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Saudi Arabia expresses interest in JF-17 co-production with Pakistan.

But wouldn't the latter part of the question establish whether we do or we don't have a strategic relationship with the Saudis that would need to be there to begin with for there ever to be if that relationship is to be taken forwards in terms of offering an aircraft to them, possibly as a joint-production or joint-venture even with view to further improvement with them providing the liquidity, that has a strategic significance for us ? Therefore I would imagine that the former & the latter are intrinsically linked with each other ! :unsure:

International Diplomacy is a much more complex sphere of activities than it seems. A lot goes on under the table that shouldn't and all that is important for the countries to survive in the "Statist" model that we live in.
The very crux of the matter is that we're a cash strapped economy in a perpetual state of war for the last decade, we need to use all means at our disposal to overtly try and forge a situation where it leans in our favour, the mean to do it through the threat of military action or economic sanctions is beyond us.
You could say that overlooking the underlying problems and still try to create a feeling of good will is the Gandhian path of International Diplomacy which is the only one open to us at the moment, and we have the chance to make a quick buck and boost our development and aviation sector in one swoop, so why not go for it.
International Diplomacy is a much more complex sphere of activities than it seems. A lot goes on under the table that shouldn't and all that is important for the countries to survive in the "Statist" model that we live in.
The very crux of the matter is that we're a cash strapped economy in a perpetual state of war for the last decade, we need to use all means at our disposal to overtly try and forge a situation where it leans in our favour, the mean to do it through the threat of military action or economic sanctions is beyond us.
You could say that overlooking the underlying problems and still try to create a feeling of good will is the Gandhian path of International Diplomacy which is the only one open to us at the moment, and we have the chance to make a quick buck and boost our development and aviation sector in one swoop, so why not go for it.

So in an ever so diplomatic manner you've implied that there is some truth to those assertions or rather those aspersions cast against them ! :(
I think JF-17 might not be luxurious enough for Saudi's taste.

The only weapons that we have chance to deal with KSA migh be J-31/Type 052D/Type 093G.

J-31: much cheaper than F-35 as a medium 5th gen fighter
Type 052D: much better than the Arleigh Burke Flight I, also not more expensive
Type 093G: only inferior to Seawolf/Virginia/Yasen, but it will not be expensive if China decides to export it

They are already buying, Ageis Destroyers and Scorpeone class submarines.

JF-17s can serve them well in a Hi-Lo mix philosophy. For point defense, CAS and CAP missions.

Should they partner for Block-III, we could have extra funds for R&D which means a much more potent jet.

We could follow the Gripen philosophy only if there are financial resources and a demand for such a variant.
I think JF-17 might not be luxurious enough for Saudi's taste.

The only weapons that we have chance to deal with KSA migh be J-31/Type 052D/Type 093G.

J-31: much cheaper than F-35 as a medium 5th gen fighter
Type 052D: much better than the Arleigh Burke Flight I, also not more expensive
Type 093G: only inferior to Seawolf/Virginia/Yasen, but it will not be expensive if China decides to export it

It doesn't matter how nice this or that equipment looks. What matter is the quality of it. Take the new jets China is introducing as an example, they're more sophisticated than what might others think.
Chinese would love to export JFT to as many countries as possible.

Since they have not inducted the aircraft in their own Air Force, they have no reservations.

For the Chinese Partner, JFT is simply an export model to earn Foreign Exxchange. Period.
Sir with due respect, will Russians allow the engines on jft to be sold to KSA???
We fly Pakistan jets which we could have obtained elsewhere.

We use Pakistani-modified Chinese mortars which we could have gotten elsewhere.

Thus, I don't think everything been said is entirely true.

Trainers and mortars. that's it !!! :coffee:
They are already buying, Ageis Destroyers and Scorpeone class submarines.

JF-17s can serve them well in a Hi-Lo mix philosophy. For point defense, CAS and CAP missions.

Should they partner for Block-III, we could have extra funds for R&D which means a much more potent jet.

We could follow the Gripen philosophy only if there are financial resources and a demand for such a variant.

I was just suggesting the possibility if China wants to increase the lion share of her weapon export.

We must offer something more competitive than our competitors.

US is offering the Aegis Flight I, it is the technology back to 20-30 years ago, it also has no hangar.

Meanwhile, offering the fast-attack nuclear sub is more attractive than offering the conventional diesel sub.
They are prop planes. The best I can see is sales of some tier 2 or tier 3 level like ammo, small quantity of tactical UAVs for border police. Nothing more. Let's not speculate and embarrass us later.

Nothing of an embarrassment. Most deals are being sealed under the radar anyhow.

Sir with due respect, will Russians allow the engines on jft to be sold to KSA???

We can manage with the Chinese on that. No worries.
And that is just the point. Saudis will buy weapons from Pakistan if the weapon meets their requirement and not because it happens to be from a Brotherly Nation.

I hate to burst your bubble but Al-Khalid is not the answer to every Army's need.

Al-Khalid is a light-weight Tank which has been designed to suit the needs of Pakistan Army and its budget.

Saudis looked at Al-Khalid but found it unsuitable for the desert environment of KSA.

If they now engage in JFT project, it will be purely on merits of the aircraft and what it has to offer to KSA in terms of value.

I would respectfully disagree with you, your earlier post you said they would buy product for Pakistan customize it to their liking give their inputs, so what was wrong with AK-1 they could have invested into it and developed it further No?

They understand that by using the the JFT Platform and sprucing it up with the state of the art avionics and sensors as well as highly advanced weapons systems , they can buy/make an aircraft that rivals the best west has to offer, at a third of the price.
Nothing of an embarrassment. Most deals are being sealed under the radar anyhow.

We can manage with the Chinese on that. No worries.

Then let's discuss when actual deal happens and deliveries start. We have seen how the whole Al-Khalid speculation turned out. Mind you it was demonstrated to King Abdullah himself. Therefore, visit/demonstration is not equal to planned deal. As I said before, these are courtesy calls.
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