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Saudi Arabia to build King Salman bin Abdulaziz mosque at Islamabad’s Islamic university

I would have been much happier if they had built a new modern petro refinery , instead.
Why not both?

I somehow understand you, but Islam is not the problem.
It only becomes a problem when the ones pushing Islam pedal that nothing is more important. That being a Hafiz-e-Quran is more important than studying mathematics. That is where this falls for me. Hafiz-e-Quran is meaningless in the larger context. It surely has a romantic notion about it and we should celebrate it. But it should not be the mass production engine it has become. Studying Islam is important, studying comparative religion is equally important so when some schmuck from a different religion tries to put mine down I can rip him a new one because I happen to know more about his religion than he might. That is the strength of education verses mindless memorization. And that is truly the beauty of what our Prophet said "even if you need to go to China to gain education".

Everytime my Pashtun guard in Pakistan tells me about his kids become Hafiz-e-Quran, I give him a smile and say that is great, but with the same breath I also say but they must learn about the world too (math and sciences). He doesn't get it and it breaks my heart. And that is the mindless influence of religion that is anethmatic to Islam. Islam was meant to be the seal of all religions, yet we muslims have allowed the formation of a political clergy that has robbed us of the true meaning of our religion (something that was never meant to exist in Islam). Our Prophet was a revolutionary, and we have become agents of status quo. We have shut our minds and with that we have become the agents of our own demise.

A religions that freed all of us, by saying it simply, you now have the book (your guide), you have the mind that Allah gave you (to reason with with rational thought), you have the prayer (so you need no priest or intermediary to reach me), now go find yourself and submit your ego, and go on this journey to better yourself as a human, as a muslim, while loving and caring for your community and mankind as a whole. That was and remains a powerful force, that will unshackle us again, as long as we are willing to follow these principles.

But alas we'll submit this beautiful religion to small men, with profane mouths, because our religion is now more about external showcase than internal deliberation and strength. We'll either become mindless drones, or we'll become hypocrites. One will die as cannon fodder, the other will turn sides at the twist of the wind. Sad and may Allah help us back to the right path.
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Pak govt should ban foreign funding from nations like KSA which seek to maintain a foothold on Pakistan through such endeavours. There should be no space for religious extremism, be it from KSA or Iran.
Don't get me wrong I love Masjid's as a properly run one can bring communities together.
But we have more than enough already and don't need another KSA Funded trash on our soil. Money could've been better spent on something else or a technical school as others have mentioned.

Currently in Islamabad below High School their are 53 Institutions and 872 Mosques (probably more since my data for Mosques is 2012).
Pakistanis are begging for hospitals and universities when you chootiyas have ruined your own country by electing haramkhors like Nawaz and Zardari. Saudis are building it out of their own pockets not yours so keep your mouths shut and bugger off. Pathetic losers
Well a mosque is welcomed so great. It's the house of Allah brothers so the idea shouldn't be mocked. Ties between Pakistan and Saudi are good.
It would be nice if they could be asked to fund a water desalination plant or two in Karachi. Let's look at other helpful avenues as well.
Well a mosque is welcomed so great. It's the house of Allah brothers so the idea shouldn't be mocked. Ties between Pakistan and Saudi are good.
It would be nice if they could be asked to fund a water desalination plant or two in Karachi. Let's look at other helpful avenues as well.
Mosques are not houses of Allah as Allah is omnipresent, and does not need houses. This mindset is very much a Christian mindset brought about by professional clergymen and institutions in order to give themselves a central role in people's daily lives. They are a place where muslim's gather to perform Salah. If that original purpose is at work I have no issue. It is when under the garb of this normal function, mosques become education centers, policy makers, indoctrination centers, fitna creators, weapon storage depots, and foreign funded agencies - then they have departed from their purpose. Mosque also serve under the functioning of the state, not some independent notion of your local prayer leader and his proclivity and preferences. So though in principle I have no issue with a mosque, I think foreign funding of mosques should not be allowed in principle and overall as institutions mosques should be strongly managed and supervised for only one purpose. A safe, clean and inviting environment for Muslims to perform salah as a community.
that era is over now its intersts base relations . only pakistanis are living in 1980s era rest of the world in moved on .

think if malik riyaz have made world largest university rather then world largest mosque . we need something better . sir ganga ram have more brain then these guys .
Would be good if they make King Faisal Petroleum university or IT University. Mosque logic fails to understand. Enough mosques in Islamabad.
The mosque can incorporate a field hospital.

or you want money?

I remember Saudis sending medical aid in cash to Pakistan, just few days back!
I'm bit surprised to see the level of ignorance of posters or perhaps they are IRGC puppies!

As far investments in industry is concerned, $20 billion refinery at Gawadar was heavily criticized on this very forum, and it received major setback when Pakistan announced to divide Islamic world and approached Qatar.., and openly facilitated militants serving IRGC, followed by Pakistan's so called neutrality on missile attacks on Saudi cities, airports, hospitals and airports etc. Let's see how tolerant are Arab states towards new regime of Pakistan. Pretty soon Pakistan had to return $6+6 billion which was suppose to be a temporary deposit.
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KSA or Iran must be barred from building any schools or religious madarsas, when they fund some institution they want us to toe in their lines, and that hurt Pakistan, but as usual Pakistani's will die for Arabs but Arabs won't shed a tear for millions of Bakistani's dead.
KSA or Iran must be barred from building any schools or religious madarsas, when they fund some institution they want us to toe in their lines, and that hurt Pakistan, but as usual Pakistani's will die for Arabs but Arabs won't shed a tear for millions of Bakistani's dead.
Why they call you Bakistani? They really can't pronounce their P's?
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