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I was expecting some practical and meaningful comparison of Algeria vs KSA military to see if there was any meat to the bone re OP's boast about taking out KSA but I am disappointed
Equipment don't fight, its the men behind them that do the fighting..the proof:

Baloch, sir, take your calculator estimate the defence spending of the Saudi coalition, add to that the US, the Israelis contribution and compare that to the one of the houdhis...that have no air force to speak of..We were all waiting for the foot invasion from the mighty saudis, but I don't think we will be witnessing that movie....
For Algeria, I said that she is capable, for matter a fact even the houthis are able to reset KSA's time to stone age with a little bit of luck... The problem with you, is your emotion or your blind allegiance to a tribe that is destroying anything that take the aura from her....
ps: like Resurgentiran, you were one the very few mod I liked....

The only armies, that are a true armies in the MENA area that have a true capability to strike away from their borders, is Israel and Algeria....save Turkey and Iran.

Dont worry, I will be banned soon anyway. ;)
Sometimes with my luck, I always get banned when a good thing for "us" and "bad" for them hits the news...before it get taken out from the web.
Equipment don't fight, its the men behind them that do the fighting..the proof:
View attachment 223270
Baloch, sir, take your calculator estimate the defence spending of the Saudi coalition, add to that the US, the Israelis contribution and compare that to the one of the houdhis...that have no air force to speak of..We were all waiting for the foot invasion from the mighty saudis, but I don't think we will be witnessing that movie....
For Algeria, I said that she is capable, for matter a fact even the houthis are able to reset KSA's time to stone age with a little bit of luck... The problem with you, is your emotion or your blind allegiance to a tribe that is destroying anything that take the aura from her....
ps: like Resurgentiran, you were one the very few mod I liked....

The only armies, that are a true armies in the MENA area that have a true capability to strike away from their borders, is Israel and Algeria....save Turkey and Iran.
now this post is much better than the rest of yours although factually wrong on many accounts which I will discuss later but its a start,
recall the example of apples and oranges I quoted? that's where I will start from.
explain what?
Baloch Regiment hosting American military guests

our RPs outside at reception a miltiary ceremony

occasion Pak-US function in Pakistan. we hosted the American military delegation. the two guys are the part of the reception detail for the guests. the dorm behind in the background had food , pictures , seating arrangement, music etc for the occasion about 8 or 9 years ago.

Thanks , The beard is weird .
This is a symbolic ban. It is mainly aimed at fraudulent transactions, so what is the fuss about?
@Ceylal , you take insignificant events to make war scenarios and what have you, and you do not think it is exaggerated?
now this post is much better than the rest of yours although factually wrong on many accounts which I will discuss later but its a start,
recall the example of apples and oranges I quoted? that's where I will start from.
Apples and Oranges, depends if they are ripe or not..Algeria's are...that the big difference!

This is a symbolic ban. It is mainly aimed at fraudulent transactions, so what is the fuss about?

Fraudulant? the volume of exchange between the two countries is insignificant at least for the Algerian side...If their is a concern it should be inthe Algerian side who imports $600 M from KSA. The blacklisting came for the fact that Algeria refused to send her military to kill Yemenis and refused to join the ARAB NATO" being formed, and to punish Algeria for being vocal at the Arab league..

@Ceylal , you take insignificant events to make war scenarios and what have you, and you do not hink it is exaggerated?
really their is no fuss..It just in this forum, you can't write on certain topic or countries...and the war scenarios is a rely to Baloch comment that it was the Sauds reply to Algeria's destabilizing role in KSA, which is false of course...If Algeria wanted to destabilise a country, what does she has to go all way to KSA, while Morocco with its continuous drug dumping and its continuous provocation will be a preferable target , that is close and does not need a lot of assets...to bring her to her knees..
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That is why I said it was symbolic...
The Yemeni (internal) wars were going on for too long, it was time to put and end to that., Just before the Saudi intervention, the US pulled its troops out of Yemen after many years of trying. It is a very complicated matter for all Arabs, and I think Algeria should put its weight in to influence any Yemeni side it can to achieve peace and stability in Yemen. It is about time that Yemenis live in peace between themselves and direct their energy and resources towards achieving a better life.
Algeria is one of the most progressive and beautiful 'Arab' nations in the world, along with Morocco and Tunis. They're basically arabized local people, with close proximity to Europe. Perhaps that's why they are a lot more quiet, peaceful and trying to get ahead in life.
KSA has blacklisted Algeria? All the more reason for Europe to invest there. We want the Maghreb to become like Europe, and cut away any ties to GCC if possible. Beautiful people, great to visit, and actually work. Can you imagine Maghreb with the wealth that Saudi has? Would put Spain to shame.
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After reading this ridiculous topic, I knew why France did not take some of its litters back when it colonized Algeria?
I don't know if they still speak Arabic there or not?....
After reading this ridiculous topic, I knew why France did not take some of its litters back when it colonized Algeria?
I don't know if they still speak Arabic there or not?....

We speak dialect Arabic(combined with Spanich,Turkich and French..) and Berber languages (Amazigh, Mizabi,Touareg....) , we are originaly Berber people and we want to live in peace.
And believe me ,if France colonized your Country for over 130 yrs,you should be not existed now.
Because simply For along this period,Algeria offers more then 4 Million martyr(1,5m just between 1954-1962). and all the Arabic golf including your yountry had 5m as Population.
By the way ,I love SA.
That is why I said it was symbolic...
The Yemeni (internal) wars were going on for too long, it was time to put and end to that., Just before the Saudi intervention, the US pulled its troops out of Yemen after many years of trying. It is a very complicated matter for all Arabs, and I think Algeria should put its weight in to influence any Yemeni side it can to achieve peace and stability in Yemen. It is about time that Yemenis live in peace between themselves and direct their energy and resources towards achieving a better life.

Algeria always support and prefer the political Solutions and discussions for any INTERNAL problems in any Country inclouding Yemen,Lybia,Syria,Mali...and never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.
Other thing is that war does not determine who is right - only who is strong.
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