I honestly don't think anyone cared whether you did or not but it was a missed opportunity for Pakistan. Taking control of Marib oil fields, Aden Port and ports on the red sea and control of bab al-mandab has been lost that was a huge gift for Pakistan.. Now UAE has Bab-al-mandab, KSA has taken Marib Oil and the ports. Where is Pakistan? Someone invited you into a business deal but you tried to go for the moral high ground. Look at Turkey. You need that instinct it invaded Libya, Syria, Iraq and Nagorno-Kababakh in quick succession. You gotta be a G and sometimes take something that you need.
The best thing that ever happened to Pakistan is the India tensions this will keep you sharp and focussed but the issues in Pakistan steems from electing incompetent people like the Nawaz and Bhutto-Zardari families. Highly incompetent who are good at selling newspapers and good for caferia slender talks.
You should have been electing the Imran Khan types long ago. Just wait and see pakistan will recover and bounce back economically under Imran Khan and as far as buying weapons that is great tradition that can't be stopped