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Saudi army chief replaced on Raheel Sharif’s recommendation: report

The Chinese engagement with Israel has limited value in that countries moorings. However without USA you know full well that Israel would be living on borrowed time. Indeed Israel at times appears to be the 51st state of USA. The latest American military hardware is often recieved by US military at the same time as Israel recieves it. In fact one of the few grounds on which US would use nuclear weapons is if Israel came under threat. The amount of animosity that USA harvest across the entire Islamic world is huge - all on account of America's unwavering support of that country mostly on account of the Jewish lobby inside United States.

I know Saudia has it's face so high up the American posterior that it can't see anythng else. I know that Saudia is only second after Israel as being the US ally in Middle East. I know that Saudia's ultimate security is guaranteed by USA. I know that Pakistan comes no where in Saudi strategic calculus compared to USA. All that is non of my concern. Three cheers for KSA and USA being bum chums but my issue is how retarded Pakistani's worship Saudia and think Pakistan is the godfather of that country. The truth is America is Saudia's godfather and Pakistan at best is the lowly Nigger servant.

How I wish my people woke up to this fact but Pak elites have been bought out for few oil dollars.
What if the BOSS is dying of the natural causes due to old age???? Won't there be a new BOSS to fill the vacuum??????
muslims are united no one can break this unity


JEDDAH – A local newspaper made a stunning revelation regarding the role of former chief of army staff and head of Islamic Military Alliance General (retd) Raheel Sharif in change of top command of Saudi Arabia’s army.

The Daily Khabrain newspaper claimed that replacement of Saudi Arabia’s army chief was conducted following the recommendation of Raheel Sharif in order to develop better working relations with the alliance.

Before the formation of a proper army for Saudi-led alliance, Sharif wanted a motivated commander of Saudi Arabia’s ground forces who is able to defend the country from the front.

The newspaper added that the Saudi King also desired to send the former Saudi army head Lieutenant General Eid bin Awad Al-Shalawi on rest due to his some wrong decision during ongoing Yemen war that damaged the national interests directly, besides causing loss of many lives.

The daily claimed that the Saudi King Shah Salman has been reprimanding the ex-chief for conducting operations against a minority sect and its consequences but no new strategy was chalked out.

Keeping in view such failures, General Raheel Sharif recommended the appointment of new head of army. Later, the Saudi government decided to appoint Fahad Bin Turkey as the new army chief.

The major step depicts the importance given by the Saudi Arabia to the head of Islamic Military Alliance in key matters. It is worth noting that Saudi government had given invitation to Iran to join the military alliance on his suggestion.


salute to Mr Raheel Shareef
Islamic Military Alliance? Why not just a military alliance. Strange, giving a religious bent to it when accusing others of being "crusaders", or "crusading armies"

Btw, what and who is this alliance designed to protect?
is it Sunni states vs Shia states?
no i think its against Sunni states vs western alliance nato
some ppl in pdf should be doubtful about this development because of GRS's Pakistani origin. But truth is greater Muslim military and political unity may be started by this IMAFT thing! It's no wonder that a psychological war against it already started but it's not gonna kill this "UNITY STARTER"!
Because some Muslim military+political leaders realized well that terrorism being stemmed from some other centers which are not in Islam's grip, rather who're trying hard to disrupt, dismantle and destroy Muslim world! This alliance will crush the term "Islamic Terrorism" which is being implemented by the enemies.

I don't care itching and burnings of infifels who are continuously giving their efforts to psychologically destroying Muslim minds.... It'llccontinue, because it has started with the hands of a man named GRS. Who born to fight all odds. He'll make some great leaders. He is not only for Pakistan but for a great religious nation who meant to establish peace for humanity.

So, haters let's burn ur @$$

Then why are you helping the crusading army or is it a sell out in exchange for our lifestyles?

