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Saudi Arabia is Israel’s last hope: report

Whats the big deal Saudis are a sovn nation. If they want to be Israeli ally its a matter for them

What is so shameful to admit it rather than beating around the bush and pretending to be (so-called) "torch bearer of Islam"? Their hatred for Iran means that Saudi and Israeli interests are converging at the moment.

I hope the Saudis here are satisfied. They wanted an Israeli source for news, which I just quoted.
What is so shameful to admit it rather than beating around the bush and pretending to be (so-called) "torch bearer of Islam"? Their hatred for Iran means that Saudi and Israeli interests are converging at the moment.

I hope the Saudis here are satisfied. They wanted an Israeli source for news, which I just quoted.

But they ignored it. I quoted it earlier in a post cos they like Zionist sources. I think this is something that can not be hidden any more
The thing with saudis is that they have nothing to be proud of other than Islam. They destroyed their own pre-Islamic history out of existence and then decided to follow the words of some dude by the name of wahab, in almost a cult like manner, in the 1800's. Today, they're not known for anything but oil and their extremist form of Islam. Oil will run out so the ONLY thing they have going for them is takfiri Islam. If they admit their relationship with Israel, they will lose that as well.
The thing with saudis is that they have nothing to be proud of other than Islam. They destroyed their own pre-Islamic history out of existence and then decided to follow the words of some dude by the name of wahab, in almost a cult like manner, in the 1800's. Today, they're not known for anything but oil and their extremist form of Islam. Oil will run out so the ONLY thing they have going for them is takfiri Islam. If they admit their relationship with Israel, they will lose that as well.

Is that a reason for allying with Israel?
Their reason is Iran. Their religion teaches them that shias=evil people following the wrong path and that Iranians=ajam fire worshippers always looking to resurect their mighty Persian Empire

That's their reason.

But Abii I think they the Arabs are in a similar situation to us in Pakistan. People are good but leadership is corrupt and are either bribed or bullied by enemies of Islam
the only thing in common between S.Arabia and Israel is their hostilities against Iran. But... if i know arabs they are open to manipulations.
The thing with saudis is that they have nothing to be proud of other than Islam. They destroyed their own pre-Islamic history out of existence and then decided to follow the words of some dude by the name of wahab, in almost a cult like manner, in the 1800's. Today, they're not known for anything but oil and their extremist form of Islam. Oil will run out so the ONLY thing they have going for them is takfiri Islam. If they admit their relationship with Israel, they will lose that as well.

here let me clear something for you ,, the Arab - israel and Arab-persian conflict are not something new. for the persian-arab conflict, its been more than a thousand years when arabs destroyed the persian empire at the time of Omar Ibn Alkhtab (R) and will remain till the persians stop using sectarianism as a card to fulfill their ambitions in the region and to make conflicts among the arab countries .the Iranian should stop interfering in the GCC internal affairs and, they should follow the International agreement and respect the good neighborly relations. sometime they leave us no choice. sticking their noses in bahrain in Kuwait in the UAE and KSA. these interferences would have their impact on political decisions. not to forget the attack in makkah . saudi arabia never had a relation with israel and never will where iran have had a diplomatic and military relations. here are some israel-iran arm deals and the list could go on :

August 20, 1985. 96 TOW anti-tank missiles
September 14, 1985. 408 more TOWs
November 24, 1985. 18 Hawk anti-aircraft missiles
February 17, 1986. 500 TOWs
February 27, 1986. 500 TOWs
May 24, 1986. 508 TOWs, 240 Hawk spare parts
August 4, 1986. More Hawk spares
October 28, 1986. 500 TOWs

btw when oil run out KSA has prepared herself and will be the largest exporter of solar energy to the world not to mention the nurture sources that my country full of such as gold. our oil reserve is 600 billion barrels witches enough for another 100 years. your hate and lack of knowledge about saudi arabia is expected anyway < http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/163146-ksa-first-world-6.html>

look what have you guys done > skip to 3:26 attack in makkah ( Urdu language) let our pakistani brothers take a look what the Iranian did to the holy mosque.

Iran helped USA to invade Afghanistan and Iraq

i would highly recommend you guys to read this


as for the Arab-israel conflict there will be no peace till the establishment of the Palestine state with Al-quds as its capital. at that time we (may) consider.
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GOD bless him Amen.


Blessing the ruin of ur nation,poverty and backwardness of ur people?Every nation on earth knows saudis are useless without oil.The bitter truth.
here let me clear something for you ,, the Arab - israel and Arab-persian conflict are not something new. for the persian-arab conflict, its been more than a thousand years when arabs destroyed the persian empire at the time of Omar Ibn Alkhtab (R) and will remain till the persians stop using sectarianism as a card to fulfill their ambitions in the region and to make conflicts among the arab countries .the Iranian should stop interfering in the GCC internal affairs and, they should follow the International agreement and respect the good neighborly relations.as for the Arab-israel conflict there will be no peace till the establishment of the Palestine state with Al-quds as its capital. at that time we (may) consider.
Let me clear somethings for you too ... I am well aware of the ancient Arab-Persian rivalry
But do you realize now that Persians are Muslims and thus your brothers ? Or do you plan to carry your historic bias till the kingdom comes ? :azn: ... I do not understand why do you guys cite the Muslim attack on Persia ... There have been great Islamic scholars from both Arab and Persia who have interpreted Islam ... Even more ironic is the fact , that Iranians weren't not always Shias ... So whatever problem you had with them , those weren't with Shias but Persians ...

