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Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa Allowing Jihadis to Rape Syrian Women

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& this is how religion & beliefs are contaminated. It's a pity that these sort of actions of few twisted minds does gain legitimacy by some sections in the name of faith & religion.
These mullahs only understand language of terror.foolish americans attacked iraq an afganisthan whereas they should have done shock and awe on the saudi royals and mullah class.But ofcourse they can't dump their bedfellows.
in 21st century ppl have such mentality, Imagine how they were in middle ages -- Hassan Nissar..

the person you are quoting himself is one frustrated type.....if it would have been upto him he would have shoot many others along with himself......he gets too out of control....his emotions always gets better of his rationalism...and even good points of his loose worth under those circumstances

These mullahs only understand language of terror.foolish americans attacked iraq an afganisthan whereas they should have done shock and awe on the saudi royals and mullah class.But ofcourse they can't dump their bedfellows.

Saudia is the only place where attack by any country will face severe retaliation by every muslim country from Pakistan, turkey to sudan and nigeria .....so better if they dont even think off about it ....otherwise they will have the worst nightmare of their life
Why what's so special about saudi?they are the centre of mullah wahabi terrorism problem all muslims worldwide don't u agree?And What nightmare exactly.Expand.
Why what's so special about saudi?they are the centre of mullah wahabi terrorism problem all muslims worldwide don't u agree?And What nightmare exactly.Expand.

Saudia is a holy place for all muslims .....having corrupt people there doesnot mean that you forget about the historic value of the place for muslims and the love each and every muslim possess about the place....the country holds too much value for every muslim ...so it should not amaze anyone if any bad eye towards the Holy place will be met with severe retaliation ,action and bad consequences to the offender from the muslim world

A Wahhabi cleric in Saudi Arabia, Muhammad al-Arifi, who is very influential in ****** circles, recently issued a fatwa (religious edict) that permits all Jihadist militants in Syria to engage in short-lived marriages with Syrian women that each lasts for a few hours in order to satisfy their sexual desires and boost their determination in killing Syrians. He called the marriage as ‘intercourse marriage’. It requires that the Syrian female be at least 14 years old, widowed, or divorced.

Saudi Wahhabi Cleric Issues Fatwa Allowing Jihadis to Rape Syrian Women (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

WHAT??? :what: Wahabis at their best.
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Saudia is a holy place for all muslims .....having corrupt people there doesnot mean that you forget about the historic value of the place for muslims and the love each and every muslim possess about the place....the country holds too much value for every muslim ...so it should not amaze anyone if any bad eye towards the Holy place will be met with severe retaliation ,action and bad consequences to the offender from the muslim world

Maybe a few under the Saudi umbrella, but Iranians and Turks tend not to follow Arabs as closely as others. One favors Pan -Iranism, the other Pan-Turkism, and the Arabs themselves: Pan arabism.

Saudi Arabia can only count on the GCC for assistance. Others will be too proud to help, or too poor.

Of course I am looking at regional threats to the kingdom, like Saddam's Iraq.
Every Indian who go to Iran do this marriage as first thing on arrival.

There are 50 weekly flights bringing indians to Iran and yet you do not know this¨!

your claim is baseless ... and you are liar ... any body knew that marriage and temporary marriage with none muslims is forbidden for Shia women ... and muttah is his own conditions ....

and look at this ... SAhih Bokhari .... ( if I remember correctly , Sunni Are believing all of it correct ... so I will use it as my own proof )

متن صحيح بخاري در چاپ بيت الأفكار الدوليه رياض و دارالفکر بيروت، سال 1401:

أُنْزِلَتْ آيَةُ الْمُتْعَةِ فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ فَفَعَلْنَاهَا مَعَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَلَمْ يُنْزَلْ قُرْآنٌ يُحَرِّمُهُ وَلَمْ يَنْهَ عَنْهَا حَتَّى مَاتَ قَالَ رَجُلٌ بِرَأْيِهِ مَا شَاءَ قَالَ مُحَمَّدٌ يُقَالُ إنَّهُ عُمًر .

آيه متعه در زمان رسول خدا نازل شد و ما در زمان رسول خدا به آن عمل مى*كرديم و آيۀ هم بر حرمت* آن نازل نگرديد و رسول خدا هم تا دم مرگ ما را از آن منع نكرد ، مردى با رأى و ميل خودش هر چه كه دلش خواست گفت . و اين شخص عمر بن الخطاب بود .

صحيح بخاري، ص854 ، بيت الأفكار الدولية ؛

صحيح البخاري ، ج 5 ، ص 158 ، كتاب التفسير ، باب فمن تمتع بالعمرة إلى الحج ، ناشر : دار الفكر للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع ، بيروت ، 1401 - 1981 م ، توضيحات : طبعة بالأوفست عن طبعة دار الطباعة العامرة بإستانبول .



for see full article and more proof go there ... is Arabic /Persian ....



this simply say muttah was halal in Prophet era and prophet didn't forbid it ....

