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Saudi Arabia executes four for hashish possession

Yes, you don't change we know that already. Thats why you are scared of allowing women to drive. BTW wasn't one of your princes caught smuggling drugs in France from Colombia? What happened to him?

Saudi hypocrites.

Saudi Prince Accused of Drug Smuggling Avoids Prosecution
April 1, 2005


Brian Ross More from Brian »
ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent
This week in Miami, while two drug defendants face a jury of their peers, one of their alleged co-conspirators remains safe and sound. The defendants are charged in a drug conspiracy case that involved the smuggling of two tons of cocaine from Colombia to France.

U.S. and French investigators say Nayef bin Sultan bin Fawwaz al-Shalaan, a member of the Saudi royal family, used his private 727 jet to smuggle drugs from South America to Le Borget airport outside of Paris. Under the rules of diplomatic immunity, when the prince landed at the airport in his private jet, his entourage received little or no inspection, a French official said.

The prince is now under indictment in the United States and France, but he remains in Saudi Arabia, a royal fugitive, protected by his powerful family, according to U.S. drug agents.

Doris Mangeri Salazar, a real estate agent from Coral Gables, Fla., who is described as the prince's former girlfriend, and her friend Ivan Lopez Vanegas, 49, are on trial in Miami. A Swiss banker alleged to have been the money launderer in the drug trafficking scheme has been indicted but is in Spain, which refuses to extradite him.

'No Doubt Whatsoever'

There is an outstanding international arrest warrant for the prince, but there is little law enforcement can do because neither the United States nor France has an extradition treaty with Saudi Arabia.

According to a Drug Enforcement Administration agent in Miami, Joe Kilmer, the investigation yielded plenty of evidence of the prince's participation in the crime ring. "We feel there's no doubt whatsoever that the prince had every bit of knowledge as to what he was involved with," he said.

The Saudi government has not made the prince available for questioning, according to U.S. agents, and has done little to cooperate with the investigation. The Saudi government has not made any official comment on the case.

The former special agent in charge of the Miami office of the DEA, Tom Raffanello, said that he does not expect any further cooperation from the Saudis.

"I think that we got what we could get out of the Saudi Arabian government at this time," Raffanello said, though he added that it was not enough, given what he called the prince's key role in the plot.

"He is the key co-conspirator," Raffanello said. "He's the straw that stirs the drink. He made it happen. No plane, no dope. Dope stays in Colombia."

A Diplomatic Incident?

The prince, for his part, has declared his innocence in a Saudi newspaper, saying that he was bringing in plastic piping, not cocaine. The prince, however, has a prior drug charge, having been indicted in Mississippi on narcotics charges in 1984.

Authorities say the value of the smuggled cocaine was $36 million and that some of the drug money was moved through a Swiss bank in Geneva that was owned by the prince himself.

Police in France say that the Saudi interior minister, Prince Nayef bin Abdel Aziz, even threatened to cancel a $6 billion contract with a French company over the case. The details of the alleged threat were sent in a diplomatic cable from the French ambassador in Riyadh.

A former French narcotics officer, Fabrice Monti, said this case has become the center of a diplomatic incident. "The Saudi government acted as one to set up a protective barrier between the prince and French justice and threatened to not sign a very important and lucrative contract in the works for a very long time," he said.

Raffanello said that in all his years, he's never seen a case like this before. "We've been doing dope investigations for years. We don't do many princes," he said. "It was kind of a shocker."

Retard, women were allowed to drive in KSA before 1979. It's a fairly new and moronic law that emerged after the Grand Mosque Seizure in Makkah in 1979 and after that event the conservatives demanded more harsh laws which King Khalid back then approved by large.

In fact it is not even a real law to begin with (research it yourself) and it is not always implemented and often people look totally past it. Especially on the countryside and certain provinces.

I could not care less about a case that happened outside of KSA 10 years ago. Nor is it anything new that influential people in ALL countries have certain privileges that the common Joe will never have. This includes the US too.

Now get lost and mind your own business as nobody cares.

Another false-flagger.
Retard, women were allowed to drive in KSA before 1979. It's a fairly new and moronic law that emerged after the Grand Mosque Seizure in Makkah in 1979 and after that event the conservatives demanded more harsh laws which King Khalid back then approved by large.

I could not care less about a case that happened outside of KSA 10 years ago. Nor is it anything new that influential people in ALL countries have certain privileges that the common Joe will never have. This includes the US too.

Now get lost and mind your own business as nobody cares.
sorry to say but he countered your points very well which you have no answer for. Because you know its true. Its sick that you can die because of a plant. Its a freaking plant!!!! Something natural that grows they smoked it so fucking what. Saudi law is so fucking stupid.
Retard, women were allowed to drive in KSA before 1979. It's a fairly new and moronic law that emerged after the Grand Mosque Seizure in Makkah in 1979 and after that event the conservatives demanded more harsh laws which King Khalid back then approved by large.

