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Saudi beheads 7th Pakistani on drugs charges in one month

Westerners are more productive than any other expats. None Westerners in KSA are doing manual work which 75% of all other expats are doing. So of course they will be paid more on average.

Fact of the matter is that there is no need for all those expats in KSA. Many are non-productive, engaged in crime and a economic burden (remittances etc.) let alone all the illegal migrants.

What is needed are reforms and fewer expats each year which is also taken place albeit slowly. Moreover manual work etc. is not going to be that important in this world in the future were more jobs will be mechanical.

If Saudi Arabian women alone were more active on the job market (they will one day be as active as the men) 66,6% of the expats would not be needed.

I am against importing expats to clean streets etc. (using your example) when this job can be done by locals or by robots in the future.

The only reason the expats are here in Saudi Arabia is because you people are incapable to do things yourselves- apart from driving your cars like mad men and playing games on computers you guys can do nothing - even most of your scholarship students are studying English abroad and then come back demanding managerial positions- the Arabia without Oil and Expats would still be a desert- you got Nothing to be proud of practically just Thank God you are the chosen ones and the blessed ones just like the Bani Israel used to be- and you are behaving the same way and committing the same mistakes they did-

The western racialy supreme foreigners you are talking about mostly hold managerial or directoral positions they just give orders- attend meetings the real work force standing in scorching sun on the ground and working their as-s hard are us south asians-
Dont get me started on how the saudis behave in workplaces- i have seen all- and still seeing it :lol:-
Expats force are backbone of your economy otherwise you would have kicked us out already and eventually gone back to your old camel riding sheesha smokin living in the desert ways-
I have no sympathy for criminals, that said however, I wonder why suppliers risk so much to get drugs in to the kingdom. I heard there is a pretty big market for these types of products?

Money, what else? When the expected profits are huge, the willingness to take risks is also huge.
The only reason the expats are here in Saudi Arabia is because you people are incapable to do things yourselves- apart from driving your cars like mad men and playing games on computers you guys can do nothing - even most of your scholarship students are studying English abroad and then come back demanding managerial positions- the Arabia without Oil and Expats would still be a desert- you got Nothing to be proud of practically just Thank God you are the chosen ones and the blessed ones just like the Bani Israel used to be- and you are behaving the same way and committing the same mistakes they did-

The western racialy supreme foreigners you are talking about mostly hold managerial or directoral positions they just give orders- attend meetings the real work force standing in scorching sun on the ground and working their as-s hard are us south asians-
Dont get me started on how the saudis behave in workplaces- i have seen all- and still seeing it :lol:-
Expats force are backbone of your economy otherwise you would have kicked us out already and eventually gone back to your old camel riding sheesha smokin living in the desert ways-

Obvious troll is obvious. Yes, we would be Pakistan 2.0 without natural resources. A failed state, piss poor, bankrupt, engulfed in terrorism, sectarianism, ethnic tensions and migrating everywhere.
Too bad that 3000 years ago Arabia was one of the richest places on the planet during the Incense Trade and that the Arabian Peninsula is home to some of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

Yes, keep telling yourself that. Fact of that matter is that most of you guys are doing cheap manual work that any idiot could do if he really was forced to do that. In fact quite a few Saudi Arabians are already doing such work. Travel to the regions were almost none migrant is living and see for yourself before bullshitting.

Saudi Arabia has a very bright future and a lot of positive changes are happening and will happen.

If you are complaining you are very welcome to return back to your paradise. Take all of your criminals with you. How about that? No bitching either this way and ungratefulness.

If KSA is so bad what are you doing in KSA? Nobody forces you to stay in KSA and badmouth the country that feeds your mouth. Hypocrite.
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Obvious troll is obvious. Yes, we would be Pakistan 2.0 without natural resources. A failed state, piss poor, bankrupt, engulfed in terrorism, sectarianism, ethnic tensions and migrating everywhere.
Too bad that 3000 years ago Arabia was one of the richest places on the planet during the Incense Trade and that the Arabian Peninsula is home to some of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

Yes, keep telling yourself that. Fact of that matter is that most of you guys are doing cheap manual work that any idiot could do if he really was forced to do that. In fact quite a few Saudi Arabians are already doing such work. Travel to the regions were almost none migrant is living and see for yourself before bullshitting.

