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Saudi cleric says women who drive risk damaging their ovaries

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Saudi women driving ban not part of sharia-morality: police chief - Alarabiya.net English | Front Page



Time to remove this "law" which is not even a law to begin with. About damn time.
I find it hilarious! The news went viral everywhere - even though I didn't check the authenticity of the story but I believe some guy like him is going to say anything to blackmail the petition campign, which the Gov't itself is supporing.
@Yzd Khalifa, heard the same news all over Turkish Radio's as well. Had a good laugh while driving from home! :D

Mate, you need to jail these idiots........ every other day, there is something so ridiculous out of there, that the whole country has become butt-of-jokes!

We can't lock some guy up without charges :what: we already are facing crisis with the families of Al-Qaida operatives in here, and you want us to lock up this idoit :/ ...

Anyway, 9 of his kind lost ther jobs in the last two years, this guy will be kicked out.

Good thing is the news went viral, but nobody covered the petition campign. :-)

Driving affects ovaries and pelvis, Saudi sheikh warns women

Al Arabiya

Saudi women seeking to challenge a de facto ban on driving should realize that this could affect their ovaries and pelvises, Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaydan, a judicial and psychological consultant to the Gulf Psychological Association, told Saudi news website sabq.org.

Driving “could have a reverse physiological impact. Physiological science and functional medicine studied this side [and found] that it automatically affects ovaries and rolls up the pelvis. This is why we find for women who continuously drive cars their children are born with clinical disorders of varying degrees,” Sheikh al-Luhaydan said.

Saudi female activists have launched an online campaign urging women to drive on Oct. 26.
More than 11,000 women have signed the oct26driving.com declaration that says: “Since there are no clear justifications for the state to ban adult, capable women from driving. We call for enabling women to have driving tests and for issuing licenses for those who pass.”

Sheikh al-Luhaydan urged these women to consider “the mind before the heart and emotion and look at this issue with a realistic eye.”

“The result of this is bad and they should wait and consider the negativities,” he said.

Twitter reaction

Al-Luhaydan's statement drew immediate reaction on social media, with many Saudis ridiculing his “great scientific discoveries.” An Arabic Twitter hashtag

“Women_driving_affects_ovaries_and_pelvises” was created and is going viral among Arab users.
Female twitter user @Shams_AlShmous sarcastically applauded the sheikh’s “exclusive scientific achievement.”

A female user with the name of Ms Jackson @B_B1ack tells everyone: “What’s your understanding of physiology, leave it to our Sheikh al-Luhaydan”.
Another female @Mshaal80 asked whether al-Haydan “studied Shariah, medicine or foolishness.”

Not part of Sharia

The head of the kingdom’s religious police said last week that the “Islamic sharia does not have a text forbidding women driving.”

Sheikh Abdulatif al-Sheikh stressed that since he was appointed as head of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice religious police have not pursued or stopped a woman driving.
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Dude, met some Saudi chicks in the UK this time around (students, living in the same complex where I own a pad), they were simmering hot!!! I was like what the effffff........ new supply is pretty damn awesome! :cheesy:

Sorry but I don't agree :) The simplest definition I can provide is given by Wiki Answers:

Culture is sort of an umbrella term defined by the traditions, language, art, food, and various attributes of a particular group (be it a group of five or an entire country). Religion can be classified underneath the concept of "culture"; however, religion itself is a practice in which one seeks to commune with, and worship a power considered higher than one's Self.

So while there is inter dependency however please don't confuse what is prevalent in a society as culture or tradition with religion. Islam as a religion is spread all over the world and some things done or not done by Muslim's originate from the culture and tradition of the country they live in.
If there is any confusion, it would be understandable. The question here is the intensity of that interdependency between the dominant culture and the preeminence of a religion over competing ones. If that interdependency is strong enough and prodigiously exported so that the values espoused by one culture overrode the values of the adopting culture, over time it would be acceptable to predicate the word 'culture' with a religious label.
Dude, met some Saudi chicks in the UK this time around (students, living in the same complex where I own a pad), they were simmering hot!!! I was like what the effffff........ new supply is pretty damn awesome! :cheesy:

The Saudi Arabian girls hide it well.;) Besides I am not surprised by that comment. Most Muslims and non-Muslims alike that did not know what to expect of Saudi Arabian girls say the same. I am glad that none of my sisters studied in the US as I did.:lol:
Twitter reaction

Al-Luhaydan's statement drew immediate reaction on social media, with many Saudis ridiculing his “great scientific discoveries.” An Arabic Twitter hashtag

“Women_driving_affects_ovaries_and_pelvises” was created and is going viral among Arab users.
Female twitter user @Shams_AlShmous sarcastically applauded the sheikh’s “exclusive scientific achievement.”

