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Islamic cleric decrees it OK for Syrian rebels to rape women

I didn't knew the extent of rape in Germany. Can you please shed some light on that (because at this rate German race would have been polluted - ironic considering the Nazi legacy)

Rape during the occupation of Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"As Allied troops entered and occupied German territory during the later stages of World War II, mass rapes took place, both in connection with combat operations and during the subsequent occupation that was to last many years. Most published and most numerous are the rapes committed by Soviet servicemen, for which estimates range from tens of thousands to two million."

The Russians did not only that in Germany but everywhere they went. Nazis and any other army too. Men tend to do that during wars (were the most horrible things happen) and especially when they have not been around women for months or even years. It's only better when it is the enemy you are "punishing and humiliating". Most isolated tribes today also have traditions of raping the women of their rival tribes. I think it has more meaning that just the rape itself (sex) but also to terrify. Not sure, never tried.:omghaha: Not an Indian:no::azn:
The rebels never raped any Syrians, they are protecting the civilians against the Shia rapist army. The Shia rapist army are rapping every women everytime they see them walking. Stop trolling, we suunis aren't savages like Shia.

You sound like an inmature 10 year old girl that just learned how to barely read or write.
That is simply Un-ISLAMIC. If a cleric is issuing fatwas against Quran-o-Sunnah, he is not Islamic-Cleric anymore. Stop spreading the falsehood and stop defaming Islam. Call this story as A Non-Islmaic Cleric issues fatwa against Islamic Basics to rape women.
That is simply Un-ISLAMIC. If a cleric is issuing fatwas against Quran-o-Sunnah, he is not Islamic-Cleric anymore. Stop spreading the falsehood and stop defaming Islam. Call this story as A Non-Islmaic Cleric issues fatwa against Islamic Basics to rape women.

The best thing is to ignore them and shun them. This cleric is causing trouble in Jordan and fights against King Abdullah II of Jordan who is a very good leader and respected. Most Jordanians are happy with the rulers. Blackeagle can tell more. All Jordanians I know are. I can also see forums and youtube comments from Jordanians. Majority are happy.

It has been too easy for all kind of clerics (Sunni and Shia) to issue fatwas left and right. They don't realize that most Muslims don't take it seriously.

How can we when there are 10.000 different fatwas each year by self-proclaimed clerics and often of a conflicting nature?

When Khoemini issued a fatwa to kill Salman Rushdie 20 years ago or so, why has he not been killed yet? Same with Al-Qaeda. There has only been one 9/11 and only few have been arrested for trying to plot terror.

And how many Sunnis are there? Yeah, 1.3 billion and 1.6 billion Muslims overall.

Those clerics do not realize that they are not doing any favors to themselves and their fellow Muslims. It only makes non-Muslims hate Islam more and Islamophobes to generalize all Muslims.

They don't understand that people deep inside have their own feelings/views and that they can change any moment in time.
This speaks volume about the type of education those Mullah/Sheikh get in their madrassas.
Madaras should teach Islam, Islamic values and humanity to these Shaikhs/Mullahs etc. if they do, Islam will benefit and so the people.
Iran have nukes and saudi have expensive toys and 99% of the Middle East and Islamic countries that would back them. HMMMM who will win?
Iran have nukes and saudi have expensive toys and 99% of the Middle East and Islamic countries that would back them. HMMMM who will win?

I don't think that Iran has nukes yet and if they do KSA and other Arab countries have stated that they will acquire nuclear weapons immediately.

KSA already works extremely close with Pakistan, USA, China and France on the nuclear field (nuclear energy etc.) so if that happens expect them to acquire it as well.

Nuclear weapons is the last think the Middle East needs. The Iranian regime are idiots and gamble with the stability of this region.

"Let our wives be killed before they are abused, and our children before they have tasted slavery, and after we have slain them, let us bestow that glorious benefit upon one another mutually...”

