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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

So you think setting up 40 cities will ensure Saudi future? I think even setting up 100 cities will not solving anything. Where is the talent in Saudi? It has no ingredients for transforming itself into a knowledge economy.

That my friend is called "Stereotyping" :)

---------- Post added at 12:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------

So you think setting up 40 cities will ensure Saudi future? I think even setting up 100 cities will not solving anything. Where is the talent in Saudi? It has no ingredients for transforming itself into a knowledge economy.

That my friend is called "Stereotyping" :)
There are some people who will never realize, and they will never agree,
These people will always keep asking questions, they will want debate for the sake of debate
they want to waste time and resources ; for satisfying their disease.

Remember, why the Quran has a very detailed description of people who kept asking

Should the cow be red ?
Should it be young ?
Should it be old ?
Should it be used for work ? etc etc etc ....

Ask these people, what are they to gain from this game they play ?
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