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Saudi Arabia shoots down Houthi missile headed towards Mecca

Don't fall for Saudi lies. The missile was launched towards King Abdulaziz airport, but Saudis are just desperately trying to make a political gains out of it. On the exact same moment missile launched, Yemenis already declared in Twitter that it's destination was King Abdulaziz international airport.

One would be an idiot to believe Saudis here, they are just begging for sympathy of Muslims and targeting their soft spots for claiming that Yemenis are trying to hit Mecca.

Saudis have done this before, but no one gave a shit because everyone knew they are lying. They are just trying to abuse holiness of Mecca among Muslims to buy sympathy, that's it.
Did the missile hit its target or was it really shot down?
Don't fall for Saudi lies. The missile was launched towards King Abdulaziz airport, but Saudis are just desperately trying to make a political gains out of it. On the exact same moment missile launched, Yemenis already declared in Twitter that it's destination was King Abdulaziz international airport.

One would be an idiot to believe Saudis here, they are just begging for sympathy of Muslims and targeting their soft spots for claiming that Yemenis are trying to hit Mecca.

Saudis have done this before, but no one gave a shit because everyone knew they are lying. They are just trying to abuse holiness of Mecca among Muslims to buy sympathy, that's it.

I don't fall for any lies.
Launching a missile on a commercial airport is nothing to be proud of either.
I'm fairly certain their target was not a holy site, they are Muslim too you know.
I am fairly certain that if someday any damage happen to islamic holy sites it will be done by muslims themselves. Long live israel and India.
In 62 AH Arabs tried to destroyed Kaaba and fired it. It was some real Muslims like Malik al Ashtar who defended Kaaba and prevented it to get fired and destroyed.
Bro wasn't it Mukhtar Alsaqafi who lead the Abdullah bin Zubair's army to prevent any massacre in Makkah at the hands of maloon yazeedi troops?
I am fairly certain that if someday any damage happen to islamic holy sites it will be done by muslims themselves. Long live israel and India.

@waz @Oscar Is he allowed to say that?

I am fairly certain that if someday any damage happen to islamic holy sites it will be done by muslims themselves. Long live israel and India.

Did my profile picture trigger you? :lol:
Interestingly you forgot to mention that they denounced Haj so they being Shia is in question. And also it was Abbaside who gave them the Money and taxes that enabled them commit such acts
By the way they killed 20000 pilgrims in several decade . I doubt ZamZam ever had enough water to throw 30000 people inside it.

according of their Madthab , they are not allowed to use logical thinking and "Logic" is Harram ... so don't except any logical comment from them in first place ...

I don't fall for any lies.
Launching a missile on a commercial airport is nothing to be proud of either.

destroying a country with air force is even worse .... KSA people can live without Air ports but what about Yemenis who lost their roads , Hospitals , Bazzars , Power planets and etc ...
After all, both are Arabic countries, Arabic people. Right, you sect based profiteer?

Dear @bsruzm in Yemen Saudis are fighting against Yemeni people whom ruled this country for hundred of years till 1962 , Houthis are a historical major player in this country and in fact they are Yemenis ... Hadi was president of transitional government for 2 years from 2012 to 2014 he illegally extended it through NDC and even through this extended time he didn't do what he was supposed to do like holding presidential election within 2 years , Houthis even offered the Mayor of Aden as the next president but Saudis invasion didn't let people to solve their issues ....
In Syria we have terrorists from all around the world armed and bankrolled by some regional countries , Assad is a ruthless bloodthirsty dictator ? ok Iran says no problem hold an election and let Syrians decide about their own future . why you don't do that? who provide this terrorist from Chechen and other places with weapons and money who let them to enter Syria? and why? Iran involvement dated back to 2013 while many other countries involvment dated back 2011 and even beyond that ...
Dear @bsruzm in Yemen Saudis are fighting against Yemeni people whom ruled this country for hundred of years till 1962 , Houthis are a historical major player in this country and in fact they are Yemenis ... Hadi was president of transitional government for 2 years from 2012 to 2014 he illegally extended it through NDC and even through this extended time he didn't do what he was supposed to do like holding presidential election within 2 years , Houthis even offered the Mayor of Aden as the next president but Saudis invasion didn't let people to solve their issues ....
In Syria we have terrorists from all around the world armed and bankrolled by some regional countries , Assad is a ruthless bloodthirsty dictator ? ok Iran says no problem hold an election and let Syrians decide about their own future . why you don't do that? who provide this terrorist from Chechen and other places with weapons and money who let them to enter Syria? and why? Iran involvement dated back to 2013 while many other countries involvment dated back 2011 and even beyond that ...

