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Saudi Arabia threatens to blockade Qatar over terrorism


Is this foreal? It's time to have that discussion in the Arabic coffee shop.

Lol, they all scream Allah Ackbar like zionist Al Qaeda

Don't be fool, Qatar make Jabat Al Nusra and have a big USA base. They can't be with you

Their leaders are obviously NWO members and hate Islam

You'd better play with Egypt of Al Sissi, Oman, Al Houthi Yemen

Qatar is for destruction not playing around with

Yeah because Sisi loves Islam, sure. :lol:
This is an opportunity. Qatar can be useful instrument for Iran to expand its influence further into the Arabian peninsula.


Among all the GCC armies, Qatar is capable in whipping the Saudi's..So If I was the king , I will tread lightly...But the reason for the Saudi to raise their voices, because themselves too are dancing on a thin line..The week of the 23rd of this month, will bring what behind this GCC saga, in open with Obama's visit to KSA.

Saudi Arabia: Pending Obama

By Scarlett Haddad
Published on: 10/03/14
What is happening in the United Wahhabi? Despite the opacity prevails,the feeling is that dominant behind the calm facade, thunderstorms rumble and anxiety becomes palpable.


On the eve of the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama planned to Riyadh on March 22, Arab and Western diplomats in Beirut have their eyes on the Wahhabi kingdom to try to understand what is happening. Some of them feel that behind the quiet facade, thunderstorms rumble and anxiety is palpable, as the kingdom is on the spot. But due to the lack of transparency, it is difficult to obtain credible and accurate information on the scenes of the Saudi government. The setting aside of the head of the intelligence services of the kingdom and former strongman, Bandar bin Sultan Emir and the now open between Saudi and Qatar war are only visible signs of discomfort deeper and deeper.

According to a specialist in the kingdom, it is currently experiencing one of the worst crises since its inception, due to an almost existential anxiety. This concern is driven by several factors: firstly, the fact that the power is getting old and many emirs within the royal family favors clan wars for the succession. On the other hand, the soaring of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic brotherhood sharing theses on Wahhabi Islam, but is more structured, while having now experienced the power in some countries in the region and lapped remaining underground. This brotherhood is the only Sunni Muslim training to compete Wahhabis in terms of Islamic legitimacy, and therefore, its development in Arabia is a real threat to power. This is also the reason why the leadership of the kingdom have almost said "soft war" with the Muslim Brotherhood and the emirate of Qatar accused to continue to protect and finance. The third factor that causes concern Wahhabi leaders is the war in Syria and the failure of betting on a fall of the Syrian regime, which would have allowed the installation of a new regime under the control of Arabia. Specialist kingdom precise about it, the Wahhabi leaders fear that the fall became imminent Yabroud is for the Saudi government that the drop was Qousseir for the emirate of Qatar. It will be recalled that the fall of this strategic area around Homs and part of the border

Lebanon has cost the Qatar Emir and his prime minister, quickly replaced by the son of the former leader and a new team. It is partly for this reason that the power in Saudi proceeded to put away the Emir Bandar, the plan to overthrow the Syrian regime preparing an assault against the capital by the Eastern Ghouta and Deraa has failed, when the United States abandoned launch strikes against Syria.

The Saudi government has designated the Emir Mohammed bin Nayef to replace Bandar, and this decision is primarily intended to meet the Americans who see this as an acceptable interlocutor emir, particularly because of its hostile to al-Qaeda positions, following an attack that had covered it a few years ago.

The fourth factor of concern to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the rapprochement between Iran and the United States, which has totally taken aback and suddenly found himself in reality it is not a partner that Americans consider when they decide to follow the policy.

In some Arab diplomatic circles, one is convinced that the forthcoming visit of Obama in Riyadh façade is intended to show the consideration that the United States bears to King Abdullah, but in reality, it would be designed to prepare the succession of King and avoid the kingdom a fatal war of succession, especially in the context of the awakening of the Islamic forces throughout the Arab world and the possible return of jihadis sent to Syria in their country of Arabia. This is also where the last factor that causes concern among Saudis. Because, despite the royal decree punishing prison jihadists returning to the kingdom, this folder may cause internal tub it will be difficult to manage. About the succession, it must be remembered that the current King Abdullah wants to promote accession to the throne of his son Meteeb, recently appointed head of the royal guard, while Americans prefer him Emir Mohammed bin Nayef who has to recently been received (February) in Washington by Obama himself and key officials in the U.S. administration ...

