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Saudi Arabia launches a new furious air-strikes on Sanaa and Dhamar

There is a simple solution for so called "Houthi" problem: KSA should create their own rebel group in Yemen. Every time so called "Houthis" attack KSA, KSA rebels will launch a ballistic missile at Iranian oil refineries.
I am jealous

How come GCC Arabs don't get the same love from Iranians in this thread like they give to Yemeni Arabs :(

what the ! what does the #oprahmeganharry hashtag have to do with anything !
My friend Iranians have always had good relations with GCC. I once made a three day trip to Kuwait..many Iranian origin people living there..I am sure you have seen many Iranians in your own land of UAE. So in "people" level we do not have any issues.

Iranians admire Yemen Arabs because they are brave and proud Arabs just as we admire Hezbollah Arabs and Iraqi Hashad and Palestinian Arabs...it has nothing to do with Persian vs Arabs..remember many Persian religious heros are Arabs. Imam Hussain, Imam Ali, and all the shia Imams were all Arabs..

May be one day Arabs go back and be that proud Arab they used to be and get rid of these foreigners in this region..Welcome them in business suit and kick them out when they come in military fatigues.
First time I'm hearing something like furious airstrikes. Can someone expatiate on this new type of furious airstrikes warfare ? 😖
If it was Pakistan lead, ur terroist mullah dreams in Yemen would be over in a week, u donut..... lol, anyways, i guess u wouldnt know much about it, seeing as u dont have an airforce.....
If by having an airforce you were able to win wars you would already have regained some lost parts of your country or defeat the plague that has been affecting your country with the help of your saudi funded madrassahs. Or the Sauds would have won, or the Israelis vs Hezbollah,hamas or the countless other examples that having a strong airforce does not mean jacks.hit.
Both sides are played by the Zionists, this has been there modus operandi for centuries. The Al Sauds and the Ayatullahs have done there best to destroy the Islamic world.
Says the guy whose country hosts US spy nest aka US embassy. You are insignificant for the US, playing you against India and vice verca.
First time I'm hearing something like furious airstrikes. Can someone expatiate on this new type of furious airstrikes warfare ? 😖
It means more civilian homes destroyed, more dead children, more tears in the eyes of ordinary people.. but militarily achieve absolutely nothing. It just makes the local fighters more determined for what's right.
My friend Iranians have always had good relations with GCC. I once made a three day trip to Kuwait..many Iranian origin people living there..I am sure you have seen many Iranians in your own land of UAE. So in "people" level we do not have any issues.

Iranians admire Yemen Arabs because they are brave and proud Arabs just as we admire Hezbollah Arabs and Iraqi Hashad and Palestinian Arabs...it has nothing to do with Persian vs Arabs..remember many Persian religious heros are Arabs. Imam Hussain, Imam Ali, and all the shia Imams were all Arabs..

