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Saudi beheads Pakistanis for armed robbery

They committed the crime against the Nation not just an individual. And by doing this they save countless lives. @Leader we need to apply the same rule in Pakistan and see in just 1 month the crime rate in Pakistan will come down dramatically.
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Sir when they would do things which Islam orders they would be supported and defended unlike liberal thugs and touts of USA who just want to talk crap because their main problem is with Islam not Saudi government or any other government they basically are enemies of Islam
BUT IF SAUDIS WANT TO follow shria please follow all of it not just the punishments
What the hell is wrong with you people? Supporting beheading over armed robbery??
Robbers are also human beings with lives. Some of them do it outta poverty, doesn't mean you treat them like this.

Sir these are punishment to bring peace in society and Islam sees those who have done because of poverty and still even in poverty no one has right to rob Sir and we follow your policy no criminal should be punished all should be let free so they can destroy society keep these so called civilized lectures to yourself we are happy living in stone age at least we have peace and less crimes unlike USA the master of human rights which according to their own statistics 1 out 5 women is rape victim and every year more than 20000 people are killed in USA

BUT IF SAUDIS WANT TO follow shria please follow all of it not just the punishments

Yes here I agree with you
Sir Islam allows these kind of punishments and these punishments bring peace and as Islamic state these punishments should be enforced in Pakistan to and to hell with so called civilized which are in reality most uncivilized societies of the world

Islam ask for the first offense fingers to be cut of, second offense hand to be cut off thats after the offense has occurred and person has admitted his or her guilt no where it says to cut the heads of for planing a robbery.

I beg of you please dont make Islam into a joke to justify House of Sauds actions.
Good - We should introduce this punishment for terrorists, murderers, rapists & robbers as well, Our population is increased too much, time for clean up.
Islam ask for the first offense fingers to be cut of, second offense hand to be cut off thats after the offense has occurred and person has admitted his or her guilt no where it says to cut the heads of for planing a robbery.

I beg of you please dont make Islam into a joke to justify House of Sauds actions.
I am not saying for only planning robbery I am saying for those if they have committed armed robbery for planning no need to cut of fingers just throw in Jail for year and teach them Islam their

Good - We should introduce this punishment for terrorists, murderers, rapists & robbers as well, Our population is increased too much, time for clean up.

Man I agree with you here completely but for terrorists this is different case specially if they are ideological ones they already come to die
Criminal is a criminal, if proved guilty then he should be given maximum punishment whether its hanging or beheading or injecting venom.. Nothing wrong with any method as far as it make others think twice before making same crime in future and I think beheading serves this purpose best..
Man I agree with you here completely but for terrorists this is different case specially if they are ideological ones they already come to die

No problem - We should arrange their meeting with God. And instead of wasting bullet, we should slash their head.
I am not saying for only planning robbery I am saying for those if they have committed armed robbery for planning no need to cut of fingers just throw in Jail for year and teach them Islam their

Brother i am just commenting on what it says in the article and according to the article they were just guilty of planing the robbery'' The execution in the western city of Jeddah came after the two men admitted to having set up a gang to rob bank customers at gunpoint''.
They committed the crime against the Nation not just an individual. And by doing this they save countless lives. @Leader we need to apply the same rule in Pakistan and see in just 1 month the crime rate in Pakistan will come down dramatically.

yeah lets bring taliban style rule of law and praise the lord for lower crime rates, isnt this what the mullah of Pakistan praised taliban rule for?

how about solving economic problems of the people, and giving them opportunities to excel in life, then to set examples out of the already enchained lower class?
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yeah lets bring taliban style rule of law and praise the lord for lower crime rates, isnt this what the mullah of Pakistan praised taliban rule for?

how about solving economic problems of the people, and giving them opportunities to excel in life, then to set examples out of the already enchained lower class?
Sir economic problems would be solved but this doesn't mean you don't punish the criminals and this has nothing to do with Taliban or being bedouin these punishments are order of Islam order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW if you have problem with ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW be open about it don't use these words to make fun of Islam be clear
Sir these are punishment to bring peace in society and Islam sees those who have done because of poverty and still even in poverty no one has right to rob Sir
I am not a sir! I am a Ma'am!
You are a Ultra-conservative! You don't value life. Real muslims value life and islam is about forgiveness.This decapitating and amputating was common between people way before Islam came. And people don't enjoy robbing for fun,Everyone has a reason.

we follow your policy no criminal should be punished all should be let free so they can destroy society keep these so called civilized lectures to yourself we are happy living in stone age at least we have peace and less crimes unlike USA the master of human rights
What so called lectures? I have the right to post here,Stop being so dogmatic man.I never said anything about USA did I??
Unlike you i give a sh*t when some treats a pakistani worse than an animal. As far as USA goes I don't care much about what they do but i would like to point out under their jurisdiction the perp would still be alive and his family wouldn't have to see his head separated from his body.
Sir economic problems would be solved but this doesn't mean you don't punish the criminals and this has nothing to do with Taliban or being bedouin these punishments are order of Islam order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW if you have problem with ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW be open about it don't use these words to make fun of Islam be clear

lets do things out of our own gand and then blame it Allah, Rasool and Islam.. easy way out for you.
lets do things out of our own gand and then blame it Allah, Rasool and Islam.. easy way out for you.

Sir these are orders of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW clear cut orders in Quran and Hadees you problem is with ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW Sir be clear about it because these orders are clear in Quran and Sunnah and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW applied these orders with full force in society so if you any problem with these laws you basically have problem with ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW
Criminal is a criminal, if proved guilty then he should be given maximum punishment whether its hanging or beheading or injecting venom.. Nothing wrong with any method as far as it make others think twice before making same crime in future and I think beheading serves this purpose best..

Say that to imran khan and watch!
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