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Saudi Arabia to build King Salman bin Abdulaziz mosque at Islamabad’s Islamic university

Why don't you read that Arabic book?

It mentions in Surah djinn explicitly that Mosques are bayt Allah.

You put a buhtaan on masjid for creating fassad.

For Shame !!
Unless I am mistaken in the Surat you cite it says seek refuge as it is the place of Allah. So here is the difference between your thinking and mine is as follows: first may Allah forgive me if I am wrong and I won’t shame you for I am more concerned about me being wrong than being certain on someone else’s intentions. Nor will I shame you or curse you.
I believe that Allah is omnipresent and he is everywhere. That he does not need to possess as he is the creator of all. That their is a difference between a literal expression and a figurative expression. I maybe wrong and may Allah forgive me. I believe of my own rational thought that making a mosque as something sacrosanct is similar to objectification. As humans we have this tendency to make something real in order to understand something ethereal. Also a mosque is as much a house of God as a righteous man’s home. In fact a righteous man’s home is better than a mosque that creates fitna. Also a mosque is what we make it to be through our action not by the mere fact of its existence . If it is devoid of its holy purpose it is nothing but brick and motor. If Allah’s mosque are devoid of his purpose then they are not his house but like any other part of existence his and no better (perhaps worse off given his expectation of us). People might want to build the figurative churches and temples, I prefer strong hearts and Imaan. That is the material difference in our argument.
I also believe mosques that are housing weapons to kill, to create fitna, to proliferate hatred are criminal enterprises and should be dealt as such, with strength of conviction and ruthlessness.
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Unless I am mistaken in the Surat you cite it says seek refuge as it is the place of Allah. So here is the difference between your thinking and mine is as follows: first may Allah forgive me if I am wrong and I won’t shame you for I am more concerned about me being wrong than being certain on someone else’s intentions. Nor will I shame you or curse you.
I believe that Allah is omnipresent and he is everywhere. That he does not need to possess as he is the creator of all. That their is a difference between a literal expression and a figurative expression. I maybe wrong and may Allah forgive me. I believe of my own rational thought that making a mosque as something sacrosanct is similar to objectification. As humans we have this tendency to make something real in order to understand something ethereal. Also a mosque is as much a house of God as a righteous man’s home. In fact a righteous man’s home is better than a mosque that creates fitna. Also a mosque is what we make it to be through our action not by the mere fact of its existence . If it is devoid of its holy purpose it is nothing but brick and motor. If Allah’s mosque are devoid of his purpose then they are not his house but like any other part of existence his and no better (perhaps worse off given his expectation of us). People might want to build the figurative churches and temples, I prefer strong hearts and Imaan. That is the material difference in our argument.
I also believe mosques that are housing weapons to kill, to create fitna, to proliferate hatred are criminal enterprises and should be dealt as such, with strength of conviction and ruthlessness.

There is consensus on House of God. God had Adam build him a House. God makes them congregate in His house.

The religion that came out of Middle East advocates for mass worship. Greek or Indian influences on it cannot take away its spirit.

Lastly religious discussions are not allowed.
Saudi Arabia to build King Salman bin Abdulaziz mosque at Islamabad’s Islamic university

This undated photo shows the proposed design of the King Salman bin Abdulaziz Mosque that Saudi Arabia will build at the International Islamic University in Islamabad. (Photo courtesy: International Islamic University, Islamabad)
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Updated 22 sec ago
May 02, 202119:22

  • The mosque will be able to accommodate 12,000 worshipers and have a research and cultural center
  • The rector of the International Islamic University says the center will focus on Arabic language, Islamic culture and heritage
ISLAMABAD: Saudi Arabia will build the King Salman bin Abdulaziz Mosque along with a research and cultural center at the new campus of the International Islamic University (IIU) in Islamabad, the institute’s rector told Arab News on Saturday.

“The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques has decided to build the King Salman bin Abdulaziz Mosque with a capacity of 12,000 worshippers at the new campus of the International Islamic University,” Dr. Masoom Yasinzai said.

“This is not just going to be a mosque but will have a huge complex with a research and cultural center for scholars and students,” he continued, adding that there would also be a library and museum along with an auditorium named after Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman.

Yasinzai said the project was another evidence of the strong Saudi-Pakistan relationship.

“The research center will focus on Arabic language, Islamic culture and heritage. The center will be equipped with digital technology to provide online Arabic courses from Islamabad to the whole world,” the IIU rector said.

