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Saudi Arabia, Israel is turning from foe to friend

Again.. diplomatic relations of Saudi Arabia should not bother anyone..
and those feeling the angst of their own perceived "land of Islam" should not take it to heart.
The Saudi Kingdom serves the House of Saud and its interests...as it should.
If it has to sleep with Israel.. so be it.
We did the same in the early 90's when it came to weapon deals.
They may do the same to satisfy their ancient animosity towards the persians.
Yes. Study politics and you will know.

Here is a simple example: Japan and USA were once sworn enemies. They are allies now.

Is USA Islamic where house of God is based and Japan a Jewish race based nation living on occupied Islamic lands? At any rate, you will not find any sympathy whatsoever for Israel among world's Muslims. You are in minority. Islam is based on divine principles and western political rules and ideals can not rule over it. The interests you are talking about are worldly and material. Islam is against it. Infact those who choose worldly interests and joys over the Islamic principles of truth and purity are doomed as per Islam. So, yes, you go and study Islam and you will know.
O ye longbrained ! How dare you criticize the House of Saud and its practices , from today you are the rejected one and thou shall find your abode in hell ! :rofl:

P.S Where is Mosamania ? I am waiting for him to call us all " Infidel " :rofl:
Yes. Study politics and you will know.

Here is a simple example: Japan and USA were once sworn enemies. They are allies now.

Both cases are different , ponder over it ...

The Saudi Arab exports immense hatred and rigid , strict interpretation of Islam to the world ...

Yet they remain in bed with Israel and USA ... Such hypocrisy !
Let us take Pakistan for an example. Does Pakistan have relations with Israel? no. Neither country have embassy in each other. As far as i know you can't call Israel from pakistan and cannot use pakistani passport to go to Israel.

But doesn't Israel maintain a strong presence in Pakistan? The answer would be yes.

You see, they sometimes come in the disguise of an American, through American embassy. Or in the disguise of Indian, through the Indian embassy in order to create havoc in Pakistan through various proxies like Taliban and other religious extremist groups. Therefore, even Israel-Pakistan relations can be considered strong albeit indirectly.

In the same way, although there are no diplomatic relations between Saudi arabia and Israel, Israel does maintain a strong presence and influence in Saudi Arabia, through its friendly embassies (like US and european embassies). It has been doing so since 1973 when relationship between US and KSA became strong and petrodollar came into effect.
Is USA Islamic where house of God is based and Japan a Jewish race based nation living on occupied Islamic lands? At any rate, you will not find any sympathy whatsoever for Israel among world's Muslims. You are in minority. Islam is based on divine principles and western political rules and ideals can not rule over it. The interests you are talking about are worldly and material. Islam is against it. Infact those who choose worldly interests and joys over the Islamic principles of truth and purity are doomed as per Islam. So, yes, you go and study Islam and you will know.
You like to give religious spin to these matters?

I am giving you reality check: International relationships among nations are mainly based on INTERESTS in this modern world. This is true for every country. Look at China. It has diplomatic relationships with Israel and also Pakistan. Why? Because these relationships serve its interests.

Saudi Arabia is a 'separate country' now. The sooner you realize this - the better. Their is no Islamic Empire.

Islam does not forbids relationships with non-Muslims. We have been cautioned against those nations which want to destroy Islam. And don't let idiotic (jahil) mullahs fool you if they propagate that US-Indo-Israeli nexus wants to destroy Islam.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not based on religion but on geographic matters. But their are idiots in both camps who like to give this conflict a religious spin. Get the point?

Their is no harm in having diplomatic relations with Israel. No Islamic country is thekedar of Muslim issues worldwide. To change this geopolitical scenario; all Islamic nations will have to terminate boundaries between them and rejoin as one. Whether this is possible or not is open to speculation and is another debate. Till then, no need to harbour needless enmity.

Both cases are different , ponder over it ...

The Saudi Arab exports immense hatred and rigid , strict interpretation of Islam to the world ...

Yet they remain in bed with Israel and USA ... Such hypocrisy !
My point is absolutely valid.

Their is dark side of Pakistan too in international relationships. Want me to highlight?

I am not discussing the morality of international relationships. These relationships are not maintained on basis of 'morals' but mainly 'interests' and 'national policies'. Anything else is propaganda.
O ye longbrained ! How dare you criticize the House of Saud and its practices , from today you are the rejected one and thou shall find your abode in hell ! :rofl:

P.S Where is Mosamania ? I am waiting for him to call us all " Infidel " :rofl:

probably talking to his eagle who is no longer black:

Again.. diplomatic relations of Saudi Arabia should not bother anyone..
and those feeling the angst of their own perceived "land of Islam" should not take it to heart.
The Saudi Kingdom serves the House of Saud and its interests...as it should.
If it has to sleep with Israel.. so be it.
We did the same in the early 90's when it came to weapon deals.
They may do the same to satisfy their ancient animosity towards the persians.

Agreed but they must allow us the same courtesy for example Shamsi or IS pipeline and also good and open relations with Israel. I believe Pakistan has bought itself an enemy Israel who assists India for no national interest of Pakistan
It is because how their societies are run. They have inherent superiority complex and see themselves above Ajam people. Then they have been exposed to high degree of propaganda and selective quasi-religious teachings and that is where hate is coming from. While they keep dealing with Americans and Israelis for their personal benefits, they preach their form of extremism in other countries and proclaim to be good Muslims. That is a duality inherent in their societies.

Golden words. Quran itself is against all forms of priesthood ( blind Mullahism and Sheikheism) and encourages people to think for themselves.

And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember, so is there any who will remember? 54:17

And they will say, "Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we would not be among the companions of the Blaze." 67:10
So what next , Pakistan-Isreal Friendship :what:

Weapons purchases have taken place back in the 90's.
And no I doubt there will be friendship.
The Parabians will never allow it.
Agreed but they must allow us the same courtesy for example Shamsi or IS pipeline and also good and open relations with Israel. I believe Pakistan has bought itself an enemy Israel who assists India for no national interest of Pakistan

For trying to be more Arab than the arabs..
We put the Saudi's on our heads and ended up alienating our neighbour Iran.. and virtually destroying our society.
Israel is our antithesis.. it is going to be against us eventually even if it sells us nuclear weapons.
Shamsi is another example of why we must stop taking the Arabs as masters instead of friends.
Weapons purchases have taken place back in the 90's.
And no I doubt there will be friendship.
The Parabians will never allow it.

I think that it is vital that we recognise Israel and have friendly relationships after all all Arab countries bit by bit are dealing with Israel why should we hold a torch for those that have given up the ghost themselves.

For trying to be more Arab than the arabs..
We put the Saudi's on our heads and ended up alienating our neighbour Iran.. and virtually destroying our society.
Israel is our antithesis.. it is going to be against us eventually even if it sells us nuclear weapons.
Shamsi is another example of why we must stop taking the Arabs as masters instead of friends.

Oscar I have made statements like the one you have done above as it seems eminently sensible. But Arabs and some (a small number) Pakistanis come and start insulting etc. Why is it some take it as a personal attack when we wish them no ill but just want the best for Pakistan
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