L'Orient-Le Jour By Scarlett Haddad
We now have the opportunity to play off Qatar/Turkey vs Saudi Arabia.

The Iranian Regime, as well as the Iranian people will never forget the unconditional support Qatar gave to Saddam during his war on Iran. The Qataris were directly responsible for the slaughter of tens of thousands of Iranians, and if Iran would forget such thing then that would be a disgrace for all Iranians.

Throughout the Iran–Iraq War (1980–1988), Qatar supported Saddam Hussein's Iraq financially by providing large loans and cash gifts

Qatar is overtaking the entire Middle East in terms of tourism and economics. Just soon before their world cup comes, UAE will be dumped and become another Kuwait then Qatar will become a tourist factory. There's no such thing called Arab league and GCC doesn't exist except the PSF and force unity, the organization is mainly KSA-UAE and Bahrain sometimes. Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Yemen is a different story, they don't agree with KSA-UAE policies.

Hell even Qatar said their policy will stay after Saudi warned them :omghaha:

Qatar will succumb to Saudi Arabia - Politics - Panorama | Armenian news

Having civil disagreement has never been a part of your policy. Just look at what you've done. Whenever you disagree with someone you either storm their embassies or throw a couple of Molotov's on them. So obviously, such civil behavior will never work out with you. You even started to crawl on your knees begging the 5 + 1 States for a few spares and changes due to the miserable status of your economy and the starvation.

Turkey shouldn't be part of this, I think it's because it doesn't affect their past between Ottoman-Safavids. I believe it's because the Arab revolt led them to hate Arabs more than Iranians when it comes to politics.

Anyway, it's easier to divide the Gulf if the US leaves. Tribes would fight each other without Western influence in the region hence that's why House of Saud remained in the thrones between those period when British then US protects them.

Then let our legacy burns your ego :lol: You will die dreaming about such thing to happen.

You know nothing about us :lol: apart from what you hear from your propaganda machine. The time wherein people would fight one another here is long gone due to social integration, urbanization, as well as the adherence to safety and security.

While in Iran ethnic minorities are struggling against the supremacist Persians, many are seeking independence. You name it,
The Balochi People, the Kurds, the Turks, the Arabs, the Azeris, the Jews, and the Armenians. Such variation based on different cultural, moral, historic, religious, linguistic values would likely drive people to break away from the Persians, particularly when all of these ethnic groups have been subjected to persecutions.

Nothing much we expect from a religiously, culturally, historically, socially defeated people.
There you go guys...we all knew how hasani would react if we were ever talk to the primitive and backward Arab mentalities that were saved by the British who imported Bengalis to build your country. At least thank your Western colonist for die trying discovering the oils and building the Gulf. :rofl:

You must have gotten an A with its plus in history class with that '' Colonist '' thing of yours:sarcastic:. Thankfully, we never have been colonized by any while you on the other hand have been colonized by the West and the East, from Europe to the Ottoman, to the Arabs and the Greek. The idenity confusion which you are suffering from came out of nothing but by colonists.

It is no secret that the Persians tend to think of themselves as if they were Gods :lol: But the fact is that these Arabians of the mentality you dislike and hate the most, whipped out your Empire from the face of the earth. You have been crushed, conquered, and converted by none other than the bliss of their swords. You have been given the faith of your enemy, their language, and cultural values. Tell us, where is the big time Zoroastrians now? You do realize that your drop on your knees 5 times a day toward the land of the enemy of whom they bestowed their blessings on you? :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh:

Is this foreal? It's time to have that discussion in the Arabic coffee shop.

Yeah because Sisi loves Islam, sure. :lol:
Start launching satellites and have the courage to fight the USA bases all near you and you can talk

It 's not because you and your saudis masters proclam that you are superior that you really are. For the people as me, Iran is much more courageous than you

BTW your saudis masters kill sunnis, kurds, christians, druzes everywhere around Israel, so don't say it's Iran the problem
Qatar is overtaking the entire Middle East in terms of tourism and economics. Just soon before their world cup comes, UAE will be dumped and become another Kuwait then Qatar will become a tourist factory. There's no such thing called Arab league and GCC doesn't exist except the PSF and force unity, the organization is mainly KSA-UAE and Bahrain sometimes. Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Yemen is a different story, they don't agree with KSA-UAE policies.

