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Saudi and UAE warplanes rain hell on Sanaa and Houthis including massacring leaders

In recent years, I have been trying to help the Yemeni people as much as I can through some charities. Other than that, I have no sympathy for this group in Yemen.

World War I martyrdom of Turkish soldiers in Yemen has a symbolic meaning. This is also the reason why I am looking a confirmation this news.

Hilarious I recall you were once human rights activist for these terrorists and had great sympathy with them. Saudis are god-send punishment for them who will keep them on the slow burn in eternity pain.. who will not tire of keeping them on the slow burn. Saudis are worst nightmare for delulu and khurafat
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Thwarting a hostile Houthi attack on the liquefied gas plant in the Aramco plant in Yanbu.

This is great for pretext.. This is great honestly..

This should give them room and pretext to commit massacres without paying any attention to human rights.

Honestly they should probably begin scorched earth tactics because they are hiding inside the civilians. TIME to empty Sanaa entirely of human life by throwing leaflets for everyone to pack his stuff and leave the same with Saada etc etc. Let them migrate from the major cities including the port city then just lay them out flat.

Because if the civilians reject to leave their lives is on them not the saudis who have warned them to vacate all cities period and in the same time you release Giants brigade on them to conduct blitz on them..

I know this didn't really do any damage aside from the desilenation being hit partly without casualities but still they need to overhype that as if they overcommited but from now on if there is no casuality they should invent casualities..

Or just do a major false flag against yourself to carry out this plans.. In order to completely eliminate the UN from the scene.. The UN and NGO need to slowly be exited from this place and come down hard extremely extremely hard and it would be humantarian wise extremely ugly scenes but that is why you need to remove the UN and NGO's first from the place..
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I know this didn't really do any damage aside from the desilenation being hit partly without casualities but still they need to overhype that as if they overcommited but from now on if there is no casuality they should invent casualities..

Or just do a major false flag against yourself to carry out this plans.. In order to completely eliminate the UN from the scene..

Unnecessary to kill the Zaydis and the Yemeni civilians in that besieged enclave but give them ultimatums with such eradiction it will work but if it fails then carry it out and it will be ugly scenes sub-hanallah may Allah forgive us and hateful even to the Saudis who don't want to carry this out no matter what but at some point they could intiate this if they realize there is no hope politcal solution turn to flatout genocide and eradication but honestly I don't like the idea and it is an extreme last resort appraoches which is unnecessary currently
Four important indicators of the approaching hour of the fall of the capital, Sana’a :

Informed sources revealed, on Wednesday, four important indicators of the approaching hour of the fall of the capital, Sanaa, and the defeat of the Houthi rebels..

1) The rapid progress of the heroes of the giants, the Yemeni army and the joint forces on the fronts of Marib, Taiz and Hodeidah, days after the liberation of the northwestern districts of Shabwa governorate in a lightning operation..

2) The majority of Yemenis united towards the only enemy represented by the Houthi militia, and everyone was certain that it would be impossible for the Houthis to pass Marib..

3) Brigadier General Tariq Saleh, commander of the National Resistance Forces on the West Coast, and all leaders of the Yemeni army repeatedly pledged to retake the capital, Sana'a, in addition to repositioning and achieving new victories near the governorates of Dhamar and Ibb..

4) The support of the Arab coalition and the international community for the recognized Yemeni government, amid the Houthi militia’s rejection of a UN plan to end the war in Yemen, and its escalation towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates..
Approaching hour of the fall of the capital :rofl::rofl::rofl:
3 months later, they're still being humiliated by the Yemeni ballistic missiles despite all their fancy air defense toys.
This Houthi crisis in Yemen. This is also not our business either.

Unless of-course Saudi Arabia and UAE side with Pakistan in the Kashmir conflict.

Usually Saudi Arabia and UAE try to keep a balance between Pakistan and India.
Iran is using Houthi's to put pressure for nuclear deal, and believes due to Ukrainian conflict the EU and US will be more pressed to make a deal now. Iran and Houthi's also have interest in derailing peace talks in Yemen, and Ramadan ceasefire proposal. Iran is playing dangerous game that can trigger a brutal Sunni-Shia war and potentially draw whole Middle East into greater conflict. Iran won't be forgiven if it drags Muslims into NATO-Russia conflict which they are eager for to use Muslim manpower. No Muslims should participate in NATO-Russia conflict and Iranian regime will pay if it tries to drag us into such a conflict.
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