What are you blabbering about? Houthis are a fundamentalist terrorist militia that was created in 1994. They fought for almost 2 decades against a ZAYDI dominated Yemen led by the ZAYDI Ali Abdullah Saleh.


Their stronghold until recently was limited to one small province of Yemen. Sa'adah province which remains their strongest base of support.

They are no representatives of any Zaydis (who are almost identical to Sunni Muslims and have more in common with them than Shia Twelvers, especially Wilayat al-Faqih followers) and they have absolutely NOTHING in common with former Zaydi dynasties. The family of the last Imam of Northern Yemen lives in SAUDI ARABIA and England. My family happens to know them.

KSA and the Arab coalition is helping the legitimate Yemeni government (recognized by the entire world) and the Yemeni people and nation who called for our support after Houthis and the former dictator Saleh teaming up in order to rule Yemen.


They have no legitimacy to rule anything whatsoever. Never had and never will. Nor does anyone want their incompetent rule.

Yemen is our backyard and we will not allow it to become a terrorist net that can create problems for us and other GCC states.

As for Syria. Moronic comparison. The conflict began after 40 years of severe oppression of the Syrian nation and after Al-Assad forces slaughtering 1000's upon 1000's of peaceful Syrian protesters. Any sane people would have resisted this. Comparing Al-Assad with Hadi who did not harm anyone let alone attack Houthis in their own stronghold is like comparing Mother Theresa with Hitler.

Anyway Houthis and Saleh are desperate after losing over 80% of Yemen and due to their constant setbacks of late. The missiles were intercepted and whether the target was Makkah or civilian airports, their actions will win them no fans. It will only increase the resolve to defeat them.

a militia is militia.
militias has no right to over throw an elected government and bring havoc to yemen by orders of your mullhs.

Houthis have little to do with the Mullah's. They have tried to gain control of much of Northern Yemen since they were founded in 1994. The reason why the Mullah's support them politically is simple. They support everyone that is against KSA and the Arab coalition. However they have little to no influence on the ground. Never had and likely never will. Yemenis are fiercely independent people and they will not accept complete foreigners to influence them. Nor do they even share the same sect. They are Zaydis who have more in common with Sunnis than Shia Twelvers who follow Wilayat al-Faqih.

Yemenis will eventually have to determine their future and whether they want to remain 1 country or be divided into a Southern or Northern Yemen again. We should just look for our own interests like any country does and it is in our interest to have a prosperous and peaceful Yemen as a neighbor. Not the opposite. Other elements (no need to mention them) however do not care about Yemen as that country does not influence them. Similarly how we do not hate great stakes in what is going to occur in say Afghanistan or Tajikistan. Perfectly normal.

Interestingly you forgot to mention that they denounced Haj so they being Shia is in question. And also it was Abbaside who gave them the Money and taxes that enabled them commit such acts
By the way they killed 20000 pilgrims in several decade . I doubt ZamZam ever had enough water to throw 30000 people inside it.

Qarmatians saw themselves as Shia Ismailis. Anyway we don't need to look that far. Less than 30 years ago Shia Iranian "pilgrims" caused a bloodbath in Makkah and were caught smuggling explosives. The same pilgrims who tried before and after to make a mockery out of Hajj and Umrah by using unifying religious practices to spread their political nonsense. Unlike any other group of pilgrims.

Similarly 10 years before that there was a cult composed of native Sunnis and Shias and foreigners who believed that the Mahdi had arrived.


Anyway anyone who deliberately attacks the sanctity of Makkah and Muslims there cannot be called a Muslim any longer. Whatever sect such people claim to follow is irrelevant.

Lastly I wonder if there will be more people here who will try to excuse this terrorist group targeting a civilian airport (the main airport used by pilgrims and one of the largest in the world and most busy) etc.
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Did they say they fired a missile towards Mecca?

does it matter? even if think its true that they just fired at jedda airport not mecca (which i dont think), how many people go to mecca via Jedda international air port (nearly all of them)..

in the past such people use to robe people who go to mecca for haj saying we donot rob them in hijaz, we do it just outside..
do you even know how bad it looks by saying this...

those who say that they are Muslims and would not do this, should read the history about how different Muslims violated hijaz for their personal gain...

PS: i dont doubt their "claim" to be Muslims but we should know that mecca is secondary holy place after karbala for most of our shia
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