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Saudi Arabia slaps Russia in the face

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The right of free education for all Iranian nationals is guaranteed by the constitution. moreover, we have private and semi-private schools and universities that could attract the population of students that could not enter public universities due to low scores. Iran has more than 4 million university students, a number which is close to or even higher than the USA. Just this year, more than 970,000 Iranian students participated in the entrance exam for master degree. Statistics predict that over 1 million Iranians will compete to enter university at master degree level from the next year, a number which is quite high by international standards.

When the last one happened? I remember I was watching a documentary on BBC (you must at least accept BBC as a reputable source), it showed Saudi people went to some representative of the king's house and they sent their complains and problems to him. It was like the time of prophet Muhammad, do you call that modern? I have nothing against Saudi people though, because I have nothing against people form other nations in general.

I don't know how Saudi Arabia is moving forwards and you and I probably have different opinions about social and economical and educational reforms. :lol: Iran is cutting subsidies which is one of the most important economic reform plans that one country could have, it is opening the state economy to the private sector and is putting emphasis on the non-oil sector, while Saudi Arabia is increasing its oil output to meet the demand of the western allies, is still subsidizing things and most things in the country are controlled by Mafia and the princes.
Regarding social advances, Iran has a female peace noble prize winner and has international directors. Many Iranian movies are praised by critics every year in all important film festivals. Iran has the 3rd largest number of bloggers in the world and many other things. This is while Saudi Arabia doesn't even let cinemas to get opened in the country and says if women drive they would lose their virginity. lol

The Persian constitutional revolution succeeded in 1906, turning Iran's system from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy with a parliament. Since that time, Iran has always had an active political system, while Saudi Arabia is the exact opposite. The Saudis think that Arabia is their fathers' property that they have even put their own name in the name of the country. You're just a hypocrite my friend, don't pretend that you're a free thinker or a bright person if you think Saudi Arabia is doing fine.

Yea Yea, we're moving backwards with the fastest growth in science in all fields. According to science-metrix, an independent Canadian company, Iran's scientific output would surpass Canada by 2017. That means we're going backwards. right. right. :agree::agree:

Sure. Sure. By killing protestors in Qatif and directly shooting at them, and by sending troops to Bahrain to kill peaceful unarmed protestors they're becoming a democratic country. sure. smoke what you're smoking, it seems it's good for you to stay in your own delusional world.

Dude... You only twisted my arguments and did nothing else... I already answered your claims in my previous posts... But I am going to say it again...

Iran's scientific improvements does not mean anything... Nazi Germany was more advenced than US today if we have make a compression but that doesn't chage the fact that they were a sh'tty regime...

Iran is moving backwards on human rights, freedom of speech... While Saudi Arabia makes reforms about their problems... Thats why Regime of KSA deserves more credit than Irans regime...

Look at how that Abu Tada (Saudi guy) is getting angry and raising his voice like he's someone of higher authority therefore no one has the right to question him lolz!!

These Saudis can't tolerate criticism, and then this Deno dude claims they are "moving forward". One aspect of a progressive society is to tolerate criticism, which Saudi society lacks, i feel sad for those poor Bahrainis.
check this video out from 2:13 see what the Saudi is saying and how George replies. then you can go to the beginning to get the context.
this video says it all

saudi wahhabi guy owned by George Galloway - YouTube

religious obligations only apply for House of Saud as long as they suit the royal family.
otherwise they will do things to their own population, to the tribes of yemen and the people of Bahrain that will make even the Israeli occupation forces look amateurs.

Don't embarrast yourself by claming that KSA is worse than Israel... There were 40 deaths in Bahrain while Israel regularly kills Palestinians...
Dude... You only twisted my arguments and did nothing else... I already answered your claims in my previous posts... But I am going to say it again...

Iran's scientific improvements does not mean anything... Nazi Germany was more advenced than US today if we have make a compression but that doesn't chage the fact that they were a sh'tty regime...

Iran is moving backwards on human rights, freedom of speech... While Saudi Arabia makes reforms about their problems... Thats why Regime of KSA deserves more credit than Irans regime...

It's obvious that you have nothing to say from this :lol:

Yea Yea, there are free tribunes now in many Iranian universities to talk about the upcoming parliamentary election, and yet Iran is moving backwards, while Saudi Arabia is moving forwards with preventing women from driving cars, with beheading people using swords, with sending troops to Bahrain to rape and kill innocent peaceful 'unarmed' protestors, with shooting directly at their own people in Qatif and many other things.

Everyone's seeing how bright you are now :lol:
Don't embarrast yourself by claming that KSA is worse than Israel... There were 40 deaths in Bahrain while Israel regularly kills Palestinians...

40 deaths, what's your source? were you there on the ground? lolz, stop making a fool of yourself.
Iran's scientific improvements does not mean anything... Nazi Germany was more advenced than US today if we have make a compression but that doesn't chage the fact that they were a sh'tty regime...
Your logic is really screwed up, how can you have scientific improvement if your people are being oppressed? Doesn't make sense, by your logic Iran wouldn't be making progress in field of science because they would have a brain drain due to people fleeing the country or refusing to work for the government.
Your logic is really screwed up, how can you have scientific improvement if your people are being oppressed? Doesn't make sense, by your logic Iran wouldn't be making progress in field of science because they would have a brain drain due to people fleeing the country or refusing to work for the government.

Nazis were more scientificly improved than any other state in history of man kind and I think they were pretty oppressive regime...

• 2 deaths in the first 2 days after the start of protests on Feb 14, 2011 (shotgun)
• 24 recorded deaths during the National Safety Status including 5 at custody.
• more deaths announced after the lift of the national safety status on 1 June 2011. Two of them were of people injured at the 15/16 March attack.
• 18 deaths since the issuance of BICI report.
• 8 children among the killed.
• Among causes of deaths: Direct shots / Bullets (22), torture and beating to death (12), suffocation with tear gas (14)
• The list includes three police men, who according to the Interior Ministry, were affiliated with the government security services and died as a result of being "run over by an unidentified car". The list also includes non-Bahrainis.

