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Saudi Arabia to build King Salman bin Abdulaziz mosque at Islamabad’s Islamic university

There is already a good network of mosques in Pakistan there is no urgent need in that segment

  • Urgent need is Major Hospitals in each city
  • Urgent need is Grand Library Network
The mosque can incorporate a field hospital.

or you want money?
The Saudi's are at liberty to spend their money as they see fit and it is down to Pakistan to accept or reject the offer. But, i am of the view that Pakistan has enough mosques as of now.

If the Saudi's want to "truly help Pakistan" - they could fund 4 new STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths ) universities up and down Pakistan with what they will spend on the mosque.. Build one in Islamabad, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar and Pakistan build one in Muzaffarabad/Gilgit ?.

Hell - they can call them "King Salman bin Abdulaziz Institute of Science Technology" if they are concerned with the brand - and make then, world class universities with their financing.

There is no greater gift than educating a mind...

If there was anyone of any common sense in the goverment, they would turn around and thank them for their generiosity but ask them if they could instead build some science/engineering universities instead????
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There is no love affair. Most Pakistanis are hardcore barelvis and are more dangerous than all the Wahabis of Pakistan combined (I don’t like the word though).


GoP paying for a Mandir in Islamabad for 5 Hindus: yes!!!!!

Building a mosque funded by another country: Bhai, we need hospitals. Gimmie a break!
Not against mosque.

An entire compound can include

a field hospital and a mosque


A mosque an a university

The problem is wahhabi's. Not the mosque. Atleast background checks should be done .
Saudi Arabia to build King Salman bin Abdulaziz mosque at Islamabad’s Islamic university

This undated photo shows the proposed design of the King Salman bin Abdulaziz Mosque that Saudi Arabia will build at the International Islamic University in Islamabad. (Photo courtesy: International Islamic University, Islamabad)
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Updated 22 sec ago
May 02, 202119:22

  • The mosque will be able to accommodate 12,000 worshipers and have a research and cultural center
  • The rector of the International Islamic University says the center will focus on Arabic language, Islamic culture and heritage
ISLAMABAD: Saudi Arabia will build the King Salman bin Abdulaziz Mosque along with a research and cultural center at the new campus of the International Islamic University (IIU) in Islamabad, the institute’s rector told Arab News on Saturday.

“The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques has decided to build the King Salman bin Abdulaziz Mosque with a capacity of 12,000 worshippers at the new campus of the International Islamic University,” Dr. Masoom Yasinzai said.

“This is not just going to be a mosque but will have a huge complex with a research and cultural center for scholars and students,” he continued, adding that there would also be a library and museum along with an auditorium named after Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman.

Yasinzai said the project was another evidence of the strong Saudi-Pakistan relationship.

“The research center will focus on Arabic language, Islamic culture and heritage. The center will be equipped with digital technology to provide online Arabic courses from Islamabad to the whole world,” the IIU rector said.

He also informed that researchers from other Muslim countries would also make intellectual contributions to the center.
“Initially, the construction of the mosque was going to cost Rs500 million,” Yasinzai said. “But now the research and cultural center has also been included in the project which will raise its cost.”

He added that the proposed model of the mosque was an exceptional representation of Islamic art and architecture.
In addition to that, the IIU official said Saudi Arabia would send 15 professors from some of the top universities in the kingdom to teach Arabic, Shariah and other Islamic subjects.

“They will come to Islamabad on deputation and will be financed by the Saudi government,” he continued. “The Saudi authorities have also announced 250 fully funded scholarships for needy students in Pakistan.”

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s adviser on religious harmony Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi said that people of Pakistan were thankful to the Saudi government for deciding to build the mosque.

“This grand mosque will have the capacity to accommodate 10,000 men and 2,000 women,” he told Arab News. “It will be yet another monument of the Saudi-Pak friendship and lead to better progress in the bilateral relations of the two countries.”