He also informed that researchers from other Muslim countries would also make intellectual contributions to the center.
“Initially, the construction of the mosque was going to cost Rs500 million,” Yasinzai said. “But now the research and cultural center has also been included in the project which will raise its cost.”

He added that the proposed model of the mosque was an exceptional representation of Islamic art and architecture.
In addition to that, the IIU official said Saudi Arabia would send 15 professors from some of the top universities in the kingdom to teach Arabic, Shariah and other Islamic subjects.

“They will come to Islamabad on deputation and will be financed by the Saudi government,” he continued. “The Saudi authorities have also announced 250 fully funded scholarships for needy students in Pakistan.”

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s adviser on religious harmony Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi said that people of Pakistan were thankful to the Saudi government for deciding to build the mosque.

“This grand mosque will have the capacity to accommodate 10,000 men and 2,000 women,” he told Arab News. “It will be yet another monument of the Saudi-Pak friendship and lead to better progress in the bilateral relations of the two countries.”

Saudi Arabia to build King Salman bin Abdulaziz mosque at Islamabad’s Islamic university (arabnews.pk)

We can build our own mosques, why do we need Arab investments to build mosques? They can help by help us resolving the Kashmir crisis.
Reported for this shxt and the personal insults. Yes you did step on someones tail. Who would be against that beautiful piece of art and tourist attraction potential
I am against it. We don't need investment from Zion loving , Yemen starving, dissident murdering Arbies. If they do want to invest then investment in a technology or science department would be better in some university.
Will Saudi Arabia allow Pakistan, Turkey or even Iran to build a mosque in Saudi Arabia and let them hire their own Imams, spread their ideology. No they would declare them as mushriks and chop their heads off.

Pakistan does not need mosques, we have plenty. Why don't they build a world class hospital? Or factory? The reason for a mosque is so they can brainwash people, spread their 18th century version of Islam and then use the Mullas as political weapons. Shame on Pakistan government to allow this.
There is consensus on House of God. God had Adam build him a House. God makes them congregate in His house.

The religion that came out of Middle East advocates for mass worship. Greek or Indian influences on it cannot take away its spirit.

Lastly religious discussions are not allowed.
El-Sid Sahab,

Respectfully, I did not bring religion into this discussion. Unfortunately it was bringing in the Surat Jinn (by yourself), alongwith the declaration of "bhutaan" and "shame" (and brimestone and fire - like a bible belt evangelist priest from middle america) on me that got me to try and explain my position. Perhaps I would have been better off staying quiet, but that is how we as people have gotten to this place. When we allow others to define how good or bad muslims we are, and somehow worry that we are less as muslims when we cannot verbatim narrate a verse or hadith. It reminded me of my uncle long departed who once admonished me. He stated we muslims complain about Maulvis etc., yet feel obligated to bring them to sanction our marriages and oversee our funerals or lead us in prayer. That in Islam there is no obligation, expectation or requirement for it, we have done it to ourselves. That we have as muslims within our own rights the ability to sanctify Nikkahs and Jinazahs and lead congregations. Any one of us as a Muslim can do it. It is just that we need to get out of our own religious slummer, and be brave, and honest enough to do it and do it right. There should be no societal support (in the functioning of daily deeds) of religious clergy. If any exists it should be solely a function for the state with well defined parameters, that seek spiritual and deeper religious and legal frameworks for the society and especially for leaders.

I am taking a position that mosques serve a purpose in Islam and are a place for salah and community gathering for prayers. Nothing more is defined or enshrined. So mosques like the "Red Mosque" and countless others that do more than that are practicing politics and hence do not deserve our reverence and respect. I highly doubt even you would call mosques, houses of God, that practice as weapons depots, suicide bomb storage centers or layaway stations for terrorists on their way to bomb a market, or that mindlessly drone young minds, or cane children, or worse acts with children, or create animus for our co-religionists by calling them kuffars, or sanctioning hits on leaders of different schools of thoughts, serve no religious purpose but are evil groupings or men oft bought as a function of their own ego-greed or political aspirations, ironically funded by good intentioned societies as well as foreign powers.

I hope you understand my purpose is never to hurt your feelings or that of others, and I hope Allah forgives me if I am not correct in my opinions.