A female user with the name of Ms Jackson @B_B1ack tells everyone: “What’s your understanding of physiology, leave it to our Sheikh al-Luhaydan”.
Another female @Mshaal80 asked whether al-Haydan “studied Shariah, medicine or foolishness.”

Not part of Sharia

The head of the kingdom’s religious police said last week that the “Islamic sharia does not have a text forbidding women driving.”

Sheikh Abdulatif al-Sheikh stressed that since he was appointed as head of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice religious police have not pursued or stopped a woman driving.

Then change it for God's sake. Stop making stupid excuses. It's a burden on the families, on the economy etc. and most women would feel safer if they drove themselves instead of foreign strangers (drivers from God know where).

I have ALWAYS been against this moronic "law". ALWAYS. If they don't change within years then I will lose all hope.
And to think that this man belongs to an elite clique that have the power of a state behind the clique's existence and authority in the country.

Just for the record, this guy doesn't work for the Gov't. I was like hoping he was, but the douce is a psychological consultant to the Gulf Psychological Association
Just for the record, this guy doesn't work for the Gov't. I was like hoping he was, but the douce is a psychological consultant to the Gulf Psychological Association
The issue is not about being on the government's payroll, it is about state enforcement of religious values, and worse, values espoused by a charismatic figure or clique of individuals who shares the same religious views.
The issue is not about being on the government's payroll, it is about state enforcement of religious values, and worse, values espoused by a charismatic figure or clique of individuals who shares the same religious views.

Well, this sounds a bit different of what you've said earlier. I'm not a big fan of religions though, but I don't think he represents the entire religious figures of the Muslim faith.

Man, I kinda got the feeling that he looked similar to OBL :/ .. Don't you think?
What Saudi needs to do is completely ban this Mutawwa/vice police thing. That thing is detriment to personal freedom and grossly violates the basic tenets of Islam.

I have a story of a non Muslim friend of mine being made to pray, its funny and sad at the same time. This is what happens when you bend over to Mullahs. Pakistan is a beautiful example of the mess we are in.
Well, this sounds a bit different of what you've said earlier. I'm not a big fan of religions though, but I don't think he represents the entire religious figures of the Muslim faith.

Man, I kinda got the feeling that he looked similar to OBL :/ .. Don't you think?
Not at all. I said...

And to think that this man belongs to an elite clique that have the power of a state behind the clique's existence and authority in the country.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...k-damaging-their-ovaries-5.html#ixzz2gOxpA5lM
The power of a state does not equate to being on the government's payroll.

Billy Graham is a famous figure in both political and religious lives in America. Just about every US President met him and listened to his religious views. But at no point ever that Graham had the backing of the US Department of Justice to enforce those religious views. Look at the US today. Would gay marriage be possible even 20 yrs ago? Contrast this with Saudi Arabia or even the entire Muslim world. Am not talking about gay marriages but about the tolerance of a state enforcing religious views and all the way to the point of having a theocracy.
Point taken.

Billy Graham :rofl: I guess these are two faces of the same coin :lol:
Not at all. I said...

The power of a state does not equate to being on the government's payroll.

Billy Graham is a famous figure in both political and religious lives in America. Just about every US President met him and listened to his religious views. But at no point ever that Graham had the backing of the US Department of Justice to enforce those religious views. Look at the US today. Would gay marriage be possible even 20 yrs ago? Contrast this with Saudi Arabia or even the entire Muslim world. Am not talking about gay marriages but about the tolerance of a state enforcing religious views and all the way to the point of having a theocracy.
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