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Saudi Arabia threatens to blockade Qatar over terrorism

This is the truth of all Arab fiefdoms. They are weak, they are insecure and inclined to fight their own people.
Exactly. The leaders that took power after gaining independence were able to control their people but Arab start to kill each other once the soverign government collapse.

The Gulf region were under Empire rule (Byzantine, Persian, Arab/Turkish Caliphate) and neither were ruled independently before. Just shortly when Ottoman collapsed, the British and the Western coloniast managed install the House of Saud before various tribes who would be fighting for power. Since till now, they are still protect the thrones to prevent the collapse for their interest. Look at 91 gulf war.

Also, the Arabs used to kill each other during Byzantine/Persian rule until Islam came and emperialism spread.

So seeing them never want any unity, it's better of establishing Empires again. :p:
I knew it, i knew it. Some Irani must have opened a thread. God dayumn the trolling on PDF has made me a wizard!

You are an certified Farsi lunatic that is making up historical lies everywhere where your dirty smell leads you.

The Arabian Peninsula just like most of the Arab world today, which has among the most ancient civilizations if not the oldest, was independent throughout the vast majority of its history. More so in recent years. The Arabian Peninsula for instance was never fully conquered by anybody and was more or less always sovereign and ruled by local rulers. Farsis, who were primitive steppe nomads that arrived to the Iranian Plateau 2800 years ago and got civilized by us Semitic people and copied our form of government, languages, symbols, script (you had none) etc. Basically everything. You never ruled anything in this part of the world.

On the other hand we conquered you and changed you forever culturally, linguistically, religiously and on every practical level. In short we destroyed all of your dreams. For the past 1500 years you have had an huge complex due to that.

Now even today you are ruled by fake wannabe-Arab Mullah's that try to act more Arab than the Arabs themselves. Comical ah?

We ruled 3 of the 11 largest empires in the world. Our empires were the biggest among the ME empires.

Worry about all of your minorities that nearly make up 50% of the population and many of them want independence. Your country is going to explode once again and we will enjoy the ride.

Qatar is never going to become any threat. They are under our and the US mercy. The second the Americans leave we could invade and annex Qatar in the matter of hours. Like we now rule Bahrain jointly with the US.
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There you go guys...we all knew how hasani would react if we were ever talk to the primitive and backward Arab mentalities that were saved by the British who imported Bengalis to build your country. At least thank your Western colonist for die trying discovering the oils and building the Gulf. :rofl:
There you go guys...we all knew how hasani would react if we were ever talk to the primitive and backward Arabs that were saved by the British who imported Bengalis to build your country. At least thank them for die trying discovering the oils and building the Gulf. rofl:

Primitive steppe nomads that got civilized by us Semitic people and later got culturally, religiously, linguistically etc. annexed by us Arabs have no right to speak. You are former slaves in the sense of the word.

Now you are ruled by fake wannabe-Arab Mullah's that are trying to act more Arab than the Arabs themselves.

Foreigners contributed just like you had Westerners and Afghans built everything in your country. Remember how piss poor you were just 50 years ago and how many of you starved to death? Only like 10% could read. Don't get ahead of yourself clown.

I am told that you did not even have surnames, LOL. That's something that the so-called Shah introduced to you. That's why so many Iranians have Arab surnames. I mean former officer that just crowned himself Shah.
Even in recent years (200-300 years ago) the Sultanate of Oman ruled large parts of Southern Iran, LOL.
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Exactly. The leaders that took power after gaining independence were able to control their people but Arab start to kill each other once the soverign government collapse.

The Gulf region were under Empire rule (Byzantine, Persian, Arab/Turkish Caliphate) and neither were ruled independently before. Just shortly when Ottoman collapsed, the British and the Western coloniast managed install the House of Saud before various tribes who would be fighting for power. Since till now, they are still protect the thrones to prevent the collapse for their interest. Look at 91 gulf war.

Also, the Arabs used to kill each other during Byzantine/Persian rule until Islam came and emperialism spread.

So seeing them never want any unity, it's better of establishing Empires again. :p:

House of Saud and other despots of the region actually brought Middle East under colonial & Zionist rule.
The entire Arabian peninsula will in the long term become an Iranian mandate. And who ever is governing it will become a "satrap" acting on our behalf. Just wait and see. :)

Just like the times of the Abbasid caliphate, when you guys THOUGHT you ran that empire, when it was actually us Persians.
This region is ours to dominate so just deal with it. tihihi
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The entire Arabian peninsula will in the long term become an Iranian mandate. And who ever is governing it will become a "satrap" acting on our behalf. Just wait and see. :)

Just like the times of the Abbasid caliphate, when you guys THOUGHT you ran that empire, when it was actually us Persians.
This region is ours to dominate so just deal with it. tihihi
Like how Iraq ended up being whooped by 33 COUNTRIES when they invaded an inch of Arabian Peninsula after the Kuwaiti prince fled to Riyadh and the House of Saud begged "Captain America" to protect their throne? :lol:

The only way to increase our influence in the Gulf is they have to turn into a "Western free zone" with GCC power only. Let's see how long they can last holding the region.

Don't forget in only 8 second they were whooped by Iraq while Iraq struggled for 8 years against Iran. Just wait for GCC members to deny this like they always do starting from Hasani's tagging them here. :lol:
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The entire Arabian peninsula will in the long term become an Iranian mandate. And who ever is governing it will become a "satrap" acting on our behalf. Just wait and see. :)

Just like the times of the Abbasid caliphate, when you guys THOUGHT you ran that empire, when it was actually us Persians.
This region is ours to dominate so just deal with it. tihih
Trying to hide Iranian most humiliating events by the Arabs? Well, you can not do that. That's history, very painful one for you and joyful for us.
Like how Iraq ended up being whooped by 33 COUNTRIES when they invaded an inch of Arabian Peninsula after the Kuwaiti prince fled to Riyadh and the House of Saud begged "Captain America" to protect their throne? :lol:

The only way to increase our influence in the Gulf is they have to turn into a "Western free zone" with GCC power only. Let's see how long they can last holding the region.

Don't forget in 8 second being whooped by Iraq while Iraq struggled for 8 years against Iran. Just wait for GCC members to deny this like they always do starting from Hasani's tagging them here. :lol:
So you admit that the little Arab Iraq rubbed Big Iranians' foreheads down the mud back and forward, up and down for whole 8 years?

Thats the mark of Iranian power. Its to keep you thinking you are in control. ;)
That's right.:P
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