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Saudi and UAE warplanes rain hell on Sanaa and Houthis including massacring leaders

You don't unnecessarily go and fvck with someone who has nothing to lose, The Saudis will learn this the hard way.
You don't unnecessarily go and fvck with someone who has nothing to lose, The Saudis will learn this the hard way.
Houthi's overthrew the gov't they were part of, and proceeded to go on ISIS-like conquest of Yemen. At the time was threatening to occupy Saudi cities as well. Saudi's later intervened. Iran has a lot to lose if this conflict gets out of control. More millions of Sunni and Shia men, women, and children dead. Region will go back decades. Iran will be destabilized than face potential Jihadi insurgency from Afghanistan/Pakistan/Bangladesh/etc.... Don't flex muscles over fitnah conflict. What should have happened is an oil tanker or gas field installations of Israel hit and lit on fire. Not another Muslim nation.

Hamas has been pleading with Iran and its Shia proxies to focus fight on Israel and leave Muslim nations alone, to no avail. Flexing on hits on Saudi Arabia is sign of inferiority complex. Being scared to hit Israel and hitting country with weak leadership and feeling tough about it. That's embarrassing and sign of low imaan.
Houthi's overthrew the gov't they were part of, and proceeded to go on ISIS-like conquest of Yemen. At the time was threatening to occupy Saudi cities as well. Saudi's later intervened. Iran has a lot to lose if this conflict gets out of control. More millions of Sunni and Shia men, women, and children dead. Region will go back decades. Iran will be destabilized than face potential Jihadi insurgency from Afghanistan/Pakistan/Bangladesh/etc.... Don't flex muscles over fitnah conflict. What should have happened is an oil tanker or gas field installations of Israel hit and lit on fire. Not another Muslim nation.

Hamas has been pleading with Iran and its Shia proxies to focus fight on Israel and leave Muslim nations alone, to no avail. Flexing on hits on Saudi Arabia is sign of inferiority complex. Being scared to hit Israel and hitting country with weak leadership and feeling tough about it. That's embarrassing and sign of low imaan.
hamas did not leave us alone they sent terrorists onto sinai after the MB fell which they have relations to and please hamas was and still a qatari asset. After qatar restored relation with usrael they funded hamas to join the elections this ultimately lead to a weakned cause seperated by a violent corrupt group and a useless corrupt side whos still trying to help palestine safely but is ultimately failing. Hamas has good men bad 2 faced leaders and iran isnt helping at all its using palestine as a buffer to legitmize itself may God be with you palestine
hamas did not leave us alone they sent terrorists onto sinai after the MB fell which they have relations to and please hamas was and still a qatari asset. After qatar restored relation with usrael they funded hamas to join the elections this ultimately lead to a weakned cause seperated by a violent corrupt group and a useless corrupt side whos still trying to help palestine safely but is ultimately failing. Hamas has good men bad 2 faced leaders and iran isnt helping at all its using palestine as a buffer to legitmize itself may God be with you palestine
No, you have it wrong, Hamas secured Sinai for Egypt. And continues to secure it. It also acts as security buffer for Egypt. Hamas is not asset of anyone. It wants good relations with all parties and has a high functioning relationship with current Egyptian gov't. Egyptian intelligence and Hamas also cooperate on Sinai security and even allowing arms into Gaza, believe it or not. Holy Hamas is good for Islam and Muslims and will continue to be, inshallah.
Saudi Arabia knows what to do. Time to apply in humane conditions on the houthis. Empty cities like Sanaa, Saada, Hoidadah and other cities like Mariupol. This has to occur otherwise they won't go silent. You have to extract high toll of consequences on them in human losses, territorial losses and infrastrastructure damage.

I do believe they have reached a treeshold where they have to be eliminated like vermin and the saudis should apply it on them. The saudis have to lose all this we are arab brothers yada yada type of appraoches to these houthis and lay down the pipe. Throw some leaflets get the civilians out of all major cities as operational areas.
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Yeah well good but this is not enough.. Sanaa has to vanish from the map completely. Exit the civilians from the cities and the same begin a ground offensive via Yemen armed forces from all directions.