Saudi Arabia has a very bright future and a lot of positive changes are happening and will happen.

If you are complaining you are very welcome to return back to your paradise. Take all of your criminals with you. How about that? No bitching either this way and ungratefulness.

If KSA is so bad what are you doing in KSA? Nobody forces you to stay in KSA and badmouth the country that feeds your mouth. Hypocrite.

You are a stupid Saudi like most of you are here in Saudi Arabia- does not even make sense when you talk- The average Saudi cannot even do the cheap manual labor work which even a stupid idiot could do even if his life hangs in balance a saudi cannot do it without taking breaks every 15 minutes- and further sleeping for 15 minutes- this is how incompetent you and your beoble are-
You people are lazy all the cry over expatriates taking your jobs while the fact remains you people even when given grants and soft loans and places to establiah your business you fools cannot make effort to even leave your drawing rooms but hand it out to expats for free monthly amount- you guys abuse kafala system to the core and the expats suffer-
Seems like every solution to your broblem resolves by putting the blame on expats- and letting the almighty saudis equally responsible for the abuse free-
the criminals you talk about are mostly your cousin brothers the yeminis the egyptians the habashis or bengalis which we have nothing to do with- in reality you guys have done more harm to us than we ever could do to you- Pakistan is still suffering from your extreme teachings that you so readily export- so spare me these false concerns-
No matter what you say now about bright future some beduin Saudi has said that couple of decades ago when the oil was discovered and you couldn't have achieved this on your own- any one thinking otherwise is a fool-
The reforms you talk about none can be completed or implemented without us-
The labor ministry doing every thing to make you people work and time after time the studies and results have shown that the problem lies with you- Saudis want every thing handed to them on silver platter- be it upon you you would bring this country back to stone ages with your ignorance and denials on the core issues your country and people are facing-
You talk about the prosperity and the richness some 3000 years ago- wow had that been the case the Holy Prophet PBUH would have came some place else- He was sent to remove Jahalia among you people- without being blessed you guys would have torn each other apart like you cousins in Iraq and Syria are doing-

Let me get you off your high horse- me earning my living here has nothing to do with you people- the same i would be earning some place else if its written in my taqdeer- and i am glad it is written that i earn from one of the holiest place- you can do jack shit about it- me working here doesn't mean that i will blindly support your racist or being superior attitude- metal to metal bone to bone you people are not even worth comparison-
You are the custodians of the two holy mosques so behave like such don't pretend you own it- Many that have pretended this before has become just another page in history books just like you will while living in complete and utter denial-
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Westerners are more productive than any other expats. Foreign Arabs included obviously. None Westerners in KSA are doing manual work which 75% of all other expats are doing. So of course they will be paid more on average.

Fact of the matter is that there is no need for all those expats in KSA. Many are non-productive, engaged in crime and a economic burden (remittances etc.) let alone all the illegal migrants. KSA is not small Bahrain for instance.

What is needed are reforms and fewer expats each year which is also taking place albeit slowly. Moreover manual work etc. is not going to be that important in this world in the future were more jobs will be mechanical.

If Saudi Arabian women alone were more active on the job market (they will one day be as active as the men) 66,6% of the expats would not be needed. Or something as simple as taxation of nationals which is non-existent in KSA.

I am against importing expats to clean streets etc. (using your example) when this job can be done by locals or by robots in the future.


but it is futile debating this with you.
You are a stupid Saudi like most of you are here in Saudi Arabia- does not even make sense when you talk- The average Saudi cannot even do the cheap manual labor work which even a stupid idiot could do even if his life hangs in balance a saudi cannot do it without taking breaks every 15 minutes- and further sleeping fir 15 minutes- this is how incompetent you and your beoble are-
You people are lazy all the cry over expatriates taking your jobs while the fact remains you people even when given grants and soft loans and places to establiah your business you fools cannot make effort to even leave your drawing rooms but hand it out to expats for free monthly amount- you guys abuse kafala system to the core and the expats suffer-
Seems like every solution to your broblem resolves by putting the blame on expats- and letting the almighty saudis equally responsible for the abuse free-
the criminals you talk about are mostly your cousin brothers the yeminis the egyptians the habashis or bengalis which we have nothing to do with- in reality you guys have done more harm to us than we ever could do to you- Pakistan is still suffering from your extreme teachings that you so readily export- so soare me this false concerns-
No matter what you say now some beduin Saudi has said that couple of decades ago when the oil was discovered and you couldn't have achieved this on your own- any one thinking otherwise is a fool-
The reforms you talk about none can be completed or implemented without us-
The labir ministry doing every thing to make yiu people work and time after time the studies and results have shown that the problem lies with you- Saudus want every thing handed to them on silver platter- be it upon you you would bring this country back to stone ages with your ignorance and denials on the core issues your country is facing-
You talk about the prosperity and the richness some 3000 years ago- wow had that been the case the Holy Prophet PBUH would have came some place else- He was sent to remove Jahalia among you people- without being blessed you guys would have torn each other apart like you cousins in Iraq and Syria are doing-

