NO!!!! And NO again!!! These items are not negotiable and have never been - no nation other than the US uses either system, even though the AC-130 has been requested before (sales have always been declined). No nation other than the US will use the AC-130 or the B-1B. The US doesn't sell strategic assets, this isn't negotiable - it never has been, we don't sell strategic assets, let alone nuclear capable heavy-bombers like the B-1B. Our closest allies are told they are SOL when they inquire about our strategic assets, how could a lower tier ally like Saudi Arabia be sold such a thing? Oh, and so long as the US and Israel are friendly, the US is never, ever going to offer or sell Saudi Arabia strategic weapons like the B-1B.
End of story, this is a fantasy that is not going to happen. Why do you think the US would make an exception for S.A. when no exception has been made for anyone else?