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Saudi beheads Pakistanis for armed robbery

I am not a sir! I am a Ma'am!
You are a Ultra-conservative! You don't value life. Real muslims value life and islam is about forgiveness.This decapitating and amputating was common between people way before Islam came. And people don't enjoy robbing for fun,Everyone has a reason.

What so called lectures? I have the right to post here,Stop being so dogmatic man.I never said anything about USA did I??
Unlike you i give a sh*t when some treats a pakistani worse than an animal. As far as USA goes I don't care much about what they do but i would like to point out under their jurisdiction the perp would still be alive and his family wouldn't have to see his head separated from his body.

I give a dam about life of criminals yes I don't value life of those who rob and attack and kill and rape people and women I give a dam about their life and they deserve most lethal punishments and those include most brutal death that too in public so no one else dares do it

Say that to imran khan and watch!

If he doesn't follow them he would become history and a bad part of history not much problem
fair deal that rapists, drugs dealers, mafia heads, human traffickers, first degree murderers should be either put life in jail or sentenced to death, but armed robbery is no such crime, cure the causes, then to curse the disease !!
fair deal that rapists, drugs dealers, mafia heads, human traffickers, first degree murderers should be either put life in jail or sentenced to death, but armed robbery is no such crime, cure the causes, then to curse the disease !!
Sir Armed robbery is death sentence you just threaten to murder and if a person would resist you would kill him Sir it is not a low crime
Sir these are orders of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW clear cut orders in Quran and Hadees you problem is with ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW Sir be clear about it because these orders are clear in Quran and Sunnah and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW applied these orders with full force in society so if you any problem with these laws you basically have problem with ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW

where in Quran does it say to behead a armed robber?
I would've preferred Death-By-Firing-Squad as opposed to beheading; something about seeing a person's head decapitated from its body seems so stomach turning !
I give a dam about life of criminals yes I don't value life of those who rob and attack and kill and rape people and women I give a dam about their life and they deserve most lethal punishments and those include most brutal death that too in public so no one else dares do it

Rapists should be put to death that is what i agree with but not the rest.

Let's see how many perp have been decapitated in KSA?? Alot! Did that stop people from criminal activity?? NO! Crime is something you can't control,1 way or the other someone will misbehave but atleast have the decency to value human life.
I would've preferred Death-By-Firing-Squad as opposed to beheading; something about seeing a person's head decapitated from its body seems so stomach turning !

oh you kafir, you just insulted Allah Quran and Rasool by saying this...its Allah Quran Rasool that gave the orders to behead robbers, and you just dont like watching their heads go off.... you kafir... :laughcry:
I would've preferred Death-By-Firing-Squad as opposed to beheading; something about seeing a person's head decapitated from its body seems so stomach turning !

Man it was just an armed robbery! How do you think his mother feels when she heard her son was decapitated?
He should have been imprisoned or deported.
oh you kafir, you just insulted Allah Quran and Rasool by saying this...its Allah Quran Rasool that gave the orders to behead robbers, and you just dont like watching their heads go off.... you kafir... :laughcry:

I dunno if the Koran mentions beheading - Whipping....yes but beheading as a punishment ! :unsure:

Man it was just an armed robbery! How do you think his mother feels when she heard her son was decapitated?
He should have been imprisoned or deported.

Indeed its excessive but then again their country....their laws ! :undecided:
Well some people want death by firing squad some by hanging and saudis do the beheading-

Message is clear-
Dont go to Saudi Arabia and try or commit a crime if you want your head still on your shoulders along with the neck of course with jugular veins intact- --

Man it was just an armed robbery! How do you think his mother feels when she heard her son was decapitated?
He should have been imprisoned or deported.

there are lot of armed robberies which ends up in the murder of the innocent victim- How will the victim's mother will feel if she finds out that the robber was a already a convict and has served his sentence in a country which does not behead criminals- -

such Sympathies should be for innocent and not criminals-
I would've preferred Death-By-Firing-Squad as opposed to beheading; something about seeing a person's head decapitated from its body seems so stomach turning !

that is the purpose of beheading.it sends shivers down ppls spines and at the same time the criminal dies without an iota of pain.infact cutting off hands is more painful and gruesome.
How will the victim's mother will feel if she finds out that the robber was a already a convict and has served his sentence in a country

Ask a mother? Would she rather she her son being imprisoned or see her son being buried without his head?? Then you will get your answer.

there are lot of armed robberies which ends up in the murder of the innocent victim
Pal i was raised in NY, We have one of the most violent cities around the world. What you are saying is not entirely true. A gang-shoot out leaves innocent people dead more than armed robberies.

such Sympathies should be for innocent and not criminals-
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.You can jump to assumptions before a trial. Second of all IT IS JUST A DAMN ARMED ROBBERY! AND HE IS A PAKISTANI. We should care more about our citizens rather than KSA's laws (who don't give a sh*t about pakistan)

arabs are fucked in the head this country allows minor girls to marry and does not even let woman drive cars

Arabs also give opportunities to indians in dubai! I don't approve of KSA's laws but try to simmer down.
arabs are fucked in the head this country allows minor girls to marry and does not even let woman drive cars

who is a minor according to you?a 13 year old girl or a 14 year old or a 15 year old?according to me a girl can marry even when she is 14.this minority thing keeps changing from time to time and place to place.
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