Let me get you off your high horse- me earning my living here has nothing to do with you people- the same i would be earning some place else if its written in my taqdeer- and i am glad it is written that i earn from one of the holiest place- you can do jack shit about it- me working here doesn't mean that i will blindly support your racist ir being superior attitude- metal to metal bone to bone you people are nothing-
Yoy are the custodians of the two holy mosques so behave like such don't pretend you own it- Many that have pretended this before has become just another page in history just like you will while living in denial-

No, they cannot.:lol:

Is that why thousands are doing such works? Do you even know anything about the realities of numerous provinces in KSA such as for instance Najran just to make one example. The answer is zero. Most expats like you are clueless and are not even able to count to 10 in Arabic after years of residence despite Arabic being a world language and in the top 5 of most spoken languages in the world and one of the most important aside from being the lingua franca of Islam.

Haha, now you are talking about accent. Shall I try to make fun of your girly Indian accent? Comedians have made fun of that for an eternity by now.

The fact is that many expects are an economic burden to the society and most of the crime is done by expats. Those are simple facts. You can cry about it all day long.

Better leave KSA and return back to your paradise were laziness is uncommon. After all Pakistan is the most successful country on the planet!:lol:

Yes, 7 Pakistani criminals were executed in 1 month. All smugglers of heroin. Keep trying to pretend that your people are not involved in crimes and are saints.

Keep living in your fantasy world while KSA prospers on all levels.

Well, thankfully you are just a resident that can be kicked out any moment. So learn to respect those that are feeding your ungrateful mouth and if you don't like the smell in the bakery I can pay for your ticket back home.
RIP, these are just mules at the end of the day, small players.

KSA should work with Pakistani and Afghan authorities and curb this drug menace at its root. Supporting and bolstering the Pakistani anti narcotics forces would be a good place to start.
RIP, these are just mules at the end of the day, small players.

KSA should work with Pakistani and Afghan authorities and curb this drug menace at its root. Supporting and bolstering the Pakistani anti narcotics forces would be a good place to start.

They are bolstering a lot of things in Pakistan.
RIP, these are just mules at the end of the day, small players.

KSA should work with Pakistani and Afghan authorities and curb this drug menace at its root. Supporting and bolstering the Pakistani anti narcotics forces would be a good place to start.

KSA is not a charity although our sometimes moronic government is very good at wasting money for ungrateful countries and people.

The drug trade is a relatively small problem in KSA compared to many other countries in the nearby region. For instance Uran or the two countries that you have mentioned.

People who are smuggling heroin into a foreign country and trying to create mischief, corruption, addiction, death and rapture of families are unwelcome and nobody should cry for them either. All those excuses of them not having another option is pure nonsense. There is ALWAYS another way other than crime.

This is the responsibility of Pakistan. Not KSA in any way. Pakistan or any other countries can do what they want to do with KSA nationals that are smuggling heroin or other Arabs for all I care. Execute them as well.
Beheading is too cruel and inhumane. KSA has the death sentence which isn't surprising but they should use other methods to execute the humans. Death sentence for drug smugglers is wrong anway
No, they cannot.:lol:

Is that why thousands are doing such works? Do you even know anything about the realities of numerous provinces in KSA such as for instance Najran just to make one example. The answer is zero. Most expats like you are clueless and are not even able to count to 10 in Arabic after years of residence despite Arabic being a world language and in the top 5 of most spoken languages in the world and one of the most important aside from being the lingua franca of Islam.

Haha, now you are talking about accent. Shall I try to make fun of your girly Indian accent? Comedians have made fun of that for an eternity by now.

