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Saudi Arabia declared Best-Governed Muslim State

Saudi System works becasue they make lots of Money and they spread the money to all Princes and Royal Family they share the spoils.

The royal bloodline , then has tones of cash to invest they buy businesses and they get 20-50% from hiring or sponsoring workers coming into Saudia to work (All major companies are ran by Royal members majority)

But they also SPREAD the wealth to Locals

Opening Schools
Opening Hospitals
Free Education , Higher Education and Sponsored US education
Infrastructure Investment ( Roads, power , etc)

They have a Internal Process to Approve next King with in Blood Line , and they treat any Non Royal wishing to be leader as a Traitor ... so no chance of Dirt bag like Zardari to be Leader of Saudia

The Leaders are choosen carefully by Group of Elders and Religious people

After Abdullah - the next heir will be from Next GENERATION of royals , who have all been educated in USA and have strong sense of Leadership

They have a Good system sure Royals get MORE cash then rest but BOTTOM line they spread the wealth

Time for another trip to UK , why did he not go and explain to people about the decision not to build Kala Bagh Dam?
And it mainly becasue USA was able to convince different groups , that they are RIGHTFUL "Government" and supported by them

Why do you keep blaming USA for most of your miseries , its your own doing , by the way your country prospered most when USA supported Pakistan during all the military regimes during earlier era's .
Saudi System works becasue they make lots of Money and they spread the money to all Princes and Royal Family they share the spoils.

The royal bloodline , then has tones of cash to invest they buy businesses and they get 20-50% from hiring or sponsoring workers coming into Saudia to work (All major companies are ran by Royal members majority)

But they also SPREAD the wealth to Locals

Opening Schools
Opening Hospitals
Free Education , Higher Education and Sponsored US education
Infrastructure Investment ( Roads, power , etc)

They have a Internal Process to Approve next King with in Blood Line , and they treat any Non Royal wishing to be leader as a Traitor ... so no chance of Dirt bag like Zardari to be Leader of Saudia

The Leaders are choosen carefully by Group of Elders and Religious people

After Abdullah - the next heir will be from Next GENERATION of royals , who have all been educated in USA and have strong sense of Leadership

They have a Good system sure Royals get MORE cash then rest but BOTTOM line they spread the wealth

Time for another trip to UK

they did start all work for their ppls after ME uprising cz they are afraid tht their ppls will kick them as well...

& a big lol tht with lots of money their kids are still taking education in USA or UK ( cz they failed to improve their education system) & than comes to run the "best" Islamic state, lol wht a pathetic hypocrate we are tht we are making them example
Think of where Saudi Arabia could have been had they democracy. They have all the resources and potential at their disposal to be a welfare state.
Okay to put it simply why king Abdullah is an amazing man is this:

Before he became king we had only 6 universities in the country now we have 51.
Since he became king our scientific output risen to become the highest between al Arab states.
Since he became king he kicked all the corrupt royals out of the country and those who were not in line probably were even sent to jail for corruption something unthinkable before he became king.
Since he became king now people's rights do exist something we had no idea of what it is.
Before he became king if someone committed suicide and fell on your car you will be tried for murder and go to jail. But after he became king he improved the judiciary system with clear laws.
And that is just the tip of the ice berg.
The most important thing king abdullah did was to make us feel like citizens instead of people who are living on the blessing of royals as it was the case. I don't expect people here to understand what I mean but every Saudi love that man with every iota of their heart.
Oye...nah kar - can the sarcasm yaar. Its not as if we have to show anything for our achievements.

What I'm saying is true. Look back to Islamic Empires. They all decayed when they were in full bloom of luxury and the people lived lavishly.
Mosamania What steps and measurements are being taken or should be taken so that the reforms of King Abdullah are not wasted and are continued so that Saudi Arabia develops into a modern , strong state? I heard that King's other brothers are really corrupt and they did alot of corruption in the times of King Fahd !