In fact it is not even a real law to begin with (research it yourself) and it is not always implemented and often people look totally past it. Especially on the countryside and certain provinces.

I could not care less about a case that happened outside of KSA 10 years ago. Nor is it anything new that influential people in ALL countries have certain privileges that the common Joe will never have. This includes the US too.

Now get lost and mind your own business as nobody cares.

Another false-flagger.

Welcome back bro :)
sorry to say but he counterd your poinys very well which you have no answer for. Because you know its true. Its sick that you can die because of a plant. Its a freaking plant!!!! Something natural that grows they smoked it so fucking what. Saudi law is so fucking stupid.


I could not care less about what you find stupid. There is zero tolerance for drugs in KSA which is fantastic. Besides they were not only executed for possessing drugs but for distributing it in great numbers and for other criminal offenses but of course you know absolutely NOTHING about this case as you can't read any local news nor even count to 10 in Arabic. Nor do the other ignorant users on PDF.

Dozens of other countries have a zero tolerance for drugs too and death penalty for possession, distribution etc. Be it Singapore, China and many other countries.

Besides I can also tell you that not everyone gets executed for possessing drugs in KSA. It totally depends on the case but the punishments are usually harsh.

Now cry me a river the length of the Nile.
Drug dealers getting executed?


I could not care less about what you find stupid. There is zero tolerance for drugs in KSA which is fantastic. Besides they were not only executed for possessing drugs but for distributing it in great numbers and for other criminal offenses but of course you know absolutely NOTHING about this case as you can't read any local news nor even count to 10 in Arabic.

Dozens of other countries have a zero tolerance for drugs too. Be it Singapore, China and many others.
look i know you have a habit of repeating the same thing over n over again like a broken record. Im looking at this news and will believe this news unless you can provide other sources. Its sickening to see the general populace of saudi arabia being treated this way while your prince can get scotch free. Yes we know you dont care what happened 10 years ago but its calles being a hypocrite. Cannabis weed is not a drug its a plant. Im sure you dont even kno the difference between cocaine and hashish one is chemicals which u can call a drug the other is a plant.
look i know you have a habit of repeating the same thing over n over again like a broken record. Im looking at this news and will believe this news unless you can provide other sources. Its sickening to see the general populace of saudi arabia being treated this way while your prince can get scotch free. Yes we know you dont care what happened 10 years ago but its calles being a hypocrite. Cannabis weed is not a drug its a plant. Im sure you dont even kno the difference between cocaine and hashish one is chemicals which u can call a drug the other is a plant.

Genius, I am a chemical engineer. Let's get that straight first. I probably know more about chemistry than any other user here. Moreover as I told you then you have no clue about this case and neither do I care about your opinion or that of other ignorants on PDF. Nor am I ready to waste more of my time by making further explanations or writing novels intended for blind eyes.

Don't bother replying.

There is zero tolerance for drugs in KSA.

unless your a prince, in which case its ok because of 'privilege'....guardians of Islam indeed, with a little recreational drug running on the side. They are hypocrites, that much is proven.
Genius, I am a chemical engineer. Let's get that straight first. I probably know more about chemistry than any other user here. Moreover as I told you then you have no clue about this case and neither do I care about your opinion or that of other ignorants on PDF. Nor am I ready to waste more of my time by making further explanations or writing novels intended for blind eyes.

Don't bother replying.
ur a fucking joke lol
No, it is not. They were not executed for "just possessing drugs" but for distributing it in great numbers and other offenses which BBC is omitting. As they often do when they report about events in KSA. Besides KSA do also have laws that are not strictly Islamic.

KSA has a ZERO tolerance policy for certain crimes hence why the country is one of the most safe countries in the world in terms of crime levels despite being located in the middle of a largely volatile region. Despite hosting people in the millions from across the world and from totally different cultures etc.

If you mess with the law in KSA you are risking your head. Simple as that.
true if you mess with the law in ksa your risking your head unless your a saudi royalty… then you can do as you please.

Keep barking ignorants.:lol:
typical saudis… they think they are something special and nobody should criticize them lol.
I'm waiting to run into a saudi who will act special in front of me so i can **** him up.
typical saudis… they think they are something special and nobody should criticize them lol.
I'm waiting to run into a saudi who will act special in front of me so i can **** him up.


You sound tough for a South Asian. Rarely is that seen anywhere outside of South Asia from what I have experienced.

I am sure that Saudi Arabians and other Arabs for that matter are fearing you right now.

Tough guy.


Keep barking ignorants.:lol:
yes says the guy who claims to be half european. Ur one of
typical saudis… they think they are something special and nobody should criticize them lol.
I'm waiting to run into a saudi who will act special in front of me so i can **** him up.
ive alrdy done that to a few saudis here most are half male half girl with curly hair and manboobs
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