The fact is that many expects are an economic burden to the society and most of the crime is done by expats. Those are simple facts. You can cry about it all day long.

Better leave KSA and return back to your paradise were laziness is uncommon. After all Pakistan is the most successful country on the planet!:lol:

Yes, 7 Pakistani criminals were executed in 1 month. All smugglers of heroin. Keep trying to pretend that your people are not involved in crimes and are saints.

Keep living in your fantasy world while KSA prospers on all levels.

Well, thankfully you are just a resident that can be kicked out any moment. So learn to respect those that are feeding your ungrateful mouth and if you don't like the smell in the bakery I can pay for your ticket back home.

I was expected something better than a post full of rants- what better to expect from a Saudi-
You want to make fun of my indian accent?- news flash hindi bakistani sawa sawa is exactky like yemini saudi sawa sawa- one cannot tell one from other- :lol:-
Shall i start as well at your lame attempts and accents when you try to speak english?- broder wallahi eyes bill butt you in jale- who the fcuk you are trying to kid here-
Its funny how the news of an expat getting beheaded reaches here while none of the crimes and punishments that the saudis do even leak out- how many here knows about the skeletons discovered in a farm in Qatif or about the filipino being rapped and hospitalized- that doesnt mean you people are saints- youtube is full of CCTV footages of your people committing crimes- keep on pretending to be the saints you are not and eventually you will meet the doom-
Even the talk of putting out the expats as the only people involved in crimes is stupid- and you excel in it-
And First arrange for the poor illiterate jobless good for nothing saudis that are feeding of your governments allowances then talk about buying me a ticket home-
I was expected something better than a post full of rants- what better to expect from a Saudi-
You want to make fun of my indian accent?- news flash hindi bakistani sawa sawa is exactky like yemini saudi sawa sawa- one cannot tell one from other- :lol:-
Shall i start as well at your lame attempts and accents when you try to speak english?- broder wallahi eyes bill butt you in jale- who the fcuk you are trying to kid here-
Its funny how the news of an expat getting beheaded reaches here while none of the crimes and punishments that the saudis do even leak out- how many here knows about the skeletons discovered in a farm in Qatif or about the filipino being rapped and hospitalized- that doesnt mean you people are saints- youtube is full of CCTV footages of your people committing crimes- keep on pretending to be the saints you are not and eventually you will meet the doom-
Even the talk of putting out the expats as the only people involved in crimes is stupid- and you excel in it-
And First arrange for the poor illiterate jobless good for nothing saudis that are feeding of your governments allowances then talk about buying me a ticket home-

LOL, you were the one that got butthurt and started insulting because I just stated the truth and cold hard facts that you did not like.:lol:

Sure, keep telling yourself that, LOL. Not going to post any videos shattering that deluded view though. Your accent is identical to the one that your Indian, Sri Lankan and Bengali brothers are speaking. Once again you were the one that started talking about accent and also the one insulting. I am just answering you and I am not even warmed up yet. Due to this being a Pakistan forum you have privileges that foreigners do not have. Remember that and don't delude yourself.

Who said anything about anyone being "saints" other than yourself? I showed you a statistic of homicides in KSA that showed that almost 66,6% of the homicides were committed by expats.

They know. In fact those threads were made on PDF. Whenever a Saudi Arabian farts it becomes front page news on PDF and pretty much elsewhere.:lol:

LOL. A Pakistani that escaped his country talking abut illiteracy. You do know that South Asia is the number 1 place in the world when it comes to illiteracy? What is the literacy rate in Pakistan again compared to KSA? You make the math.

Stop embarrassing yourself and if you don't like the bakery then you are free to go back to Pakistan or go migrate elsewhere.

I got no problem with migrants as they are doing jobs that many locals don't want to do and they are needed now due to women (very retarded) still being a small percentage of the overall workforce, economic reforms not yet fully implemented etc. What I won't accept are ungrateful foreigners though, criminal foreigners or illegal migrants.

Beheading is too cruel and inhumane. KSA has the death sentence which isn't surprising but they should use other methods to execute the humans. Death sentence for drug smugglers is wrong anway

Who cares about what you (A Turkish migrant in Germany) or anyone else think is cruel or not? Nobody in KSA. Decapitations in KSA take 1 second and are known to be almost painless and very quick. Cheap and Islamic too.

