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Saudi Arabia to ask for 72 F-15 Eagle Fighters Jets

Hello Hello , exucuse me coming thru Ahmadinajad here coming thru with my new best friend

Who happens to be KING OF Saudia Arabia :pop:

What is EULA (iLU ILU KIYA HAI ?), it does not works out side of USA

End User Licence Agreement...it is a document every buyer of US weapon signs.One of the important points is that the weapon systems cannot be taken outside the country where it is sold to.
I dont get it , why is saudi arabia buying more airsuperiority fighters , i mean look at this , they already have 140 f15 , and have purchased 72 typhoons out of which 24 are in service . Typhoon are supposed to be the best air superiority fighter in the world after F-22 , i am not counting f35 since it is not in service . Saudi are allready contemplating purchase of 72 more typhoons , which will replace f5 in service
That translate to roughly 280 air superiority fighters , while ground attack capability comprises of only 80 odd tornados which will remain in service till 2025.
My question is that if saudi are buying 50 jets then shouldnt they be capable ground attack aircraft like the Super Hornet or Rafale
, coz i am pretty sure that saudi will get f35 in 2025 , to replace the f15 in service , and secondly the airforce should not just be capable of keeping its airspace safe or attain air superiority over battle field , it should also e capable of carrying out strikes deep within enemy teritory , which an aircraft like Rafale or Super Hornet can provide

Saudi has to buy US arms because there is a deal that Saudi props up the US defence industry in return for US defending Saudi Arabia from aggressors (internal or external). The Wahhabi's and the royal family don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues but so long as the Royal Family stays in power the production of Oil remains undisrupted.
Saudi has to buy US arms because there is a deal that Saudi props up the US defence industry in return for US defending Saudi Arabia from aggressors (internal or external). The Wahhabi's and the royal family don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues but so long as the Royal Family stays in power the production of Oil remains undisrupted.

The U.S. defense industry does quite well without Saudi purchases. That is becuase the U.S. is second to none in military technology and manufacturing.
I have read through some of the post and have found that non of the guys have actually understood what i was saying , and some have even labled it a conspiracy theory
What i actually meant in simple english was that saudi should spend there money wisely , and not go overkill in improving one capability , in this case airsuperiority , while ignoring an equally important ground attack capability
like i said before saudi will probably have 280 airsuperiority fighters in not so distant future thanks to induction of 72+72 eurofighters and upg of 140 f15
thats more than enough to keep saudi airspace safe , now saudi only have 80 tornados to cater to there ground attack requirement . I know that saudi are not interested in striking targets deep inside enemy line , and would leave this for the USAF which will come to its aid , but still you should have a good ground attack capability to properly protect the holiest place for muslims around the world

Someone on this forum just said that saudi have to purchase US weapons or prop its military industrial complex becoz the US is the biggest buyer of saudi oil
well thats pretty much true , if this is the case then cant these guys go for the F/A18 SUPER HORNET WHICH IS A GREAT GROUND ATTACK AIRCRAFT , WELL TESTED IN THE MID EAST , AND A PLUS POINT STILL BEING ACQUIRED BY THE US
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