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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

Yep this video is brilliant!

Are you hooked up on aviation like me? o O

Kind of, but not as much as my brother, who makes model Remote Controlled (RC) planes and fly them. I am more into it because of its economic and strategic value. I am fascinated by the the technological challenge in building air craft engines and dream to see someday making best-in-the-world engines among Muslim nations, even beating the US/EU.
Confusing, confusing, confusing :cheesy:



can anyone please tell me , where all these weapons be used ? who are the enemy ?
The enemy is anyone who threatens the national security of Saudi Arabia and the security of the Saudi people, be it anyone, no need for a specific enemy in order to protect ourselves.

well as far as i know the real enemy of saudi's are Israel(jews) and i dont think uncle sam would allow you to use their weapons against their jews friends .....
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