No it is not and it is done in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Mullahstan and dozens of other countries that have a zero tolerance for hard drugs.

There is nothing wrong with executions either. The 3 most populous countries use it and dozens of others.

KSA has its own laws and that will remain the case. No penal system is perfect but our works in most cases and KSA remains one of the most safe countries in terms of crime and that's quite a big achievement in the ME and when speaking about a country that host millions of foreigners from all over the world and from different cultural backgrounds.
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I was expected something better than a post full of rants- what better to expect from a Saudi-
You want to make fun of my indian accent?- news flash hindi bakistani sawa sawa is exactky like yemini saudi sawa sawa- one cannot tell one from other- :lol:-
Shall i start as well at your lame attempts and accents when you try to speak english?- broder wallahi eyes bill butt you in jale- who the fcuk you are trying to kid here-
Its funny how the news of an expat getting beheaded reaches here while none of the crimes and punishments that the saudis do even leak out- how many here knows about the skeletons discovered in a farm in Qatif or about the filipino being rapped and hospitalized- that doesnt mean you people are saints- youtube is full of CCTV footages of your people committing crimes- keep on pretending to be the saints you are not and eventually you will meet the doom-
Even the talk of putting out the expats as the only people involved in crimes is stupid- and you excel in it-
And First arrange for the poor illiterate jobless good for nothing saudis that are feeding of your governments allowances then talk about buying me a ticket home-
How are you treated by the locals in Saudi Arabia?
LOL, you were the one that got butthurt and started insulting because I just stated the truth and cold hard facts that you did not like.:lol:

Sure, keep telling yourself that, LOL. Not going to post any videos shattering that deluded view though. Your accent is identical to the one that your Indian, Sri Lankan and Bengali brothers are speaking. Once again you were the one that started talking about accent and also the one insulting. I am just answering you and I am not even warmed up yet. Due to this being a Pakistan forum you have privileges that foreigners do not have. Remember that and don't delude yourself.

Who said anything about anyone being "saints" other than yourself? I showed you a statistic of homicides in KSA that showed that almost 66,6% of the homicides were committed by expats.

They know. In fact those threads were made on PDF. Whenever a Saudi Arabian farts it becomes front page news on PDF and pretty much elsewhere.:lol:

LOL. A Pakistani that escaped his country talking abut illiteracy. You do know that South Asia is the number 1 place in the world when it comes to illiteracy? What is the literacy rate in Pakistan again compared to KSA? You make the math.

Stop embarrassing yourself and if you don't like the bakery then you are free to go back to Pakistan or go migrate elsewhere.

I got no problem with migrants as they are doing jobs that many locals don't want to do and they are needed now due to women (very retarded) still being a small percentage of the overall workforce. What I won't accept are ungrateful foreigners though, criminal foreigners or illegal migrants.

Keep comparing Pakistan to KSA thats the only escape route you got- so for the sake of comparison let me say that we gona nuke your lazy as-s to desert again if it ever come to such scenario- :lol:- talk about taking a vantage point-
So keep the comparison aside and keep the talk on the issues we are discussing-
The accent yeah- you took offense of me using the bees instead of pees i guess- i guess its normal when arabs talk among themselves or in this case some non arab trying hard to make sense to the saudi- you have no idea maybe you have how broken english your well educated saudis speak they take 10 minutes to complete a simple sentense to forward their simble broblem i awww yani want to awww yani brother ana ya habibi i want awww awww wtf- :lol:-

So now suddenly you need expats before you wanted them all out- as they were all criminals- every tom dick and harry knows that these facts you present are highly censored and biased- the jails are full of saudi beoble wondering if they go there on bicnic- the drug smugglers you talk about every one knows who their handlers are its not that we expats fully own the drug business-
When you put blame in expats and present fake stats to back your argument that only shows you are pretending to be somethings which you are not- and as i have said before which you so conveniently ignore most criminals that fill your jails are either saudis or your cousins across the borders the yeminis- your language speakers misris- your brothers the habashis- so say what you might the fact remains the trouble makers are mostly your own fellow Arabs-

And as i have said before living in denial and blaming all on expats wont help you much- infact it works better for us- the more you do stupid the more we will be in demand- :lol:-
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