The plan is to make them stop completely and if you want that this is not how you do it. You carpet bomb them and exact such a destruction in human loss, infrastracture loss they will go silent forever by bringing them to the bring of collapse.

1. Exit ppl from major cities like Sanaa, Saada, Hoidadah try to evacuate the people days before the campaign. Throw leaflets, say it on the news and on microphone speakers
2. Start offensive at the same time from all directions (only yemen armed forces)

3. Carpet bomb all the cities to the ground don't leave a house standing within 72 hours

4. creating huge internal displacement and refugee crisis is not bad for Yemen armed forces, STC or giants brigade in fact very good as there won't be any defenses in the cities or urban fighting for them by this appraoch you eliminate the prospect of any urban fighting
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Saudi Arabia knows what to do. Time to apply in humane conditions on the houthis. Empty cities like Sanaa, Saada, Hoidadah and other cities like Mariupol. This has to occur otherwise they won't go silent. You have to extract high toll of consequences on them in human losses, territorial losses and infrastrastructure damage.

I do believe they have reached a treeshold where they have to be eliminated like vermin and the saudis should apply it on them. The saudis have to lose all this we are arab brothers yada yada type of appraoches to these houthis and lay down the pipe. Throw some leaflets get the civilians out of all major cities as operational areas.

Yemeni news websites: Air strikes target Houthi military activity in Hodeidah port

The coalition: Civilians should not approach any site or oil facility in Hodeidah. (Yemen)

Al-Arabiya correspondent: 50 fire brigades participate in the process of extinguishing the Aramco plant fire in Jeddah

Saudi Energy: The attacks do not target Saudi Arabia only, but the global economy and in delicate circumstances
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Saudi-led coalition launches operation against Yemen's Houthis​

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen on Saturday commenced a military operation to stop attacks on its oil facilities and "protect global energy sources," Saudi state media reported.

The coalition added that the operation is in its early stages and that Yemen's Houthis should bear the consequences of their "hostile behavior."

It added that the goal for the operation is to "protect global energy sources and ensure supply chains."

The coalition had said it will "directly deal with sources of threat" and asked civilians to avoid being near any oil site or facility in Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, Saudi state media had reported.

The coalition's warning came after it said it had intercepted and destroyed two drones over Yemeni skies that had been launched towards the kingdom from oil facilities in Hodeidah.

The coalition said it would spare civilian sites and avoid collateral damage at oil facilities.

Houthi-affiliated Al Masirah TV said the coalition's warplanes launched raids on the city of Hodeidah and that flights are still going on, while residents told Reuters that raids were near the port of Hodeidah.

Al Masirah TV also said that the coalition attacked the electricity corporation and oil facilities in Hodeidah.

On Friday, the Saudi-led coalition said oil giant Aramco's petroleum products distribution station in Jeddah was hit by Houthi attacks, causing a fire in two storage tanks but no casualties.


Oil facilities and electricity was hit in the beginning stages of the operation Hoidadah and Sanaa. The pain is already being felt in Yemen who are asking for ceasefire after the operation has begun and even permanent ceasefire but the Saudis will not listen until they have exacted great toll of loss on them. They could throw some of their small missiles if they want but this will not deter us in exacting a punishment enough so that they realize the cost is to great.. As a matter of fact nothing deters us how many times have they thrown small rockets. It has no effect on us.. We are not Israel where someone could technically deter them.


Yemen’s Houthis announce three-day ceasefire after Saudi attacks​

Yemen’s Houthi group has announced a three-day truce and dangled the prospect of a “permanent” ceasefire if the Saudi-led coalition ends its operations against the impoverished country.

On Saturday, at least seven people were reported to have been killed in air raids conducted by the Saudi-led coalition on Sanaa and Hodeidah.

The Houthis said the attack by the coalition hit a power plant, a fuel supply station and the state-run social insurance office in the capital.

Later, Houthi political leader Mahdi al-Mashat announced the suspension of missile and drone attacks and all military actions for a period of three days.

“This is a sincere invitation and practical steps to rebuild trust and take all the sides from the arena of talks to the arena of acts,” al-Mashat said.

“And we are ready to turn this declaration into a final and permanent commitment in the event that Saudi Arabia commits to ending the siege and stopping its raids on Yemen once and for all,” he added.

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