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Saudi Arabia ends Yemen air campaign - Operation Restoring Hope started

The definition of impotency:

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World Military Budgets 2015 by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Country Spending ($ Bn.)

1 United States 581.0
2 China 129.4
3 Saudi Arabia 80.8
4 Russia 70.0
5 United Kingdom 61.8
6 France 53.1
7 Japan 47.7


Interesting and surprising to see KSA spends more thn India, Japan, U.K, france, and even Russia. wow they do have deep pockets man. Also surprised to see China spends so little as percentage of GDP, smaller than India,U.S,KSA, France and even Brazil?:o: I Never knew that. thanks for the diagram man, always good to learn new things i didnt know.:cheers:

Not sure if trolling, or really stupid.

Now i can see you dont have any humor(i should have known from your dispay pic).
I was being sarcastic obviously.:p:
Interesting and surprising to see KSA spends more thn India, Japan, U.K, france, and even Russia. wow they do have deep pockets man. Also surprised to see China spends so little as percentage of GDP, smaller than India,U.S,KSA, France and even Brazil?:o: I Never knew that. thanks for the diagram man, always good to learn new things i didnt know.:cheers:

Now i can see you dont have any humor(i should have known from your dispay pic).
I was being sarcastic obviously.:p:

:) Why do you think Jinnah did not have any humor :).

Anyways, it is a good news that KSA has stopped this madness, it is too bad that our two brothers (Iran and KSA) are cut throat enemies of each other and have used a poor country as their battleground :(
CeaseFire to take place any time.

Pakistan did made a wise decision in the end. Although i was of the view that we might had made a slight mistake.

The Saudi-led coalition that has been bombing Yemen for almost a month says its military operation 'Decisive Storm' will end at midnight local time and a new campaign aimed at protecting civilians and preventing Houthi fighters from operating will begin.

Saudi-led coalition begins new phase in Yemen campaign - Al Jazeera English
People in talk shows are claiming that King Salman phone Chinese President just before his visit to Pakistan, some says that he phoned when Chinese president was abroad an on the way to Pak, now NS is going again to KSA. After giving threats Emiraties and Kuwaties have zipped their mouths, don't know what's cooking up.

If this is true then China would have said we stand by what we said earlier. "AN ATTACK ON PAKISTAN WOULD BE CONSIDERED AN ATTACK ON CHINA"
Remember UAE's Anwar Gargash, the guy who said Pakistan will pay a heavy price?

This is his new embarrassing twitter,

"Tactical shift in the coalition response to the Yemeni crisis demonstrates political maturity. We will not be entangled in a stalemate."

Someone in UAE should take away his twitter account before he says more face-palm stuff.
Remember UAE's Anwar Gargash, the guy who said Pakistan will pay a heavy price?

This is his new embarrassing twitter,

"Tactical shift in the coalition response to the Yemeni crisis demonstrates political maturity. We will not be entangled in a stalemate."

Someone in UAE should take away his twitter account before he says more face-palm stuff.
Btw what is the deal between Iran and Russia on Yemen.
n his Arabic-language tweet, Prince Alwaleed wrote, “I congratulate our leaders on the success of Operation Resolute Storm and the start of Operation Restoring Hope. To recognize the one hundred participating Saudi pilots, I am pleased to give them 100 Bentley automobiles.”
Read more at Saudi Prince Rewards Pilots With Bentleys For Bombing Yemen » DailySurge

2 pilots for each F-15. That's 300 pilots, no?

Btw what is the deal between Iran and Russia on Yemen.

Iran client state of Russia in Russia's sphere of influence.
Another question to think about. Why the hell did Had I give a sudden and live speech after midnight??

Why not the next day? What exactly happened to have a 180 degree turnaround in less than a day? We may never know but I won't be surprised if King Salman and his son have their influenced damaged a bit internally.
2 pilots for each F-15. That's 300 pilots, no?

Iran client state of Russia in Russia's sphere of influence.
You are forgetting Eurofighter also participated.
my question was relating to Yemen, your answer was only for Iran. Hypothetically: if Egypt can purchase Russian equipment what is wrong with Iran or Yemen.
You are forgetting Eurofighter also participated.
my question was relating to Yemen, your answer was only for Iran. Hypothetically: if Egypt can purchase Russian equipment what is wrong with Iran or Yemen.

No problem. Yemen will have to get S300 to prevent another Saudi Arabian adventure. :enjoy:
Well, isn't this embarrassing for the Saudis.

I guess they can't fight their battles after all.
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