but after prophet death some guys made their own Fatwa and forbid it , but when Imam Ali become Caliphe , he allow it and Shia acting according of Imam Ali's Fatwa not others ......
Saudia is a holy place for all muslims .....having corrupt people there doesnot mean that you forget about the historic value of the place for muslims and the love each and every muslim possess about the place....the country holds too much value for every muslim ...so it should not amaze anyone if any bad eye towards the Holy place will be met with severe retaliation ,action and bad consequences to the offender from the muslim world

well , for me , only Mecca and Medina is holly place ( simply , only holly place is holly for me ) ... I really don't care about other cities of Hejaz ... ( I don't know why people call it Saudi ... it was Hejaz more than 1400 years ... )

and more information :

Banu Ummayeh destroyed Ka'abeh for three times in their era
(1- Yazid Army after killing Imam Hossein , attacked Medina and killed so many people - including some of Sahhabi - and the troops raped Medina's girls and women and after that , they attacked Mecca and put a fire to Ka'abeh with catapult .... it was less than 50 years after prophet death !!!!

from Mokhtarnameh movie : Yazid Army putting fire on Kab'bah :

Yazid was son of Mavieh son of Abu Sofian and Hind .... ) >>> Well , Wahhabi trying to turn Yazid to a saint ... and you can see why shia hate wahhabis ..........

2- al-Ḥajjāj bin Yūsuf
he as commander of Abdulmalk ibn Marvan destroyed Ka'bah completely


interesting and ironic part of this story is that Yazid Army troos believed they are Jihad in the path of allah ( جهاد فی سبیل الله ) .... and with this idea , they killed Prophet's grandson and take Prophet clan ( Bani Hashem ) as prisoner , attacking Medina and killing people of prophet city and raping their women and daughters in prophet city and putting fire to Mecca ....
Maybe a few under the Saudi umbrella, but Iranians and Turks tend not to follow Arabs as closely as others. One favors Pan -Iranism, the other Pan-Turkism, and the Arabs themselves: Pan arabism.

Saudi Arabia can only count on the GCC for assistance. Others will be too proud to help, or too poor.

mate the question is not protecting the arabs but the Holy land...for the former some counties may have discrepancies based upon the retrospectives like the tussles b/w sheikhs and iran but for the later there will not be any such discrepancies
well , for me , only Mecca and Medina is holly place ( simply , only holly place is holly for me ) ... I really don't care about other cities of Hejaz ... ( I don't know why people call it Saudi ... it was Hejaz more than 1400 years ... )

and more information :

Banu Ummayeh destroyed Ka'abeh for three times in their era
(1- Yazid Army after killing Imam Hossein , attacked Medina and killed so many people - including some of Sahhabi - and the troops raped Medina's girls and women and after that , they attacked Mecca and put a fire to Ka'abeh with catapult .... it was less than 50 years after prophet death !!!!

from Mokhtarnameh movie : Yazid Army putting fire on Kab'bah :

Yazid was son of Mavieh son of Abu Sofian and Hind .... ) >>> Well , Wahhabi trying to turn Yazid to a saint ... and you can see why shia hate wahhabis ..........

2- al-Ḥajjāj bin Yūsuf
he as commander of Abdulmalk ibn Marvan destroyed Ka'bah completely


interesting and ironic part of this story is that Yazid Army troos believed they are Jihad in the path of ALLAH ( جهاد فی سبیل الله ) .... and with this idea , they killed Prophet's grandson and take Prophet clan ( Bani Hashem ) as prisoner , attacking Medina and killing people of prophet city and raping their women and daughters in prophet city and putting fire to Mecca ....

Mate by Saudia i meant Mecca and Madina . about yazeed i dont consider him a muslim after what he did to Prophet's (PBUH) family and city...and the things you posted i already know them ...but the point is we cant discuss such things here as there are people from many sects here and not only that we have some non muslims also...that may result into some kinda mess we dont want here...as any thing about religion is sensitive and should be argued b/w those who have a very good knowledge about it and have neutral stance and not biased towards certain sect or ideology ....

So better if we leave it here...i was going to PM you but noticed i am not allowed to so posted here.and in last as i often say to many ...kindly try to write ALLAH in bold letters.Best regards
Mate by Saudia i meant Mecca and Madina . about yazeed i dont consider him a muslim after what he did to Prophet's (PBUH) family and city...and the things you posted i already know them ...but the point is we cant discuss such things here as there are people from many sects here and not only that we have some non muslims also...that may result into some kinda mess we dont want here...as any thing about religion is sensitive and should be argued b/w those who have a very good knowledge about it and have neutral stance and not biased towards certain sect or ideology ....

So better if we leave it here...i was going to PM you but noticed i am not allowed to so posted here.and in last as i often say to many ...kindly try to write ALLAH in bold letters.Best regards

The point is that some fools did so much sins and they believed they were doing Jihad ( جهاد فی سبیل الله ) !!!

and I'm sure some people have this foolishness in our era ...

about ALLAH ... well you are right ... but that Batman's post boiled my blood ....
Every Indian who go to Iran do this marriage as first thing on arrival.

There are 50 weekly flights bringing indians to Iran and yet you do not know this¨!

Mutah Marriage is a short term contractual marriage. its forbidden among Sunni Muslim. A Muslim man can marry Jews & chistian woman but a muslim woman can only marry a muslim man. Muslims are forbidden to marry people without books (Jews & chistians).

Thanks for the welcome Kobirazz.
In the absence of any marriage, it is considered fornication. Regardless whether it boosts fighter morale and certainly regardless of a fatwa by some cleric most of us never even heard of

There's really not much else to it.
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