Saudi Arabia to build King Salman bin Abdulaziz mosque at Islamabad’s Islamic university (arabnews.pk)
Run in the opposite direction. This is one relationship that has hurt Pakistan more than most. Saudi's and their funded mosques are the bane of Pakistan's existence. Also it is not the mosque or the building at issue. It is the undue influence that is brought with it. As long as the mosque is built - no string attached as in Pak gov decides the operating group, then I dont have any issue. It is the Saudi influence that bothers me. Also as someone above stated, I would be more appreciative of Saudi largess if they instead spent money on STEM institutions.
No we don't want that. They are making this good. I also don't agree with many Saudi policies but Saudia have stood with us in our worst times.
We seem to be conflating a Saudi of 30-40 years ago and then a Saudi of Afghan war and after. These are two different Saudi's. Saudis in the recent years are not about selfless standing by their ally Pakistan. They are only about self preservation of the family. They help Pakistan with conditions, and twist the thorn to force us even to our own determent ("return our money at the most difficult time after giving a short bridge", in the most petty manner). They constantly dangle the "return your workers" stick, if you dont. They actively fight us in OIC when we attempt to raise issues against India and now even Israel. They have made no major strategic infrastructure investments, even after dangling that carrot many times. Yet they embrace our neighbor who is responsible of anti-muslim pogroms. They embrace India even when fully realizing what the Indian society is doing to its muslims, and the threat India posses to Pakistan. They make billions in investments (real infrastructure), into India. So yes there was a Saudi Arabia that existed 40+ years ago, when the old guard was around.
Today's Saudi Arabia just buys our cheap leaders and makes them smile and dance when Saudi directly hurts us, while singing "Saudi is our brother".
Bravo. Pakistan needs more mosques. And more structures to hold up names of Saudi Kings.

*How about -

  • ten hospitals
  • ten universities teaching students how to make cars, jets, submarines, ships
  • ten colleges teaching students how to build roads, bridges, dams
But for that Pakistan can bring in Chinese engineers or buy from China or go to London for treatment.
Looks like this forum will raise a mob and bring down the mosque. They do prefer Ranjit statues over Arabic religion in Punjababad
No we dont. We believe that a Pakistani mosque, simple in its look, non adorned, built with our funds, and the sweat of our hands, is a million times more blessed for our lands than anything else. That is all.
No we dont. We believe that a Pakistani mosque, simple in its look, non adorned, built with our funds, and the sweat of our hands, is a million times more blessed for our lands than anything else. That is all.

You can legislate to ban any religious construction from foreign governments.

Saudi Arabia is diversifying her investments in Pakistan. These investments are typically cemented with these symbolic statements. They can use this money for better investment opportunities.
I saw a CPEC documentary with reports on M-5 motorway, Solar farm, Wind farm construction. And I saw Chinese workers. Then they spoke with the project engineer who was early 30s and Chinese. A sad thought crossed my mind. Pakistan has a population of 220 million mostly youth. Yet in that vast numbers of Pakistani's to do the job. What was so special about that young Chinese? Was he Muslim? Did he pray more than Pakistani's? Was he more pious?

No he was a pork snorting athiest. What Pakistan needs is men and women who have the education to build motorways, dams, submarines, tanks, cars, ships, stealth fighters, space rockets, scientists to make vaccines like Pfizer, computers, bullet trains etc etc.

That means more schools, more universities, more colleges. Not more mosques and more hafiz qurans. Now go ahead curse me.

But fact is fact. Until then you will be beggers and dependent on pork snorters or western countries for all your modern needs.
Why not both?
Because between the two we have shortage of the universities that will produce men who will build stealth fighters and too many of the the latter. What do you think the Russians, Americans, Chinese, Japanese have that Pakistan does not? Pakistan has far more madaris then all of them put together.

Do you know how many talibs Pakistan produces from the madaris every year? Then compare how many mathematcians, physcists, engineers Russia or China produces every year. That is the basis on which they can make Mig-35s, F-16s, nuke submarines, Toyota cars etc.
it was long over due, it was supposed to be built in 2008. Saudi already provided allot of funds for it.
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