Source: http://bahrainrights.hopto.org/en/node/3864
It's obvious that you have nothing to say from this :lol:

Yea Yea, there are free tribunes now in many Iranian universities to talk about the upcoming parliamentary election, and yet Iran is moving backwards, while Saudi Arabia is moving forwards with preventing women from driving cars, with beheading people using swords, with sending troops to Bahrain to rape and kill innocent peaceful 'unarmed' protestors, with shooting directly at their own people in Qatif and many other things.

Everyone's seeing how bright you are now :lol:

You really are a fanatic you know that right?

Did I ever said that KSA was more human friedly than Iran.... Let me state it this way like I am talking to a kindergarden childrens...

Lets say that Iran has 20 points for human rights

KSA has 5 points

When KSA has gained 3 more points and Iran lose 3 points that means = KSA is moving forward and Iran is moving backward...

That does not however means that KSA is ahead of Iran, it just means that KSA is improving while Iran is declining...

I hope your fanatical mind could prosess this issue
Lets see if Saudis can afford to cut relations with one of the worlds most powerful and influential countries. But can they "slap" anyone? I doubt it, they can go to the bathroom without foreign intervention.

They can't Saudis were never the brightest bulbs in the pack, they need foreigners to maintain most of their Military. Saudis think they are a big boy, Russia downgraded ties with that pimple Qatar and Saudi Arabia thinks it's a big boy but they are not they will be very Damaged if they cut Relations with Russia and China. :lol:
Its only natural abdullah wants to flex his power in the hood.

Some of these Saudi posters here remind me the Saudi PR apologist on different TV News following 9/11.
You really are a fanatic you know that right?

Did I ever said that KSA was more human friedly than Iran.... Let me state it this way like I am talking to a kindergarden childrens...

Lets say that Iran has 20 points for human rights

KSA has 5 points

When KSA has gained 3 more points and Iran lose 3 points that means = KSA is moving forward and Iran is moving backward...

That does not however means that KSA is ahead of Iran, it just means that KSA is improving while Iran is declining...

I hope your fanatical mind could prosess this issue

You need to refute the facts Arian stated in post#73
You really are a fanatic you know that right?

Did I ever said that KSA was more human friedly than Iran.... Let me state it this way like I am talking to a kindergarden childrens...

Lets say that Iran has 20 points for human rights

KSA has 5 points

When KSA has gained 3 more points and Iran lose 3 points that means = KSA is moving forward and Iran is moving backward...

That does not however means that KSA is ahead of Iran, it just means that KSA is improving while Iran is declining...

I hope your fanatical mind could prosess this issue

The main point is you can't gain 3 points if you're killing your own civilians by giving permission to your forces to directly shoot at them when they are peacefully protesting or by sending troops to rape, torture and kill innocent civilians who are peacefully protesting. Is it really that hard to understand?

Moreover, human rights is not the only factor in deciding which country is moving forwards and which country is moving backwards. That's another fallacy in your argument. Your argument is totally baseless and false friend.
Nazis were more scientificly improved than any other state in history of man kind and I think they were pretty oppressive regime...

But then that means they weren't oppressing their people.

The NAZI's had genius scientists, many experts believe that they destroyed most of their Wonder weapon prototypes before allies could capture them, a lot of their scientists committed suicide to avoid being captured, and all of this because Hitler oppressed them?

No, it just not logical.
The main point is you can't get 3 points if you're killing your own civilians by giving permission to your forces to directly shoot at them when they are peacefully protesting or by sending troops to rape, torture and kill innocent civilians who are peacefully protesting.

Moreover, human rights is not the only factor in deciding which country is moving forwards and which country is moving backwards. That's another fallacy in your argument. Your argument is totally baseless and false friend.

Human rights is the only evidence that can point the advancement of a country... Science does not prove anything. We can see this in Turkey, China, Russia, India, Iran, Nazi Germany etc etc...While Turkey, India and Iran has somewhat advancent scientific development, they are not the example of modern country...

While China and Russia are one of the most scientifcly advanced countries in this world however they fail soundly on human rights.

While Nazi Germany was most advanced state in human history (by comperision of that time) They are the worst case of human rights violations...

---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

But then that means they weren't oppressing their people.

The NAZI's had genius scientists, many experts believe that they destroyed most of their Wonder weapon prototypes before allies could capture them, a lot of their scientists committed suicide to avoid being captured, and all of this because Hitler oppressed them?

No, it just not logical.

Most of the Nazi sicentist were threatened... Their families were under constant watch by Nazis...
Nazis were more scientificly improved than any other state in history of man kind and I think they were pretty oppressive regime...

• 2 deaths in the first 2 days after the start of protests on Feb 14, 2011 (shotgun)
• 24 recorded deaths during the National Safety Status including 5 at custody.
• more deaths announced after the lift of the national safety status on 1 June 2011. Two of them were of people injured at the 15/16 March attack.
• 18 deaths since the issuance of BICI report.
• 8 children among the killed.
• Among causes of deaths: Direct shots / Bullets (22), torture and beating to death (12), suffocation with tear gas (14)
• The list includes three police men, who according to the Interior Ministry, were affiliated with the government security services and died as a result of being "run over by an unidentified car". The list also includes non-Bahrainis.

Source: List of people killed in Bahrain since 14th February 2011 | Bahrain Center for Human Rights

You are quoting site that claims to be an NGO and ordered to shut down by Bahrain but publishing Govt numbers ( Interior Ministry).

Something is not Kosher here.
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