Hell even Qatar said their policy will stay after Saudi warned them :omghaha:

Qatar will succumb to Saudi Arabia - Politics - Panorama | Armenian news
Qatar will never overtake the Middle East in tourism and economy. Qatar is too conservative to overtake UAE. Most Qataris belong to the Wahhabi sect and the Qatari rulers are Hanbali. Alcohol is only served in limited places (a few 5-star hotels) and only non-Muslims are allowed to drink. Muslims who get caught drinking alcohol in Qatar get flogged because the Qatari judicial system uses a Wahhabi interpretation of Sharia. Last year, they gave a muslim guy 100 lashes because he was caught drinking. Qatari people are very conservative and religious, Qataris are basically the most conservative people in the Gulf.

Dubai is doing very well in tourism because its Sunni Maliki (not hanbali wahhabi). Bahrain is with KSA-UAE, the Bahraini government is 100% on Saudi Arabia's side.
Qatar will never overtake the Middle East in tourism and economy. Qatar is too conservative to overtake UAE. Most Qataris belong to the Wahhabi sect and the Qatari rulers are Hanbali. Alcohol is only served in limited places (a few 5-star hotels) and only non-Muslims are allowed to drink. Muslims who get caught drinking alcohol in Qatar get flogged because the Qatari judicial system uses a Wahhabi interpretation of Sharia. Last year, they gave a muslim guy 100 lashes because he was caught drinking. Qatari people are very conservative and religious, Qataris are basically the most conservative people in the Gulf.

Dubai is doing very well in tourism because its Sunni Maliki (not hanbali wahhabi). Bahrain is with KSA-UAE, the Bahraini government is 100% on Saudi Arabia's side.

Wahhabi and Wahhabi interpretation of Sharia? Indeed ignorance has no limit. Ibn Abdul Wahhab was a Hanbali himself ! He spoke of monotheism not jurisprudence. Monotheism has nothing to do with Sharia or Islamic jurisprudence. Those who speak of him should educate themselves. You are only embarrassing yourself and exposing your level of education. The UAE follows both Mailki and Hanafi jurisprudence. All these Madhab Maliki, Hanafi, Hanbali and Shaf'i are known as Ahl as-sunnah wa l-jamāʻah.

Once Iraq shifted the Qibla to Karbala will overtake the UAE as a tourism hub. LOL.:rofl:
Start launching satellites and have the courage to fight the USA bases all near you and you can talk

It 's not because you and your saudis masters proclam that you are superior that you really are. For the people as me, Iran is much more courageous than you

BTW your saudis masters kill sunnis, kurds, christians, druzes everywhere around Israel, so don't say it's Iran the problem

You're a troll, it would be nice to see your real self one day.
Wahhabi and Wahhabi interpretation of Sharia? Indeed ignorance has no limit. Ibn Abdul Wahhab was a Hanbali himself ! He spoke of monotheism not jurisprudence. Monotheism has nothing to do with Sharia or Islamic jurisprudence. Those who speak of him should educate themselves. You are only embarrassing yourself and exposing your level of education. The UAE follows both Mailki and Hanafi jurisprudence. All these Madhab Maliki, Hanafi, Hanbali and Shaf'i are known as Ahl as-sunnah wa l-jamāʻah.

Once Iraq shifted the Qibla to Karbala will overtake the UAE as a tourism hub. LOL.:rofl:
Wtf. Why can't you read properly. I said DUBAI is Sunni Maliki. I never said all of UAE is sunni maliki. UAE has seven emirates, Dubai is only one of them.

Most Qataris belong to the Wahhabi sect of Islam, fact

BBC News - Tiny Qatar's growing global clout

Qatar's modern future rubs up against conservative traditions| Reuters

Rising power Qatar stirs unease among some Mideast neighbors| Reuters

The Qatari government does flog muslims caught drunk, google it

The wahhabi interpretation of sharia law is partially part of Qatar's judicial system
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