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Saudi beheads 7th Pakistani on drugs charges in one month

Keep comparing Pakistan to KSA thats the only escape route you got- so for the sake of comparison let me say that we gona nuke your lazy as-s to desert again if it ever come to such scenario- :lol:- talk about taking a vantage point-
So keep the comparison aside and keep the talk on the issues we are discussing-
The accent yeah- you took offense of me using the bees instead of pees i guess- i guess its normal when arabs talk among themselves or in this case some non arab trying hard to make sense to the saudi- you have no idea maybe you have how broken english your well educated saudis speak they take 10 minutes to complete a simple sentense to forward their simble broblem i awww yani want to awww yani brother ana ya habibi i want awww awww wtf- :lol:-

So now suddenly you need expats before you wanted them all out- as they were all criminals- every tom dick and harry knows that these facts you present are highly censored and biased- the jails are full of saudi beoble wondering if they go there on bicnic- the drug smugglers you talk about every one knows who their handlers are its not that we expats fully own the drug business-
When you put blame in expats and present fake stats to back your argument that only shows you are pretending to be somethings which you are not- and as i have said before which you so conveniently ignore most criminals that fill your jails are either saudis or your cousins across the borders the yeminis- your language speakers misris- your brothers the habashis- so say what you might the fact remains the trouble makers are mostly your own fellow Arabs-

And as i have said before living in denial and blaming all on expats wont help you much- infact it works better for us- the more you do stupid the more we will be in demand- :lol:-

Yes, because it is laughable that a Pakistan of all people is barking when his country is light years behind KSA overall on all the subjects that you have mentioned.

First of all half of KSA is highlands and mountains. We have every landscape in KSA and one of the most beautiful coastlines and 2000 tropical islands.

Yes, sorry for not being subjected by the English and being their colony. KSA was never a Western colony. Still the average Pakistani has as broken an English accent.

Fact of the matter is that your English accent is a source for comedy across the entire world. You know this as well so you might have stopped writing nonsense first. Just as you started insulting first.

No, I said that I want the illegals out, the criminals and those that are not needed when reforms take place and certain moronic rules change. Which are the majority. You need to learn to read English.

Yes, keep calling official sources for "fake".

No, because for each month more of you are deported back to your "paradises" (LOL) and in the future there will not be as many expats at all which I am personally looking forward to.

As I said you are free to go back to your paradise or migrate to your brotherly neighboring India, Afghanistan or maybe even Bangladesh or Sri Lanka…..

No evil racist Arab will bother you then and then you can insult and be as ungrateful as us. But in our own house I for once will not tolerate such behavior. On the other hand Arabian generosity and hospitality is world-known but there are limits.
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Yes, because it is laughable that a Pakistan of all people is barking when his country is light years behind KSA overall on all the subjects that you have mentioned.

First of all half of KSA is highlands and mountains. We have every landscape in KSA and one of the most beautiful coastlines and 2000 tropical islands.

Yes, sorry for not being subjected by the English and being their colony. KSA was never a Western colony. Still the average Pakistani has as broken an English accent.

Fact of the matter is that your English accent is a source for comedy across the entire world. You know this as well so you might have stopped writing nonsense first. Just as you started insulting first.

No, I said that I want the illegals out, the criminals and those that are not needed when reforms take place and certain moronic rules change. Which are the majority. You need to learn to read English.

Yes, keep calling official sources for "fake".

No, because for each month more of you are deported back to your "paradises" (LOL) and in the future there will not be as many expats at all which I am personally looking forward to.

As I said you are free to go back to your paradise or migrate to your brotherly neighboring India, Afghanistan or maybe even Bangladesh or Sri Lanka…..
I am pretty sure what you expecting and with the current state the saudi youths are in you are not going to see your wild dreams come true in your life time- after that doesnt matter to me or you- education brings reforms with your kind of educated people filling the saudi society you gona end up deforming it-
And spare me the BS of this progression that you built on expat shoulders once they are gone your foundations will tremble- the expats fill up your streets and businesses what you gona do without them- live in ghost towns- :lol:-

Yeah about that saudi english accent it will not matter if you are able to convey your message across as far as saudis are concerned its even rocket science to them- you should look at their faces when some one says one complete sentense in english and they feel so disgusting that they go to UK ans USA to do english language courses spanning to 5-6 years- :lol:-
Even then awww brother ya habibi nothing else- :lol:-
Did i speak in favor of illegal expats ever?- never so deport them as you might doesnt change the facts that you still need the expats which you call in thousands every damn month to help you out maintain your economy-

In the end when your high horse of oil money will stop its flow you will be back at your original place in caves and tents- unless the Saudis identify the real problem instead of blamming it all on expats that is-
I have asked this question before and did not get a proper answer. So asking it again. What kind of trial do these guys get? Do they get a defense lawyer? What if some guy was just part of a group that got caught but he was not smuggling drugs himself?
Are you blind have you not read what i have written?-
Fcuk this low skill jobs- unless you want one which i highly doubt it-
What is with this low skill jobs you put forth in every post of yours-
Your people are not targetting these sectors- your students are not in USA To become sweapers or sit in baqalas--
Talk about influential jobs like engineers managers technical departments that expats rule-
Stop spitting nonsensical shit and stop repeating yourself like a broken record-

Well my friend....anta kharijul Islam, wajibul qatl
I wonder why you are not known of a common impression about Saudis among fellow Arabs yet. Shall I tell ya?
Huh...Saudis are talking high now :lol:
You are a expat, probably doing manual work as most of you in KSA, while I am studying chemical engineering at one of the world's best universities (top 40) and I have moreover studied in 2 other countries at world-renowned universities outside of Denmark.

