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Saudi Arabia to buy Russian tanks and helicopters in $2 billion weapons deal

I won't believe this deal until it is sealed and signed. This has happened a lot of times in the past by the Saudis have gone for French or sometimes British h/w

Russians they have'nt even touched before
first it is not good that any muslim cuuntry becom dangerous for any other muslim countery saudi and iran may be have conflicts but at this time muslim counterys need unity thats why i say that we post the positive things and dont to be emotional

Even that i have issues
Both Iran and Saudi should act like brothers under Islam.
Sorry mate the one of the worst comments I have ever came across, its not we are happy it might be only you is happy that two muslim country confront with each other, what a stupid comments you have just passed.:coffee:

I dont know why you people are living in fools heaven.Iran is heavly involve in blochistan insurgency,Iran working against our Gawarder port because they are building Char-bhag port to destroy our port and Indians are building Char-baag port ,Iran having a defense contract with india against Pakistan in case of war india can use iraninan soil against Pakistan,Iran on one side is against americans and on the other side made a contact to supply weapons and other goods to american forces in afghanistan through iran and ultimately they are using these weapons are using against Pakistan.open your eyes and see the world with broader prospective this Islamic brother hood is nothing it is all about interest game.
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i agree with skywalker this is not good that two muslim countryes are prepring against to each other it is very importent that we post the positive thing to finish the bad thing and thoughts from the muslims we are brothers not enemy we live togather and i request to all plz post the positive postes becaus we are going to celebrate eid we respect and to each other and all of humanite

It is all about interest when iran having defense contact with india we did not protest because yes may be it is in their interest,we could say that iran should not do it because it is islamic country who you people are having a defence contract against us??Brother the islamic thing is of past issue now the whole world dont care either your muslim or not they do care about their interest and it is interest game.Iran is supporting insurgency in balochistan even intelligence agences of many gulf countries including iran working against Pakistan
Ahmed Quraishi.com
Including UAE,Oman.
When our government knows that Bramdad Bugti the Famous Indian terrorist went to UAE why not they ask UAE government to send this most wanted terrorist to Pakistan?Just because UAE is also giving us dollers.
Brother No body cares either we are muslims or not every country have their own interest and they are working on it you ever asked Iranian's why they give all info of Dr Qadeer network to US??why Iran openly said that yes Pakistan is involve in this issue??you ever asked them??:no:
It was in their interest to involve Pakistan in this dirty Game and they did,so keep in mind no one cares it is all about interest.
What will these Saudi Khusray do with these tanks?

What has Iran ever done to you?

Do you fools not realise that "gearing up" for Iran is what Israel actually wants?

Saudi Arabia and Israel "gearing up" for Iran would be more accurate.

Brother No offense but kindly update your self and take deep look what is happening around us. I dont know why you people are living in fools heaven.Iran is heavly involve in blochistan insurgency,Iran working against our Gawarder port because they are building Char-bhag port to destroy our port and Indians are building Char-baag port ,Iran having a defense contract with india and against pakistan in case of war india can use iraninan soil against Pakistan,Iran on one side is against americans and on the other side made a contact to supply weapons and other goods to american forces in afghanistan through iran and ultimately they are using these weapons are using against Pakistan.open your eyes and see the world with broader prospective this Islamic brother hood is nothing it is all about interest game .
I dont know why you people are living in fools heaven.Iran is heavly involve in blochistan insurgency,Iran working against our Gawarder port because they are building Char-bhag port to destroy our port and Indians are building Char-baag port ,Iran having a defense contract with india against Pakistan in case of war india can use iraninan soil against Pakistan,Iran on one side is against americans and on the other side made a contact to supply weapons and other goods to american forces in afghanistan through iran and ultimately they are using these weapons are using against Pakistan.open your eyes and see the world with broader prospective this Islamic brother hood is nothing it is all about interest game.

why dont you just come out from the hills of northern areas and instead of spreading loads of crap prove yourself or buzz off.:wave:
We should also consider that iran is gearing up for a long time now against the gulf countries. Iran definitely has a wish to be in control of middle east. Tried its best to control pakistan. The shia sunni problem in pakistan was a gift of iranian revolution. Iran saw a big shia population in pakistan and tried to use it as Lebanon and syria are being used.
Hahahah man, Arjun is more than enough for chinese al khalid

Sorry for being offtopic. We do not need Arjun here. Nag will get the job done.


Anyways but I hardly fear that Saudi will go for war against Iran which is already empowering itself with Nukes and has support from Pakistan.

if any such war happens what would be the stratergy pakistan will follow?
i think its good to buy as much as u can for keeping ur country safe

but not for war...................................
We should also consider that iran is gearing up for a long time now against the gulf countries. Iran definitely has a wish to be in control of middle east. Tried its best to control pakistan. The shia sunni problem in pakistan was a gift of iranian revolution. Iran saw a big shia population in pakistan and tried to use it as Lebanon and syria are being used.

The shia-sunni problem is not limited to Pakistan; it has a 1400 year history; do not distort the facts; you try to portray it as if Khomeini ignited the shia-sunni conflict and before that we were sending each other cupcakes. Shias have been on the swords edge since the death of the Prophet SAW.

Big shia population in Pakistan? Sir jee we make up only 20% of the population; why are you so scared...? Lebanon and syria have a significantly larger proportion of shias than Pakistan; hence they are influenced by Iran easily.

The Gulf states are easily influenced by Saudi Arabia because of sunni majority; (bahrain is a exception where shias form a majority but still ruled by the minority sunnis) and deem shias as heretics; why wouldn't Iran try to make its presence felt; now that shias are coming into power almost everywhere...?
Sorry for being offtopic. We do not need Arjun here. Nag will get the job done.


Anyways but I hardly fear that Saudi will go for war against Iran which is already empowering itself with Nukes and has support from Pakistan.

if any such war happens what would be the stratergy pakistan will follow?

Make peace between the two countries.
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