little research themselves and just take any news for face value. Did the Brits not learn you self-criticism? I heard that India adopted the English school system at least. I am sure that there are THOUSANDS of false news reports about India too. How about if I posted them daily on the Indian section and made derogatory comments about Hinduism and Hindus? How long would I last? Obviously the most extreme Hindus/Indians get banned like yesterday but still annoying.

You don't learn about other countries/peoples customs or traditions by reading false news reports! If I want to know something about India I don't buy The Sun to read about new cases of brutal rapes or whatever they write about India.
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It is false news. Should you not do something about the 400 million Indians over half of them are women who live below the poverty live and don't have access to clean water and toilets. Or all the rapes done against women. Low caste system that discriminates women and promotes slave-like practices instead of worrying about women who live in a country with a GDP per capita higher than that of the average in EU and a country which a few faster growing economy?

What is with the Indians meddling in Arab and Muslim matters on this forum? When have I or any other Arab meddled in Indian or Hindu matters on this forum? There is plenty of material. Trust me. And later they do not understand why we have a negative opinion about them on this forum.

See dude i understand you have problem with Indians.when you are in a International form someone is bound to touch your ego at some point of time.and you dont have to get carried away as you said there are other arab memebers here have seen anyone going after others like they come after you.see Arabian legend and Yzd Khalifa they too said the same thing what you have said do you see anyone getting offended by there replys.thats called maturity my friend.
It is false news. Should you not do something about the 400 million Indians over half of them are women who live below the poverty live and don't have access to clean water and toilets. Or all the rapes done against women. Low caste system that discriminates women and promotes slave-like practices instead of worrying about women who live in a country with a GDP per capita higher than that of the average in EU and a country which a few faster growing economy?
Blah, blah, blah and more blah!! :blah: Come back to me once you Saudis run out of oil in 20 years time! Then we'll see about your water and poverty. You guys live eat and breathe oil without which you'll just whither away. You have no industries or agriculture worth the name.

Three Saudi journalists, Feras Boqna, Hussam al-Drewesh and Khaled al-Rasheed were detained after a posting 10-minute film, 'We are being cheated' on Saudis living in poverty on YouTube. Authors of the video say that 22% of Saudis are living in poverty without the basic necessities and 70% of Saudis do not own their houses in spite of your oil. :P

Indians got banned en masse yesterday? Where? Man I always miss these weekend bashes. :hitwall:
See dude i understand you have problem with Indians.when you are in a International form some is bound to touch your ego at some point of time.and you dont have to get carried away as you said there are other arab memebers here have seen anyone going after others like they come after you.see Arabian legend and Yzd Khalifa they too said the same thing what you have said do you see anyone getting offended by there replys.thats called maturity my friend.

Not sure what you are referring to. Will you please direct me to any Arab member writing in the Indian section? The Arab interest in those issues is simply close to 0 while Indians are always meddling in Arab matters. It seems the interest is a one-way interest if I can call it this.

Arabs or Muslims at least from the ancient Middle East that we inhabit don't have any problem with Hindus or Indians since we have not had any dealings with them aside from the ancient pre-Islamic trade, ties between fellow Semitic civilization (Mesopotamia, Dilmun in KSA) and those found in India.

Well of course since the arrival of Indian workers in the 1960's many of whom are Hindus. In fact we GCC Arabs have more Hindus who live among us than anywhere else in the Arab world.


On the other hand some Hindu Indians from Southern India or God knows where seem to have a INCLINED problem with us Muslims and to some extent Arabs without knowing JACKSHIIT about us, the ancient region we inhabit our past Semitic civilizations (the oldest in the world and among the most important) or even anything about the very diverse Arab culture - well over 20 countries.

I still stand by my claim since I have witnessed here before on a frequent basis. I have respect for a few very friendly Indian users here though.

Blah, blah, blah and more blah!! :blah: Come back to me once you Saudis run out of oil in 20 years time! Then we'll see about your water and poverty. You guys live eat and breathe oil without which you'll just whither away. You have no industries or agriculture worth the name.

Three Saudi journalists, Feras Boqna, Hussam al-Drewesh and Khaled al-Rasheed were detained after a posting 10-minute film, 'We are being cheated' on Saudis living in poverty on YouTube. Authors of the video say that 22% of Saudis are living in poverty without the basic necessities and 70% of Saudis do not own their houses in spite of your oil. :P


False news. We are a country with plenty of resources. Not only oil but gas, phosphor, gold, shale gas, plenty of other minerals, biggest potential for solar energy and hydropower etc. Our economy is getting less and less dependent on oil and gas. Don't you worry. All while we have one of the fastest growing economies. You can't say the same about your India which has the biggest amount of people living below the poverty line IN THE WORLD.

The unemployment rate in KSA is 10%.


The rest is just false news. Come again.

Besides I suggest you should visit this thread below and come back to me.


The agricultural sector in KSA is increasing btw and we can produce more or less all fruits and vegetables locally. The country also made huge investments in Africa in that sector and elsewhere as have many other countries.

Anyway thanks for giving another good light about Indian Hindus on this forum.:no:
A false news god only knows how that story was made up or who made it? Seriously! since when clerics became pathologists? If such thing has happened, our media outlets would have picked up already. Only insane people would believe that absurd claim. Let's assume that this news is true for the sake of argument, then what about women drivers around the world? have they experienced '' ovaries damaging''? Its illogical and astonishing claim.

Besides Saudi Arabian women who live in villages/countrysides do drive cars and certainly none of them have had an issue whatsoever. Its only in urban area women aren't allowed to drive and the funny thing is that there is no law set by the government that women driving is banned. It is because it somewhat considered to be a social taboo for one reason or another.

If anyone can prove me wrong please do bring that interview with Sabaq.org.

You put it very nicely and calmly 7abibi. Very good. Yes, and I hope that this will change very soon.

Such a stupid thing. It's not even a law ffs. That "law" has damaged the reputation of our country more than anything else. I can't believe it really.

Why are talents such as this "forced" to leave?


Please sign up. Nearly 13.000 signatures within a week.

Oct 26th | Saudi women driving campaign
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