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Saudi Arabia to facilitate Pak in every sphere of life

I'm for every Pakistani, but it is silly to single out a single group because extremists exist within every one of them.

This "wahabi" stuff that people are saying is wrong. "Wahabis" are in fact sufi friendly. I'm not one to judge anyone else, because God will judge me for my actions.
Wahhabi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who's judging over here? It's the Wahabis judging everyone else.

As you said, let God be the judge. So tell the Wahabis to stop going around declaring Sunnis, Shi'as etc. kufr. God will be the judge for all of us. We don't need a group of Clerics sitting in Saudi Arabia telling us what to do.
Ye rite speak for yourself. Last time I looked you were not representative than anyone than yourself

:rofl::rofl: I told you Razpak may be your understanding is different to others understanding
I bet once they visit Saudi Arabia they'll realize the difference in understanding of Islam between Saudi Wahabis and other groups of muslims and who the real judgmental group are.
As you said, let God be the judge. So tell the Wahabis to stop going around declaring Sunnis, Shi'as etc. kufr. God will be the judge for all of us. We don't need a group of Clerics sitting in Saudi Arabia telling us what to do.

Clerics appointed by the hedonistic family. I mean come on guys how many of us have 25 wives and 80 children is that normal is that Islamic??
Clerics appointed by the hedonistic family. I mean come on guys how many of us have 25 wives and 80 children is that normal is that Islamic??
and how many of us force people into mosques, forcefully convert others, complain about nail polish and girls walking without a burqa on in a mall?
And they claim they're not judgmental?

Haha what a lie.
Maybe if they can begin with ridding us of Wahabism and Wahabis - give these people some sort citizenship, just take them back with you - once in arabia, you can do with them whatever you want.

No, Pakistan is a country for Muslims; if you got a problem with us, then come and kill us, because otherwise we're not moving an inch form this country :pakistan:

they are more than welcome in their second home :pakistan:

Lol, thanks for the offer :lol:
and how many of us force people into mosques, forcefully convert others, complain about nail polish and girls walking without a burqa on in a mall?
And they claim they're not judgmental?

Haha what a lie.

We should appreciate them really after all they are only trying to force us through the gates of heaven lol
:blink: can you please support your claim !
you're just another one of the blind followers

"The Wahhabi teachings disapprove of veneration of the historical sites associated with early Islam, on the grounds that only God should be worshipped and that veneration of sites associated with mortals leads to idolatry.[46] Many buildings associated with early Islam, including mazaar, mausoleums and other artifacts have been destroyed in Saudi Arabia by Wahhabis from early 19th century through the present day.[47][48] This practice has proved controversial and has received considerable criticism from Sunni and Shia Muslims and in the non-Muslim World."

We should appreciate them really after all they are only trying to force us through the gates of heaven lol
they are a judgmental group of people who need to learn to mind their own business and let people do what they want and believe what they want
keep sucking those balls of Saudis

It's people like you as to why Pakistan is stuck in the middle ages

This is why I like Muse so much he brings these guys out in the open. Let them find out what it feels to be a discredited and disliked minority

Or Its Time for people like you to wake Up and smell the coffee + Arabs have been investing heavily in Pakistan and pay special attention to education.

Target killing of engineers doctors SUPARCO scientist and professors plus other educated personals is all financed by Saudi dollars and don't forget blowing up kids schools ,if that doesn't say Saudi Arabia facilitating Pakistan then Nothing will.

Yea let them go and educate others. Send their aid to Americans and Israelis their true allies
This is why I like Muse so much he brings these guys out in the open. Let them find out what it feels to be a discredited and disliked minority

All the Pakistanis on here declaring themselves Wahabis are delusional idiots - I have the right to report them to the UN for being judgmental and not respecting other people's views on reliigon
This is why I like Muse so much he brings these guys out in the open. Let them find out what it feels to be a discredited and disliked minority

So your being an ignorant because you feel like a discredited and disliked minority? Pathetic, I dread to see how your children will turn out to be.

keep sucking those balls of Saudis
It's people like you as to why Pakistan is stuck in the middle ages

Stop blaming the failures of your country on others; we're barely 5% of the population.
Either that or your ignorant as*s doesn't understand what Wahhabism is. Go suck a nipple little kid.

Also, I'm pretty sure you thanked my other post by mistake; I meant to say I'm Wahhabi (oh, did you crap your pants?)
I read your posts and I don't care, I just wanted to hit the "Thank button" for fun..go look back I thanked everyone.

Not only are you delusional but also incompetent, resorting to personal remarks and referring to a grown man as a kid - get a life you loser.

Keep sucking those balls, once the Saudis completely f*** Pakistan over don't come crying to me.

So your being an ignorant because you feel like a discredited and disliked minority? Pathetic, I dread to see how your children will turn out to be.

Stop blaming the failures of your country on others; we're barely 5% of the population.
I am blaming the failures of Pakistan on the Pakistani people, not Saudis.

Stop following the Saudi's and being dependent on them.

I am advocating for an Independent Pakistan But that's not going to happen with people like you worshiping the feet of Saudis.
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