KSA has more students at American universities than any other people outside of 1.2/1.3 billion big China and India and 55 million big South Korea.

KSA has 4 universities in the top 150-500 in the world while Pakistan is nowhere to be seen.

Academic Ranking of World Universities - 2014 | Top 500 universities | Shanghai Ranking - 2014 | World University Ranking - 2014

Also you got a population that is 7-8 times bigger and look at you, LOL.

You are an idiot. No need to prove it. KSA has ancient towns that are 5.000-8.000 years old. Some of the oldest in the world which is common for the oldest cities in the ME which is the cradle of civilization. They existed long before the word Pakistan existed which is 80 years old.:lol:

As I said just because your country is poor, failed, engulfed in terrorism, corruption, lack of progress, illiteracy it does not mean that every other country is. KSA is light years ahead of Pakistan on those fronts hence why you as a Pakistani migrated to KSA in the first place. Don't ever forget that in your deluded mind.

I already talked about the expat issue and I am not going to mention it 100 times more because you are incapable of understanding simple English.

Stick to doing your work if not you are at risk of getting sent back for sitting on PDF instead and writing nonsense.

Now this thread is about a fellow criminal compatriot of yours that got executed in KSA. The 7th in a month. Seems like we got a problem here.

@Zarvan if you have any self respect answer this post . I will wait for your answer,before I put himin his place,cause it's monsters like you that made us the laughing stock of the world . If u have any respect,answer this instead of hiding.
@Zarvan if you have any self respect answer this post . I will wait for your answer,before I put himin his place,cause it's monsters like you that made us the laughing stock of the world . If u have any respect,answer this instead of hiding.

What I wrote is the reality. Pakistan is a poor country and engulfed currently in terrorism, corruption, lack of progress and the country also has a higher illiteracy (much higher in fact) rate than KSA. This is something that is written by you Pakistanis yourself all the time on PDF. Why can I not point that out after the insults that @JonAsad threw at me and my country for no reason? Speaking about those exact things in the context of KSA while being in a much worse position.

You can mention whoever you want to. Why should I care? I am only representing myself here and countering trolling in the same fashion.

Just like dozens of Arab countries suffer from the same problems.

Anyway you are one of those KSA/Arab/Sunni Muslim-obsessed trolls so keep crying.
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who funds afeem crop in afghanistan?

As Washington orates about the so-called War on Drugs, Afghan opium production rose in 2013 from $2 billion to $3 billion. The UN says over 500,000 acres of land in Afghanistan are now devoted to the opium poppy – right under the eyes of the US garrison.

While US-installed rulers in Kabul pay lip service to opium eradication, the rural warlords who support them, and receive stipends from CIA, continue to grow rich on the opium trade. Trying to blame Taliban for the scourge of opium is dishonest: when Taliban was in power it eradicated almost all of the nation’s opium production, reported he UN Drug Agency, except in the region controlled by the Communist Northern Alliance – which today shares power in Kabul.

When the full history of the Afghan war is finally written, CIA’s involvement in that nation’s drug trade will become a notorious episode. French intelligence became deeply involved in the Laotian opium trade to pay its Lao mercenaries. The US was up to its ears with its Contra allies in the Central American cocaine trade.

Now, US intelligence has besmirched its name once again aiding and abetting Afghan drug lords so as to supposedly wage war on “terrorists.” In dirt-poor Afghanistan, there are only two sources of income: money from Washington, and from narcotics. The collusion of senior members of government, military and police is necessary to export tons of opium to either Pakistan, Central Asia or Russia – where morphine addiction is now a major epidemic.

Adding to this shameful record, the US Congressional auditor for Special Reconstruction of Afghanistan just reported that much of the $104 billion appropriated for Afghan “reconstruction” has to no surprise been wasted or stolen. Some of it has been used to irrigate opium poppy fields. Spare parts are unavailable for Russian helicopters bought by the US for use in battling Taliban and supposed opium fighting. Why? Because the US-imposed trade sanctions on Russia bars the US from buying the spare part. Catch-22.

Ummah has been sent out of the stadium.
what does ummah have to do with this?? if he was smuggling drugs then he got the punishment according to the saudi laws.
ummah doesn't give you free pass to smuggle drugs…. i know you people are stupid and mentally retarded but do you understand what i just said??? or do i need to explain it you more?
Through corrupt system these Afghan smugglers get Pakistani passport and hate ends on real Pakistanis. A human don't deserve free society who sell poison in the streets.
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