No burn, we get paid regardless. I do find it ironical that an alliance was openly named with a religious bend, for only Islamic countries to be members yet supplied its finest weaponry by Christian nations.
is this religious naming have any prob for u!? even many things r named after "christian"! rss+biswo hindu parisod also has their secret militias.
this is a legit military alliance formed by the state mechanisms of Muslim countries. so, we don't give'em a damn care :police:
if anyone's @$$ burns so badly for IMAFT, who cares dude :azn:

dude u must have live up to 100 years more to watch it if u can't comprehend that west's ultimate target to dismember saudi Arabia when it's not listening to west's dirty calls. I think those days r not far
I see Muslim unity in near future, Insha'Allah
muslim unity is impossible till the time someone gives sense to the leaders of saudi arab and iran to leave sectarianism but this is also impossible as they are so much blind in hate for each other. this saudi alliance will increase the rift between the two countries and the two sects. as far as pakistani leaders are concerned they have only one religion and that is $$$$.
Islamic Military Alliance? Why not just a military alliance. Strange, giving a religious bent to it when accusing others of being "crusaders", or "crusading armies"

Btw, what and who is this alliance designed to protect?
is it Sunni states vs Shia states?
The book has not been published yet ,and the critics are out with their critical pen.
hard to believe this, the King himself was not happy with how things were progressing with regards to Yemen oprn etc as stated in the news itself... i dont think Gen Raheel is that powerful(for now) or stupid to ask the King to remove the head of army and that also of that Army with whom he will be closely working...Plus since Gen is directly appointed by the King himself the Ex Saudi Army Chief's say in matters relating to alliance never mattered....

JEDDAH – A local newspaper made a stunning revelation regarding the role of former chief of army staff and head of Islamic Military Alliance General (retd) Raheel Sharif in change of top command of Saudi Arabia’s army.

The Daily Khabrain newspaper claimed that replacement of Saudi Arabia’s army chief was conducted following the recommendation of Raheel Sharif in order to develop better working relations with the alliance.

Before the formation of a proper army for Saudi-led alliance, Sharif wanted a motivated commander of Saudi Arabia’s ground forces who is able to defend the country from the front.

The newspaper added that the Saudi King also desired to send the former Saudi army head Lieutenant General Eid bin Awad Al-Shalawi on rest due to his some wrong decision during ongoing Yemen war that damaged the national interests directly, besides causing loss of many lives.

The daily claimed that the Saudi King Shah Salman has been reprimanding the ex-chief for conducting operations against a minority sect and its consequences but no new strategy was chalked out.

Keeping in view such failures, General Raheel Sharif recommended the appointment of new head of army. Later, the Saudi government decided to appoint Fahad Bin Turkey as the new army chief.

The major step depicts the importance given by the Saudi Arabia to the head of Islamic Military Alliance in key matters. It is worth noting that Saudi government had given invitation to Iran to join the military alliance on his suggestion.


Why are you at loss.. my dear boogey man?
The book has not been published yet ,and the critics are out with their critical pen.
The author has landed at the publisher's house(Raheel), he has taken over(Islamic alliance) and I hear he has even fired one the publisher's men(KSA's Army Chief).
Question by Raheel Sharif to other counter part in interview : Where do you see yourself in next 5 years?
Saudi Ex General: King of Saudi Arabia

Rheel Sharif : (Makes a small note on his book) , You will hear back soon

*Rest is history as you know
I find it that those who accuse raheel of doing this to enjoy a comfortable job in arabia etc etc are only disgracing themselves not raheel and i can literally feel where the burn of the said lobby is coming from, it would do all pakistani's well to be propakistan rather than pro iran or saudia etc, we will assume our plce in the islamic world as leaders no matter what the minority lobby says, if iran wants to alienate themselves from the islamic world and mock the ummah just because of sectarianism and the fact that most of the ummah is comprised of sunni is not our fault, saudia extended a hand of friendship to to iran via backdoors aka pakistan offering iran to join the alliance, iran flatly refused cause they dont wana backtrack from the trouble they are stirring up in yemen and other middleeastern countries hence the recent saudi prince angry statement that no dialogue with iran is possible..
Islamic Military Alliance? Why not just a military alliance. Strange, giving a religious bent to it when accusing others of being "crusaders", or "crusading armies"

Btw, what and who is this alliance designed to protect?
is it Sunni states vs Shia states?

Pale white Western irreligious anti-christ worshippers will not understand. Your twisted logic is failing you miserably. Best to keep your prejudice, ill-will and enmity within you and don't make comments where your sort are unwelcome due to your deparvity.
Well Raheel Sharif's role is to form a functional team and obviously age/ health and agreement on global issues does makes differnce how the team is setup

Even in Pakistan folks are reshuffled now and then
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