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Saudi Arabia is Israel’s last hope: report

The problem with us, Muslims, is that we can not agree to disagree.

That rigidity of thought which is indoctrinated from birth by our parents, so called religious scholars and government propaganda freezes any introduction of free thought in our lives.

One can not miss that in this forum almost all the Muslims are following same cultural heritage that was followed by their biological parents. This is exactly what I call 'ancestor worship'.

Iranians do it when they boast about their ancient civilization - which they have inherited through biology (chance) - and look down upon other as inferiors (that includes Pakistanis and Arabs too).

Arabs do it when they celebrate their success in last 1400 years and consider themselves to be responsible for the spread of Islam and it's true guardians. Then, they look down upon others as inferiors (that includes Pakistanis and Iranians too).

By insulting the others just because of our heritage does not make us great.

None of this forum's member would be of different sect than the one in which she/he was born. They are all following BLINDLY, what their ancestors/parents had followed and are PROUD of that - Ancestor Worship indeed - and they are in DENIAL.

P.S. I was born to Sunni, Hanafi, Barelvi parents but I consider myself to be following what is good in every sect of Islam but not following any of sect in particular. I am only Muslim - that is my identity.

The hatred stems from Arabians mainly. They are incapable of digesting any criticism against their Holy Royal Families.

PS: This was a troll.
The hatred stems from Arabians mainly. They are incapable of digesting any criticism against their Holy Royal Families.

I think that is the problem. discussion is hampered for this reason. We for example are openly critical of Pakistani leaders who are corrupt etc but I have found most Arabs on this forum take any justified or not criticisms of their leaders as attacks on their whole nation etc
This is a press TV article for consumption of local Iranians in general and regime loyalist in particular, by the way what Iranian Mullahs did against this Zionist parasite in last 33 years just :shout: from roof top to set their agenda to control the grip on power structure of the country.
we all are lazy muslims and back stabers wait for JESUS PBUH mate he will do all the work for you :drag:
we all are lazy muslims and back stabers wait for JESUS PBUH mate he will do all the work for you :drag:

Another of ur denial,u will wait all ur lives,your children will wait all their lives over this.If god exists he only helps those who help themselves.
As ironic as it sounds... BTW, has Saudi Arabia recognized Israel yet? We haven't, but have they?
As ironic as it sounds... BTW, has Saudi Arabia recognized Israel yet? We haven't, but have they?
What is the need to establish diplomatic relations formally and risk loosing their already lost face in the world , when they can get things done behind the scene ? :azn:
It is well established that Israel and Sauds closest ally is America. Why is it a leap of faith to come to the conclusion that they are allies too
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