Finally I agree there is a consensus on Kabah being the "House of God". But surely you would agree that that too is a figurative expression and romantic notion. It is, in a literal sense not the house of God but serves as a symbolic house of God, demanding our respect and reverence. We worship only one thing and that is Allah and he is Omnipresent, we dont worship objects, buildings or human artifacts.
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House of Worship is apolitical entity
It should be apolitical. But acts of men sometimes make it political. At which point it fails its ordained purpose and does not warrant our blind reverence. I hope we can agree on this at the least.
It should be apolitical. But acts of men sometimes make it political. At which point it fails its ordained purpose and does not warrant our blind reverence. I hope we can agree on this at the least.
Why should the Worship place lose its purpose and not the worshippers?
Why should the Worship place lose its purpose and not the worshippers?
@El Sidd that is a profound question you asked. And not an easy one to answer and I have struggled with it myself. Any place arguably built for a purpose that strays by human acts should not lose its status by default.

So you are correct a mosque built for a righteous purpose should be respected. However given the ethereal nature of religion that makes it less tangible and more spiritual, a physical place like a mosque is more intrinsically tied to the acts within it by humans, than perhaps another building built for another purpose. For example a factory marries machinery, manpower, process, and inputs to deliver an output. A factory can become less effective by poorly trained labor, that can be partially offset by automation. So it can still remain a productive factory and retain its built purpose.

A mosque that loses its manpower (deluded, beguiled or strayed humans), is at a far greater disadvantage, as men and their thoughts and words are perhaps the single largest ingredient of this purpose built building. So mosques without humans are empty shells.

So I think this become a semantical joust, and an eventual non sequitur, because the logic fails to link the two. Mosques are so intrinsically tight to human acts (prayers etc), that their meaning is in singular fashion predicated by human acts. You cannot separate the two.

But broadly speaking I agree, the first to lose their purpose are the worshippers, but in that loss they have undermined their institution (mosque), and hence cannot shield their acts and villainy by the mere fact that they occupy a purpose built space they call a mosque.

These are my views and I might be completely wrong and ask for His forgiveness.
Saudi Arabia to build King Salman bin Abdulaziz mosque at Islamabad’s Islamic university

This undated photo shows the proposed design of the King Salman bin Abdulaziz Mosque that Saudi Arabia will build at the International Islamic University in Islamabad. (Photo courtesy: International Islamic University, Islamabad)
Short Url

Updated 22 sec ago
May 02, 202119:22

  • The mosque will be able to accommodate 12,000 worshipers and have a research and cultural center
  • The rector of the International Islamic University says the center will focus on Arabic language, Islamic culture and heritage
ISLAMABAD: Saudi Arabia will build the King Salman bin Abdulaziz Mosque along with a research and cultural center at the new campus of the International Islamic University (IIU) in Islamabad, the institute’s rector told Arab News on Saturday.

“The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques has decided to build the King Salman bin Abdulaziz Mosque with a capacity of 12,000 worshippers at the new campus of the International Islamic University,” Dr. Masoom Yasinzai said.

“This is not just going to be a mosque but will have a huge complex with a research and cultural center for scholars and students,” he continued, adding that there would also be a library and museum along with an auditorium named after Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman.

Yasinzai said the project was another evidence of the strong Saudi-Pakistan relationship.

“The research center will focus on Arabic language, Islamic culture and heritage. The center will be equipped with digital technology to provide online Arabic courses from Islamabad to the whole world,” the IIU rector said.

He also informed that researchers from other Muslim countries would also make intellectual contributions to the center.
“Initially, the construction of the mosque was going to cost Rs500 million,” Yasinzai said. “But now the research and cultural center has also been included in the project which will raise its cost.”

He added that the proposed model of the mosque was an exceptional representation of Islamic art and architecture.
In addition to that, the IIU official said Saudi Arabia would send 15 professors from some of the top universities in the kingdom to teach Arabic, Shariah and other Islamic subjects.

“They will come to Islamabad on deputation and will be financed by the Saudi government,” he continued. “The Saudi authorities have also announced 250 fully funded scholarships for needy students in Pakistan.”

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s adviser on religious harmony Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi said that people of Pakistan were thankful to the Saudi government for deciding to build the mosque.

“This grand mosque will have the capacity to accommodate 10,000 men and 2,000 women,” he told Arab News. “It will be yet another monument of the Saudi-Pak friendship and lead to better progress in the bilateral relations of the two countries.”

Saudi Arabia to build King Salman bin Abdulaziz mosque at Islamabad’s Islamic university (arabnews.pk)
Shadi hoi ya nai ?
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