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Saudi Arabia is Israel’s last hope: report

Let me put it this way then ...
Who exports the ideology of hatred against the US and Zionist whilst remaining in bed with them Enlighten me ? What is the form of Islam that KSA has exported throughout the world since the 1980's ? What it has resulted in ? The medieval , stone age , barbaric and inhuman bastards who think only they are Muslims ! Who asked the US to attack Iran and destroy its nuclear facilities ? What were the words of Abdullah ? What's the " snake head " that Arabs want to cut ? Check around the thread and you will find various articles ...Confirming how KSA-Israel relations are developing quickly just to fight against another Muslim country ... Who's stopping you from protecting the Holy Mosque ? All Muslims respect it equally ... Actually you are responsible for even the protest done by Iranians in Makkah ... What right did you have to destroy the burial sites of companions of the Prophets whom Muslims revere - the common heritage of all the Muslims ? Why would they protest in Iran only when the burial sites were destroyed in the kingdom ? What peace was disturbed at Makkah ? Why did your National Guards fire at the Iranians resulting in stampede and deaths of over 600 Muslims ? Were they trying to maintain peace ? :undecided: Or simply hell bent on killing Iranians ? Afterwards , those LIARS said that they hadn't fired a shot despite overwhelming evidence otherwise ...

Your words that " Iranians or Persians are not allowed to GCC " shows what sort of mentality do you have ... I asked you before " Will the Arab-Persian rivalry continue till the kingdom comes ? " Basically , what you are trying to say is " YES WE WILL CONTINUE HATING THE IRANIANS WHICH IS HEREDITARY AND HARDWIRED INTO DNA " To tell the truth , I feel disgusted by this ! I haven't seen no Iranians saying that " Arabs are not allowed in Iran " ... You are just confirming what Arabs today think about them and non Arabs ... The superiority complex that they have , just because Islam originated in Arabian peninsula and they are descended from the families of Prophets and their companions ... The thinking that they are somehow " chosen people " and whatever the hell they do ( the rampant booze , prostitution , drugs and luxury life in the Arab countries ) , they will still go to heaven ... and Whoever criticizes them , ends up in hell and automatically becomes a " INFIDEL " ... Debating with various Arabs here has confirmed this ... But remember the Last Sermon !

Yes , Actions speak louder than words ... You didn't have a argument in the first place ...
How can i refute something which isn't there in the first place , Legend ? :azn:
And ofcourse since you cant refute my arguments , it automatically becomes bull **** and propaganda ...

Only the Iranians would use a political excuse to murder pilgrims in a sacred event like Hajj. We didn't ban them for long enough IMO.

Iranians opened fire at pilgrims ? How did they bring fire arms into KSA in the first place ?
Iranians opened fire at pilgrims ? How did they bring fire arms into KSA in the first place ?

you wasted my time and at the end you asked such Q> i thought you had and idea in which ur talking about. you just confirmed to me as well as to others here that you have a brain fart.
you wasted my time and at the end you asked such Q> i thought you had and idea in which ur talking about. you just confirmed to me as well as to others here that you have a brain fart.

I asked a question ... Even though I already explained the answer in the above post ... :azn:

Want to explain your point of view ? Or Iranians were using Railguns on SNG ? :P
Do not put us in saudi Israeli category. Just do a google search and see how much hatred you and Americans spout through your Zionist press for Pakistan
You are biggest US ally in South East Asia.

As for press, Pakistan is virtually not mentioned in Israeli press, average Israeli hardly knows what is Pakistan at all.
You are biggest US ally in South East Asia.

As for press, Pakistan is virtually not mentioned in Israeli press, average Israeli hardly knows what is Pakistan at all.

Damn it , all the time I thought we were somehow in South Asia ! :rofl:
are you asinine?? you are saying muslims dont have no clerics?? wahabi sect is the prevalent form in KSA, and are there no clergy preaching hatred there?
I always find it odd that those who complain about preaching hatred have little objections to those practising violence...

Ironically, those who are practising violence themselves are usually the ones who have objections to those who are "preaching hatred".

Any objections? :D
More on the alliance between Saudi and Israel

Mossad chief reportedly visited Saudi Arabia for talks on Iran
Account on WorldNetDaily follows series of recent reports on increasing secret cooperation between Israel and the Saudis, including defense coordination on matters related to possible military action.
By Anshel Pfeffer

Mossad chief reportedly visited Saudi Arabia for talks on Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

from an Israeli source which some of our brothers prefer to Iran's Press TV

When will the West bring democracy to Saudi Arabia?

GOD bless him Amen.


The God I believe in doesn't bless traitors and mischievers. Bush also thought that God was going to bless him. Certain people seem to believe that God is going to reward criminals.

"And when it is said to them: "Make not mischief on the earth," they say: "We are only peacemakers!"
This thread just makes one sad. I am personally very anti many Saudi policies regarding Pakistan but then again how noble are we ourselves to claim that they are hypocrites? Look at yourself before accusing others. Pakistanis are no saints. Saudis are no saints.
What nonsense. I love Pakistanis too, but Pakistan is a corrupt puppet state. I'm sure most Pakistanis know this much better than me!

No problem brother you are 100% right we have been cursed with leaders who are bribed and are corrupt to the core and do not represent us. The only difference is we admit it. Whereas Saudi posters here do not accept their govt is complicit with Israel
More from hollywood:

Japan=wierd ****,robots etc.
Australia=british people(cowboy wannabes) + kangroos.
Tunisia,Algeria,syria= Where are they? africa?
Africa=black people came from hear.
Greek=troy (movie) was made there??Romans?lol
Vetican=Pope lives there.
Italy=Wierd lingo,PIZZA,Ferrari.
Germans=Hitler,crappy beer.

bro, dont forget 300 the movie, where muscular naked greek men who are invincible clash with millions of Persians who are pictured as monstrous creatures..dont mess with naked greek men LOL
This thread showed that Al Saud, praise to Allah are naked in public. Every one knows them, as the biggest trouble maker in the Islamic world.
so the monarchists are saying they crave jewish assistance in the internecine struggle between two branches of the house of islam?

and why does that make me fear for their religion and nation and despise their royal family?
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