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Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

i was always under the impression that the Quran is very clear that kingdoms/monarchys are forbidden

i guess the Saudi royals are ''exonerated'' because they paint themselves as the ''custodians'' of the Holy Mosques

go figure
So is bumping this thread gets you more commission from your superiors??

Saudi Royals have my full and undying allegiance. I am a Muslim and I am proudly a Saudi. I know them better than you will ever do simply reading from articles and spreading your own hate and lies. And stop the bullshit of you are not in favor of Iranians I mean for God's Sake look at your nickname.

No matter Aryan_B a time will come when you will be cheering for Iran when they come to "Liberate" Makkah and Madinah from "Saudi kuffars" and what I would pay to see the look on your face when Iranians are left crying in the sand.

:rofl: My son is called Aryan and thats why I use that name not because its iranian. In a tradition, Sahl bin Sa'ad (r.a) reported that the Prophet (s.a.s) said, 'Paradise has eight gates, and one of them is called Ar Rayyan. None will enter it except those who observe fasting.' (Bukhari)

I suggest you wake up and read what I have put up. First you send us begging pm's not to expose your evil hedonistic leaders then you resort to personal attcks and threats in your pms. you are a bit sad why dont you explain where I am wrong.

Saudi Royal family supports america which would not survive if saudis stopped accepting the US dollar for their oil. America would go bankrupt. If america went bankrupt the article I put up assersts israel would not last 2 months. So to me there is a clear relationship between saudi not so royal family and zionist israel.

Now saudis threaten Iran because I would say Iran threatens Israel
i was always under the impression that the Quran is very clear that kingdoms/monarchys are forbidden

i guess the Saudi royals are ''exonerated'' because they paint themselves as the ''custodians'' of the Holy Mosques

go figure

For Shias sure it is forbidden but lets see here. Ummayad Uthamniah Fatimiah Ottoman Mughal etc. Weren't they all Monarchies??
For Shias sure it is forbidden but lets see here. Ummayad Uthamniah Fatimiah Ottoman Mughal etc. Weren't they all Monarchies??

Assalam alaikum

Mosa and u forgot ismael alsafvee who turned all iran to shia?
Fatimiah , they were also shia ( ismaeli )

last but not the least iranians r not interested in makkah or madina it is only talk they have more holy places for them

For Shias sure it is forbidden but lets see here. Ummayad Uthamniah Fatimiah Ottoman Mughal etc. Weren't they all Monarchies??
is it possible you get a minimum of respect of our religion?
ok you don't like shias but refrain from insults
Back to topic why do Saudi Royals pretend to support palestinians when in reality their money supports zionist Israel?

Because they don't want the 'Arab Spring' coming to Saudi Arabia.
the Saudis behind closed doors vow they will never forgive the current US govt. for allowing Hosny Mubarak to get toppled.....

the royal family is very scared of Iran.....Iran hasn't had its hands clean either, but these Gulfies tend to exaggerate the Iranian threat....and its the Americans who are doing the fear-mongering.

all the US has to do is fabricate some story about alleged Iranian plots to whack their ambassadors; all they have to do is claim that Iran is near completion of an atomic warhead ---all they have to do is ''remind'' the Saudis that as long as american bases operate in KSA, the Saudi (royal family) is safe
I know. I was just making a point to mini Ayatollahs here. lol

Mosamania i must point out to you i am not a mini Ayatollah - just because i dont agree with your philosophy does that make me a mini Ayatollah? I dont agree with the methodology the Saudi Royals preach Islam - does that make me a mini Ayatollah?
This is not a personal attack and name calling session - it is a difference of opinions on a forum. Their seems to be a lot of hatred when it comes to a belief regarding the Saudis. I have an opinion Mosamania you cant quash that. The more force you use, the more people you will find to shout their feelings about the Saudi Royals.
Iran is no saint (like all other nations), especially for what it has done in Iraq (& to some limited extent, in some other nations). But it is not the threat to the region that it is made out to be. Its 'threat' is extremely overexaggerated.
Iran is no saint (like all other nations), especially for what it has done in Iraq (& to some limited extent, in some other nations), but it is 'much more of a saint' than the current Saudi regime & the Western nations are. It is not the threat to the region that it is made out to be. Its 'threat' is extremely overexaggerated.

Bilal - i agree completely. Iran has made mistakes as a nation and are no angels. What i personally object to is the complete steam rolling on Saudi royals being larger than life. They have made some horrendous errors in the past and should practice what they preach.
Saudi Arabia is a police state; dissent is met with an iron fist

its not a smart country to be an activist, or to be a ''free-thinker''.....that will only get you killed.

in all honesty, from their perspective i cant blame them....they are scared of their own population; there are problems with jihady types in the kingdom, however they get paid to keep their mouthes shut and their activities small.

most Saudis i met as well sas Saudi friends I have do say they favour the royal family; by nature they are not very political-minded people.
is it possible you get a minimum of respect of our religion?
ok you don't like shias but refrain from insults

I am sorry again I did not mean to attack Shias nor do I "Don't like them" but people preaching hatred to Saudi Arabia and expecting no retilation is also naive. Some Iranians I met are despicable Racist and would kill you just for looking at them attitude. But there are others like you and Arian who I have nothing but respect for because they have shown that they can hold a smart and civilized conversation that is not the case with some people here who only tend to believe what they WANT go believe instead of facts and realities.

---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

Saudi Arabia is a police state; dissent is met with an iron fist

its not a smart country to be an activist, or to be a ''free-thinker''.....that will only get you killed.

in all honesty, from their perspective i cant blame them....they are scared of their own population; there are problems with jihady types in the kingdom, however they get paid to keep their mouthes shut and their activities small.

most Saudis i met as well sas Saudi friends I have do say they favour the royal family; by nature they are not very political-minded people.

Google "Mabahith" for more information regarding this subject.
Bilal - i agree completely. Iran has made mistakes as a nation and are no angels. What i personally object to is the complete steam rolling on Saudi royals being larger than life. They have made some horrendous errors in the past and should practice what they preach.

For us Saudis what they do in their personal life is their own matter and are of no concern to us waving the Gay dude all over the place as an evidence for all of them is just plain stupid. They rule very respectably and they do hear the people regarding all issues if people are complaining about corruption today tomorrow who did it is in jail even if people are complaining that the road they drive to work to is not fixed probably tomorrow it is fixed if people want to change a mayor or a governor (rare) tomorrow someone else who are more to people's liking will take his place. As far as I am concerned that is better than democracy.
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