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Saudi Arabia re-emerges as the most powerful Middle East player

Saudi Arabia is a puppet that is controlled by US .

A country without independence will never be a power . The day that the US stops selling weapons and leave you with such modern technologies that you know the shi"t about will show how powerful SA is .

First be an independent state and then talk about power .

By the way It seems Khomeini's words and ideology has been a hard pain in your as$ , Try to deal with it :)

Khomeini had been humiliated not once or twice but probably 5 times. History speaks for itself.


KSA will never harm :pakistan:

Gulf funded madrassas are one of the main reasons of current insurgency in pak,lol.

I'm not the spokesperson for the any country than KSA which will never hurt Pakistan.
We need to strengthen ourselves , Bro.

We have the Power within us to solve all of our Problems.

All we need is to have faith in ourselves.

Hi there :D

I think @BATMAN was trying to say that a political cooperation is needed between KSA and Pakistan. For example, when Nawaz the thieve was overthrown, :pakistan: Gov't exiled him to KSA Sir.

Saudi Arabia need to help Pakistan from the clutches of evil politicians and strengthen its state army.

:pakistan: is our great ally.
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Article seems to imply that Egypt will become some kind of Saudi client state?

Egypt is too big and powerful of a country to be controlled by anyone. Even with that generous Saudi aid of 12 billion dollars. :)

$5 billion bro.
Obviously, you can't do anything better than what your Gov't did. In case you don't know, your country kneeled down to them for this

Who's begging who's now?

Enjoy being a typical PDF user.

We could have nukes in 1970s if we wanted to remain a puppet .

Wow , what a trusted source :coffee: , Another BS about Iran made by Zionist media .

Saudi arabia is leading your failed state to economic collapse and yet wondering how powerful KSA is!!!!

Khomeni was sexually motivated when he invented your religion. He even wrote a book on how to interact sexually with babies and animals. Disgusting isn't?........Muta'ah, self flagellation, tomb crawling, sex with animals...etc:bad: NOT ME.....

Khomeini had been humiliated not once or twice but probably 5 times. History speaks for itself.

KSA will never harm :pakistan:

I'm not the spokesperson for the any country than KSA which will never hurt Pakistan.

Just anger can be seen above , No need to waste my time
Saudi Arabia is a puppet that is controlled by US .

A country without independence will never be a power . The day that the US stops selling weapons and leave you with such modern technologies that you know the shi"t about will show how powerful SA is .

First be an independent state and then talk about power .

By the way It seems Khomeini's words and ideology has been a hard pain in your as$ , Try to deal with it :)

I must say, I have seen allot of deluded people in my life, but to your extent? No I haven't.

Let me explain plz, How would an Iranian compete with someone superior to them?

Trying to work hard to top him? No :no: They just convince themselves that the credit of their rivals superiority goes to someone else like America. and here they go, they solved the whole issue. I like their tactics, funny they are :lol:
The US has 15.000 soldiers in Kuwait and some air force bases in Qatar, 2 true puppet regimes. 15.000 is a huge number.
The US has 15.000 soldiers in Kuwait and some air force bases in Qatar, 2 true puppet regimes. 15.000 is a huge number.

I understand what you're trying to say. Maybe both of Kuwait and Qatar need to expand their military capability in near future.
I understand what you're trying to say. Maybe both of Kuwait and Qatar need to expand their military capability in near future.

We know why Qatar has the US military there, since they are playing superpower they need some protection.
As for Kuwait, still Iraq fear even though the relations are better ? they should kick them out or atleast reduce by 10.000.
The USA has military presence in Turkey, Germany, Japan, SK..etc, yet, I don't think they are puppets.

Well, the US-led block was made to counter any threat to the allies of the US as much as the US itself.
The USA has military presence in Turkey, Germany, Japan, SK..etc, yet, I don't think they are puppets.

Turkey, Germany are NATO.
SK has a strong military themselves, though it is part of defence against North Korea since China would most likely help them.
What is Qatar and Kuwait serving for besides being a military base for the US, its the 51th state of the US.

Kicking them out will be good
We know why Qatar has the US military there, since they are playing superpower they need some protection.
As for Kuwait, still Iraq fear even though the relations are better ? they should kick them out or atleast reduce by 10.000.

Such predictions are yet remained to be seen. I wouldn't consider Qatar's FP as an act of a Superpower, maybe they were playing hard that's all. Anyway, their FP is being changed forever, now.
You guys are eager to see the arab world in total mess and complete paralysis. Saudi Arabia and Egypt don't appreciate nor recognize such derogatory words and will always remain a dagger in the hearts of the enemies...


Well, you guys want to see Iranians/Shias/Majoosis/whatever suffer, which makes them do the same.
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