Please stop this propaganda bull **** ... All of us here know very well which country in the world uses sectarianism and defense of Saudi Arabian monarchy as an Islamic duty as a card everywhere ... We all know who has exported the radical , rigid and strict interpretation of Islam which is totally unacceptable and unIslamic all over the world ... We all know who calls for Jihad against infidel US and Zionists whilst in the same time remaining in bed with them ... If you accuse Iran of using its influence , then you might want to have a look at your own history ... What are GCC's internal affairs for one ? Killing Shias in Bahrain just because they are protesting against oppressive monarch of their country ? :azn: Why should they follow any international agreement which do not benefit them in any way ? Why should Iranians not defend their country as they are pushed into the wall by both GCC and US ? Why should they not pursue their nuclear program surrounded by too many enemies ? I do not see the puppet Abdullah or other monarch of the GCC saying a word about Israeli nuclear program ? WHY ? Need i remind you who were the people who made $ the reserve currency of the world , provided money and radical ideology to make the world uni polar and paved the way for the creation of Israel by fighting against their fellow Ottoman Empire brothers ?
As for Iran-Israel relations , Yes there was close co operation between the two ... But that is PAST ! Iranians people never approved of that and neither did they conspire against you even then ! Iranians overthrew the US feet licker and installed a pro Islamic Govt in the place ... I do not see Arabs doing the same despite the actions of their monarchy ! Do you have any right to speak about this thing in the first place even ?

As for KSA-Israel relations , you are not fooling anyone ... We are all aware of the close relations and co operations between the two countries ... Just because you haven't established diplomatic relations formally , doesn't mean you aren't conspiring against Iran with them ... Who was all locked and ready to provide bases to Israel to attack nuclear facilities of Iran ? ... Various reports in the media are available to confirm this both by KSA officials and their Israeli counterparts ... And stop this ridiculous " there can be no peace with Israel " ... You are already at peace with Israel and united against a common MUSLIM enemy " Iran " ... I know this stance for public consumption but you ai'nt fooling anyone ...

Attack on Kaba ? :azn: ... Are you insane ? Do you even now what happened in Makkah ?
How your soldiers opened fire at peaceful Iranian protesters and killed hundreds of them ? Is that what you are talking about ?
Feeling proud at killing your Muslim brothers ? And even those protest were the result of the violent ideology of Al Wahab ...

There is a long history of tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab had initiated the destruction of various religious burial sites in Hejaz, and King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud continued with this initiative, destroying parts of the Shiite-revered burial site of Al-Baqi' in 1925. This caused outrage in Iran, with the Iranian government calling for the ouster of ibn Saud, and banning Iranians from performing the pilgrimage in 1927.[3]In the same year, King Khalid of Saudi Arabia wrote a letter to Saddam Hussein saying "crush these stupid Iranians" as Saddam pushed on with the invasion of Iranian territory.[8]

On Friday July 31, 1987, the demonstration by Iranian pilgrims against the "enemies of Islam" (including the U.S. and Israel), started amid heightened security. The march was uneventful until towards the end of the planned route, where the demonstrators found their way blocked by Saudi riot police and National Guardsmen. At this point, some of the Iranians began to call for the demonstrations to press ahead and continue to the Great Mosque. The Saudi security reportedly opened fire on the demonstrators, a charge which Saudi officials deny. The rioting, and the resulting stampede caused a reported 402 dead (275 Iranians, 85 Saudis including policemen, and 42 pilgrims from other countries) and 649 wounded (303 Iranians, 145 Saudis and 201 other nationals).[18]

According to Dr. Robert O. Freedman, Professor of Political Science at Baltimore Hebrew University: "Later on, however, Iranian officials displayed the bullet wounds in the victims' bodies, which proved that the Saudis had indeed used firearms."[23] Robin Wright also reports that "Many of the Iranian bodies, shown to American and European reporters immediately upon their return to Tehran, had bullet punctures".[24]

I automatically discount everything written in the article whether it may be true or not. Nothing PressTV says can be trusted.
The problem with us, Muslims, is that we can not agree to disagree.

That rigidity of thought which is indoctrinated from birth by our parents, so called religious scholars and government propaganda freezes any introduction of free thought in our lives.

One can not miss that in this forum almost all the Muslims are following same cultural heritage that was followed by their biological parents. This is exactly what I call 'ancestor worship'.

Iranians do it when they boast about their ancient civilization - which they have inherited through biology (chance) - and look down upon other as inferiors (that includes Pakistanis and Arabs too).

Arabs do it when they celebrate their success in last 1400 years and consider themselves to be responsible for the spread of Islam and it's true guardians. Then, they look down upon others as inferiors (that includes Pakistanis and Iranians too).

By insulting the others just because of our heritage does not make us great.

None of this forum's member would be of different sect than the one in which she/he was born. They are all following BLINDLY, what their ancestors/parents had followed and are PROUD of that - Ancestor Worship indeed - and they are in DENIAL.

P.S. I was born to Sunni, Hanafi, Barelvi parents but I consider myself to be following what is good in every sect of Islam but not following any of sect in particular. I am only Muslim - that is my identity.
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