Is the war going so bad , the would be martyrs need additional incentive apart from eternal glory and a little bit of money while they are alive?
The Cleric who has given this fatwa does not represent Islam. In Islam, even during the time of war, raping women is forbidden. If one reads Hadith ( Sayings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ), he will know that Islam prohibits its followers , even during war-time, from killing aged persons, from killing women (even if they are helping their soldiers ), even from burning crops and trees of enemies . So , How can Islam permit such a heinous crime like raping enemies' women. ???

This speaks volume about the type of education those Mullah/Sheikh get in their madrassas.
Madaras should teach Islam, Islamic values and humanity to these Shaikhs/Mullahs etc. if they do, Islam will benefit and so the people.

Actually , These Wahabi Clerics don't represent majority of Muslims, Wahabis are a new, deviant sect among Muslims. They don't represent true Islam. Majority of Madarsas teach real Islam only.

The Cleric who has given this fatwa does not represent Islam. In Islam, even during the time of war, raping women is forbidden. If one reads Hadith ( Sayings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ), he will know that Islam prohibits its followers , even during war-time, from killing aged persons, from killing women (even if they are helping their soldiers ), even from burning crops and trees of enemies . So , How can Islam permit such a heinous crime like raping enemies' women. ???
The Cleric who has given this fatwa does not represent Islam. In Islam, even during the time of war, raping women is forbidden. If one reads Hadith ( Sayings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ), he will know that Islam prohibits its followers , even during war-time, from killing aged persons, from killing women (even if they are helping their soldiers ), even from burning crops and trees of enemies . So , How can Islam permit such a heinous crime like raping enemies' women. ???

Actually , These Wahabi Clerics don't represent majority of Muslims, Wahabis are a new, deviant sect among Muslims. They don't represent true Islam. Majority of Madarsas teach real Islam only.

The Cleric who has given this fatwa does not represent Islam. In Islam, even during the time of war, raping women is forbidden. If one reads Hadith ( Sayings of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ), he will know that Islam prohibits its followers , even during war-time, from killing aged persons, from killing women (even if they are helping their soldiers ), even from burning crops and trees of enemies . So , How can Islam permit such a heinous crime like raping enemies' women. ???
this is the kind of Islam, supported and approved by U.S ,Israel and the rest of poppets. we call it Americani Islam.
That's fine, Iranian but I have seen no evidence of actual rapes by the rebels. If I do I will condemn it. I don't represent the rebels nor am I their spokesman just like anyone else here.

Same about the Child-Murderer and his gang and supporters here.

KSA has among the lowest crime rates for a reason. Because criminals are dealt with. Same with Al-Qaeda who were defeated in KSA after causing death and troubles. Now most are in Yemen and Iraq because those two countries are in chaos.

I humbly differ.

Lets have a look at Syria. Rebels would never ever be seen crushing people because most of the western and Arab media is with them.

Secondly, they would do whatever they want and blame it on the Syrian Army and people would believe it, as the Syrian army has committed atrocities.

Now Alkaeda,---- well all these groups are dumped into other countries so as not to create trouble there. Saudi Arabia as a country has been amongst the largest financiers of sunni/wahabi militant outfits around the world and the US knows that.

Now, crime in Saudi Arabia, unfortunately, crime is increasing because population has grown unchecked. Some European countries who had a higher crime rate than KSA have actually pulled it back.

Lastly, before you accuse me of being anti Arab, I would say I have the utmost respect for you and your people. But I as a humble person does not agree with your govts foreign policies.

And plz change you avatar, Libyan flag has been changed and GCC have accepted the new Syrian flag. http://dc429.*******.com/img/5OLO4raR/s7/map_of_arab_world_with_flags_2.png

These type of molvi(mad) used hadees and verses of quran for their benefits. The real terrorists who demolished the real face of islam.

Apni aurto ko ghar se tak nhi nikalne dete and ..........
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