After him kings will not rule supreme. Instead by a council of experts and educated people who are selected by the people and for the people. Right now I wish he lives to become 200 years old.
What I'm saying is true. Look back to Islamic Empires. They all decayed when they were in full bloom of luxury and the people lived lavishly.

What lavishly?? Seriously you talk like the rest of the ignorant scumbags out there. You talk as if Saudis are all rich as $hit with everyone having an oil well in his backyard. Our "wealth" is relative to the middle east but American and European people are much richer than us. You have to work hard to have a decent life here. It's not like everyone is sitting home with their bank account balance is increasing like a meter every time an oil barrel is sold.

Most people can't even afford rent you know go to YouTube and watch a video called "monopoly" to have a better insight into Saudi society.
Not really

a) They have policies for schooling (Free Education , Up to University )
b) They have free medical facilities ( With best Pakistan , Asian Doctors , and best equipment)
c) They have best infrastructure - roads, bridges , city management , power projects
d) They offer education to sponsored students form Universities ( on top of the royals who go to USA to study)
e) The banks offer easy to pay loans to youths to start small business
f) The banks offer easy to pay loans you youths to get married and start families in condos and apartments
g) Cost of oil /gas is cheap in Saudia
h) They produce all their milk , dairy and other goods most of it - grown in desert

Saudis have a good system, and they have a "VERY DETAILED ISLAMIC STUDIES" courses in Highschools which people / students memorize to heart - Mandatory , not like Our Islamic studies read few surahs and you call yourself something ...

End of Day it goes to Show , Monarchy is ok provided their is a just King / leader ...

If you have a Crook like Zardari or People like in Parliment of Pakistan its same as having a devil as your ruler

Saudia - Iran - Turkey are really wonderful examples of successful implementation of Muslim countries just that one is sanctioned heavily by best that is all

I don't mind a dictator or a Just ruler in Pakistan

What Pakistan needs is a JUST REVOLUTIONIST who will rule with Iron FIST and bring some guts and resolve in Character , and not of this TIMID cat meowing and purring with USA or NATO
What lavishly?? Seriously you talk like the rest of the ignorant scumbags out there. You talk as if Saudis are all rich as $hit with everyone having an oil well in his backyard. Our "wealth" is relative to the middle east but American and European people are much richer than us. You have to work hard to have a decent life here. It's not like everyone is sitting home with their bank account balance is increasing like a meter every time an oil barrel is sold.

Most people can't even afford rent you know go to YouTube and watch a video called "monopoly" to have a better insight into Saudi society.

I know about the poor and some of the Princes do distribute their wealth to the people, or beoble. However, don't you think without the reforms the wealth of KSA would have been squandered?
Not really

a) They have policies for schooling (Free Education , Up to University )
b) They have free medical facilities ( With best Pakistan , Asian Doctors , and best equipment)
c) They have best infrastructure - roads, bridges , city management , power projects
d) They offer education to sponsored students form Universities ( on top of the royals who go to USA to study)
e) The banks offer easy to pay loans to youths to start small business
f) The banks offer easy to pay loans you youths to get married and start families in condos and apartments
g) Cost of oil /gas is cheap in Saudia
h) They produce all their milk , dairy and other goods most of it - grown in desert

Saudis have a good system

You talk as if there are not a single Saudi doctor in Saudi Arabia. What the hell am I then?? 2010 doctors count said that 40% of doctors on Saudi Arabia are Saudis . Sure this is low compared to the rest of the world but ten years ago it was 2% so feel free to think of this as you will.

---------- Post added at 09:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 AM ----------

I know about the poor and some of the Princes do distribute their wealth to the people, or beoble. However, don't you think without the reforms the wealth of KSA would have been squandered?

Yeah key word here "reforms have been implemented" isn't it? You talk as if the money goes to the royals and THEN it goes to the people. Yeah this WAS the system long time ago but this is not the case anymore. Not a cent of the treasury goes to the royals now. All the money they have is legacy of what they had and from the business they started mostly outside of the country. We Saudis know about this we are not idiots you know.

How else can they afford to buy Disney Land in France etc :P
which is the worst one by the way
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