May be one day Arabs go back and be that proud Arab they used to be and get rid of these foreigners in this region..Welcome them in business suit and kick them out when they come in military fatigues.
To be fair, i don't think gulf arabs citizens are complaining. They are living a very good life actually and they are doing quite well from what I have seen during my visits there. You will actually see many iranian immigrants in the gulf but I don't think you will ever see a Gulf citizen immigrating to iran for greener pastures ?
So I fail to understand why you will be lecturing them on how to run their country or who to accept in their country or not. They are doing quite well actually. Lol
To be fair, i don't think gulf arabs citizens are complaining. They are living a very good life actually and they are doing quite well from what I have seen during my visits there. You will actually see many iranian immigrants in the gulf but I don't think you will ever see a Gulf citizen immigrating to iran for greener pastures ?
So I fail to understand why you will be lecturing them on how to run their country or who to accept in their country or not. They are doing quite well actually. Lol
Iranians living in the Persian gulf states are there for many decades already. Goes back to the 60's and 70's. Perhaps you should educate yourself more on the subject before blurting out nonsense.
End of Yemen war will result in one of the largest , battel experienced and technologically advanced Arab armies (YEMEN ARMY)facing Israel in the red sea. If you wonder why MBS does not admitt defeat and end this war is because of Israel security.....MBS securing Israel and Israel securing MBS...a marriage made in heaven..!!
they cannot survive even 2 weeks against good experience force with air superiority.
Countries like Israel, Turkey, US or infact egypt will just massacre them.
To be fair, i don't think gulf arabs citizens are complaining. They are living a very good life actually and they are doing quite well from what I have seen during my visits there. You will actually see many iranian immigrants in the gulf but I don't think you will ever see a Gulf citizen immigrating to iran for greener pastures ?
So I fail to understand why you will be lecturing them on how to run their country or who to accept in their country or not. They are doing quite well actually. Lol
My friend I am not telling them how to run their life...I am telling them why Persians admire Yemen people...you live in England..tell me British view of the Arabs...I can tell you how Americans and Canadians view Arabs..but I will not vocalize it. You can change that view and it does not start with living in tall buildings...
they cannot survive even 2 weeks against good experience force with air superiority.
Countries like Israel, Turkey, US or infact egypt will just massacre them.
OH...I thought they were are already at it must be dreaming!.....it must be those "Jins"that blockade them and give them loaded up F-15s with location of the bombing and so on...
Lmao. Are the Houthis mentally ill or something? out of frustration after getting bombed they commited holocaust against Christian Ethiopian refugees labelling them Americans. What I initially hate about Houthis is that everyone becomes an American or jew and their whole slogan is based on that.. Imagine if they had gotten hold of an actual American or Jew? I couldn't imagine the horror

They are an abomination that needs to be wiped out for the greater good of humanity

looks like a scene from the Game of Thrones..where the Red Priestess was burning people to the Lord of Light
It is not gonna be anything like Afghanistan the Houthis face against a formidble local foe and political entity that ain't going nowhere... Islah or Hadi ain't going nowhere they have bigger junk of the land and the economical sectors. Something has to give either way
LMAO @ formidable..."SIRRI, Please post the map of control of Yemen in 2021"

Houthis are taking on a nation state with the 5th largest defense budget AND BEATING THEM SAUDIS. Trust me, Hadi is a Saudi proxy rat, and since his master is struggling, you are obviously lying, because he must be struggling too....by formidable do you mean Saudis will just keep "paying" to keep their Yemen war going? you are such a dreamer and Houthis have already won the Yemen civil war...if not why did Biden ask them for direct talks?

IMO, when we talk about militias and proxies, the houthis military prowess and avhievements will be Iran's biggest game changer in the MIddle East this century, not Hezbollah.
LMAO @ formidable..."SIRRI, Please post the map of control of Yemen in 2021"

Houthis are taking on a nation state with the 5th largest defense budget AND BEATING THEM SAUDIS. Trust me, Hadi is a Saudi proxy rat, and since his master is struggling, you are obviously lying, because he must be struggling too....by formidable do you mean Saudis will just keep "paying" to keep their Yemen war going? you are such a dreamer and Houthis have already won the Yemen civil war...if not why did Biden ask them for direct talks?

IMO, when we talk about militias and proxies, the houthis military prowess and avhievements will be Iran's biggest game changer in the MIddle East this century, not Hezbollah.

Lmao in delulu maybe.. All major cities and economical sectors are outside of houthi they have been fighting a formidble local foe all this time. The houthis are contained within their heartland. The coalition have given minimum support via air all the fighting was local vs local. Achievement? By being besieged and starved out. They even got bashed in marib started to send drones the wrong way out of frustrations.. Taiz, marib, northern Coast strip, aden, even part of hoehidad, mukalla is with the enemy plus the economy.

If that is an achievement then that is a significiant low bar for achievement.

Socotra, bab al-manbab all that is with the coalition all the stargetic value stuff. The coalition control the axis via that choke point since they can impose siege.

Its like being in a boxing match only 6 rounds in and your opponent is ahead on points and there are 9 rounds more to go and his right in front of you and thriving.. The rule says either demolish your opponent or be demolished there is no middle ground.. The local foe ain't going nowhere the houthis themselves know this very well
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